出版時間:2011-2 出版社:中國對外翻譯出版公司 作者:胡敏 編 頁數(shù):270 字數(shù):460000
《2012考研英語高分作文》:在研究生入學英語考試中,作文部分常常令考生頭疼。因為這部分既沒有選項,又不能根據(jù)上下文推斷出答案,只能通過一個題目和幾句說明,來進行思考、判斷、構思,并用英語表達自己的觀點。學生對英語的實際運用能力,是考研英語考察的難點。 為了攻破這一難點,胡敏教授編寫了《2012考研英語高分作文》一書?!?012考研英語高分作文》全面地分析了考研英語作文的考點,在此基礎上對大綱樣題進行了剖析,點出考生在寫作時的對策。另外,《2012考研英語高分作文》給出了十多年來的考研作文真題、范文及譯文,便于考生研究真題,總結經(jīng)驗,最大程度的利用真題。最后,《2012考研英語高分作文》列舉了考生在以往考試中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)的典型錯誤,改正錯誤,引起考生注意。
第一部分 考研英語寫作試卷結構與評分標準 一、寫作試卷結構 二、評分原則和方法 三、一般評分標準第二部分 考研英語應用文寫作 一、書信寫作 (一)大綱樣題剖析 (二)2005年全真題與范文 (三)2006年全真題與范文 (四)2007年全真題與范文 (五)2008年全真題與范文 (六)2009年全真題與范文 (七)2010年英語(一)全真題與范文 (八)2011年英語(一)全真題與范文 (九)書信的寫作格式 (十)書信的題日構造 (十一)書信的語言原則 (十二)書信首段寫法 (十三)書信作文分類講解 (十四)全真模擬試題20套與范文 二、便箋寫作 (一)便箋與書信的區(qū)別 (二)全真模擬試題5套與范文 三、備忘錄寫作 (一)備忘錄寫作格式 (二)全真模擬試題5套與范文第三部分 考研英語ESSAY寫作 一、考研英語ESSAY寫作的原則、困境及對策 (一)作文閱卷及創(chuàng)作的原則 (二)考生寫作的困境及其對策 ……第四部分 考研英語寫作語言表達第五部分 歷年真題考生高分作文附錄參考文獻
However, too many private cars can lead to traffic jams, thus slowing down life and work rather than speeding it up. In addition, automobiles are major polluters of the atmosphere. And, last but not least, the more cars there are on the roads, the more traffic accidents occur. Most people would agree that there can be no substitute for the traditional classroom. Friends of mine who have tried to study television or e-mail courses have found that they miss the personal approach of the teacher. They say that it takes a long time to get their questions answered, and the courses are not geared to the needs of the individual student. Another attraction about studying in a classroom is that you are surrounded by people of roughly the same interests and abilities as yourself. I find that I think best when I am challenged by other people. This cannot happen when you are alone at home, glued to a computer screen or a television set. Moreover, one of the advantages of college' life is that you get to leave home and meet all kinds of interesting people from many different places. To my mind, this is just as much part of education as studying. After all, meeting someone over a computer is not very exciting at all. The advances made in the electronic media recently have made the traditional classroom obsolete. In fact, you can learn more from the Internet and educational courses on TV than you can at school. In addition, think of how much time you would save if your classroom is right in your own home. ……
《2012考研英語高分作文》: 作文分類講解,真題范文及寫作思路深入點撥 靚詞佳句、寫作策略、應試技巧一覽無遺 助你輕松攻克考研英語高分作文