
出版時間:2012-3  出版社:中國對外翻譯出版公司  作者:托馬斯·哈代  頁數(shù):374  




Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11


  Though she had been here such a short while, she was not as he hadseen her last. All her bounding manner was gone; her curves of motionhad become subdued lines.The screens and subtleties of convention had likewise disappeared. Yet neither was she quite the woman who had writtenthe letter that summoned him. That had plainly been dashed off in an impulse which second thoughts had somewhat regretted; thoughts that werepossibly ofhis recent self-disgrace. Jude was quite overcome with emotion.  'You don't-think me a demoralized wretch-for coming to you as I was - and going so shamefully, Sue!'  'O I have tried not to! You said enough to let me know what had caused it. I hope I shall never have any doubt of your worthiness, my poor Jude! And I am glad you have come!'  She wore a murrey-coloured gown with a little lace collar. It was made quite plain, and hung about her slight figure with clinging gracefulness. Her hair, which formerly she had worn according to the custom of the day, wasnow twisted up tightly, and she had altogether the air of a woman clippedand pruned by severe discipline, an under-brightness shining through fromthe depths which that discipline had not yet been able to reach.She had come forward prettily; but Jude felt that she had hardlyexpected him to kiss her, as he was buming to do, under other colours thanthose of cousinship. He could not perceive the least sign that Sue regardedhim as a lover, or ever would do so, now that she knew the worst.of him,even if he had the right to behave as one; and this helped on his growingresolve to tell her of his matrimonial entanglement, which he had put offdoing from time to time in sheer dread oflosing the bliss ofher company.  Sue came out into the town with him, and they walked and talkedwith tongues centred only on the passing moments. Jude said he wouldlike to buy her a little present of some sort, and then she confessed, withsomething of shame, that she was dreadfully hungry. They were kept onvery short allowances in the College, and a dinner, tea, and supper all inone was the present she most desired in the world. Jude thereupon took herto an inn and ordered whatever the house afforded, which was not much.The place, however, gave them a delightful opportunity for a tete-a-tete,nobody else being in the room, and they talked freely.  ……



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  •   全英文版的,質(zhì)量非常不錯。
  •   我買的書都是精挑細選的優(yōu)秀作家的經(jīng)典著作,作家都是頭腦,才能,心腸兼?zhèn)涞膬?yōu)秀的藝術(shù)家,作品是人類精神寶庫中的精華!可是我不得不對當當網(wǎng)的物流吐槽幾句,書收到的時候,7本書放一個小紙箱里面,箱子已經(jīng)四分五裂了,要不是膠帶纏著,不知道還能是個什么樣子?新買的書拿到手里就跟舊書一樣,有壓痕,有裂痕,還很臟。我們從什么時候開始竟然這樣對待我們的書籍了?你們糟蹋的不僅是一件印刷品,更是對讀者尊嚴的糟蹋,對人類精神文明的糟蹋!客服也是爛的一塌糊涂,再這樣下去,當當網(wǎng)遲早會把自己玩死。也許當當網(wǎng)沒想能夠做的長久些,或者是當當想的是怎樣能夠降低成本,怎樣能夠賺取更多的利潤,這么說來倒是我自己錯了…… 為了我買的書,為了我喜歡的作家,給五分與當當無關(guān)。 努力寫評論,賺取積分。好像是不到十個字,沒有積分呢?再多些幾個,托馬斯·哈代,我最喜歡的作家之一!看過《遠離塵囂》之后,再也不能忘懷……

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