
出版時(shí)間:2012-10  出版社:中國出版?zhèn)髅焦煞萦邢薰?中國對外翻譯出版有限公司  作者:(美)塞科爾,(美)拉菲特,(美)馬丁 編著  頁數(shù):513  字?jǐn)?shù):810000  




第一部分 GRE 考試概述及GRE 寫作簡介
 第一章 GRE 考試概述
 第二章 GRE 寫作考試簡介
第二部分 ISSUE 寫作
 第一章 Issue 寫作概述
 第二章 Issue 寫作高分技巧
  第一節(jié) 如何審題立意
  第二節(jié) 如何布局謀篇
  第三節(jié) 如何舒展筆墨
 第三章 Issue 范文精選精析
 第四章 Issue 官方題庫與范文
第三部分 ARGUMENT 寫作
 第一章 Argument 寫作概述
 第二章 Argument 寫作高分技巧
 第三章 Argument 范文精選精析
 第四章 Argument 官方題庫與范文
附錄1 新版Issue 題庫
附錄2 Argument 題庫的交叉索引
附錄3 常用的連接詞列表


  When it comes to the possibility of raising profits, the owner assumes that a reputation for bargains rules out any price increases. Surely this is too crude. If Movies Galore presently undersells the competition by 20%, let it cut that to 10%. A bargain halved remains a bargain. With adroit marketing, the change might even be rendered palatable to consumers. Or, again, why not have one day a week (the slow day) as a day for especially high discounts, and the other days with smaller discounts? Even a freshman marketing student could come up with a half dozen more possible stratagems to attract more customers in the door. As long as Movies Galore undersells the competition, its reputation can be preserved intact.  The earlier closing hours have worked well in the chain's downtown outlet. More power to them. The owner too swiftly assumes, though, that the downtown experience applies wherever Movies Galore operates. But consider, urban workers who live in the suburbs may not be getting home till seven or so. A too early closing time there might lose Movies Galore a vital slice of its clientele. It will be wiser to adjust closing times so as not to interfere with peak hours as determined by managers on the spot. We need to solicit their advice. In connection with this, the memo assumes that some serious savings are to be realized by the earlier closing time. Subtracting the (low?) rental fees typically gotten between 6 and 9 pm. from the employee wages and few pennies' light bill, how much money is actually saved? Apparently some money is saved, but is it enough to write home to mother about? "Significant" is a vague word. Is the tactic rewarding enough to increase Movies Galore profits by the target figure?  The memo recommends cutting back on movies older than five years. Almost inexplicably, it describes this as a way to reduce operating costs. What is the "operating cost" of a collection of DVDs left on a shelf? Beyond, that is, the twice weekly dusting by a clerk paid minimum wage? For that matter, it is probably less that than the time, paper, and ink needed to pen this memo. Pertinently we must ask what the owner will replace them with. The "lowest operating expense" , of course, would be to replace them with nothing. (Suddenly the cogency of Napoleon's above remark becomes clear.) Moreover, the memo assumes that older videos are dead weight at all Movies Galore outlets. Is this the case? Again, this looks like a decision for the on-site manager to make. She/He can identify which films rent poorly and adjust inventory accordingly. There is no need to pick on the oldies simply because they rented poorly downtown.  In closing, it needs to be mentioned that the chain's owner assumes that these rearguard actions-shortening hours and limiting selection-will have no appreciable effect on the video-renting public's imagination. Rumors start easily and both proposed tactics sound like the opening notes to V-G's swansong. If word gets around that Movies Galore may soon go under, the prophecy may turn self-fulfilling. Again, to cite Napoleon, "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace! " ( "Attack! Attack! Always attack! " ) Or, in the language of today's businessmen, "Be proactive." If you want to increase profits, sell better and more. Losers cut costs.  ……


  抽絲剝繭,點(diǎn)撥GRE高分作文寫作訣竅  Issue149題+Argument174題,打造完整GRE寫作官方題庫  原汁原味的參考范文,學(xué)構(gòu)思、品詞句,高分觸手可及  美籍名師傾力打造,重磅出擊,GRE考生必備!




    新GRE寫作官方題庫與范文新航道英語學(xué)習(xí)叢書 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計(jì)49條)


  •   本人還是比較喜歡 寫作官方題庫與范文這一系列的書,所以托福和GRE都收藏了。很激動!給個(gè)好評。
  •   很厚實(shí)的一本寫作書,官方題庫就是不一樣,作文還是規(guī)范點(diǎn)的好
  •   感覺在GRE寫作的參考書中算挺好用的一本。
  •   GRE作文,里面的范文很多~
  •   里面有全套題庫,部分精講。把作文分類型討論,講的挺好的~希望考試能高分~
  •   argument確實(shí)不容易寫,貌似就不是那塊料,這是看完本書后的最大感想。不過總的來說,還是有不少進(jìn)步的,值得竊喜。
  •   很強(qiáng)的的一本書,很權(quán)威的樣子,不愧官方題庫值得信賴?。。?/li>
  •   這本書提供的范文還不錯(cuò),有一定的參考價(jià)值。
  •   范文看了一下還是比較不錯(cuò)的,值得學(xué)習(xí)
  •   范文不錯(cuò),有待學(xué)習(xí)
  •   范文示例挺好的,給出的范文示例都挺好的,比較喜歡
  •   之前在書店看到新東方類似的書,它們的書和新航道的差不多,但是這本書全英文,沒翻譯,有的地方看不明白,
  •   149+174=?好多題啊,剛開始看的時(shí)候眼睛都“白”了,看完后有兩三天時(shí)間精神忒疲勞,一拿起書就煩?,F(xiàn)在想想都佩服自己,還是蠻有成就感滴
  •   挺好的一本書,大概看了一下文章,還是比較好的
  •   我很滿意,學(xué)習(xí)起來很快,講解細(xì)致!
  •   為啥缺貨的也要我評論。。。書店里看大片實(shí)體了 沒想象中好。。。
  •   應(yīng)該還好吧,發(fā)貨很快??!還沒看,幫同學(xué)買的!
  •   幫同學(xué)買的,應(yīng)該還不錯(cuò)吧,他天天在用
  •   捎帶的一本書,想了解一下
  •   給我妹妹買的,內(nèi)容怎么樣還不知道,但是光看書的質(zhì)量和外觀,感覺還挺不錯(cuò)的。
  •   書還沒來的及看,不過外觀很整潔,希望內(nèi)容一樣給力
  •   還是挺好的一本書,比較不錯(cuò)吧,非常喜歡
  •   拿到手就感覺很有分量的一本書,多看看心里會踏實(shí)點(diǎn)
  •   還是相對不錯(cuò)的,比較注重積累
  •   相對來說還是比較簡單的了,還是比較喜歡
  •   書挺厚的,價(jià)格也蠻劃算。
  •   大概的翻了一下,還是比較不錯(cuò)的吧
  •   不錯(cuò)~ 頂一個(gè)~
  •   讀書破萬卷 下筆如有神 等我爆發(fā)吧 小宇宙
  •   我偷偷買給姐姐的,相信她看到后一定會非常激動的。
  •   東東很好很實(shí)惠
  •   不錯(cuò)的書,是正品
  •   書很給力 系統(tǒng) 成套!不錯(cuò)!
  •   之前買過真經(jīng)2 感覺不錯(cuò) 又買真經(jīng)3 很好!
  •   ,質(zhì)量很好
  •   速度快,質(zhì)量好?。。?!
  •   每個(gè)題目都有范文,可以適當(dāng)參考。
  •   例文很好,對寫作有幫助。
  •   范文給的挺好,內(nèi)容夠多夠詳細(xì),很值!
  •   很好的一本范文書,朋友推薦的,買了以后感覺不錯(cuò)!
  •   雖然在亞馬遜上看到這本書根本沒人買過……呃,先用用再說了……
  •   心血來潮買的,還沒細(xì)看過,質(zhì)量不錯(cuò)~
  •   看著還不錯(cuò),沒仔細(xì)看的
  •   GRR可不容易哦!??!
  •   非常的詳細(xì),解析的很好,對我的幫助很大,這次買的書很值!
  •   比較專業(yè) 內(nèi)容充實(shí)豐富 可資參考借鑒
  •   書的封面有點(diǎn)臟,字拍的密密麻麻的,看著有點(diǎn)眩暈
  •   很厚一本,內(nèi)容很充實(shí)
  •   國內(nèi)gre的書很少

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費(fèi)下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機(jī)版
