
出版時間:2004年  出版社:中國對外翻譯出版公司  作者:(英國)薩克雷著、楊必譯  頁數(shù):116  譯者:楊必,思果評譯  




罕見的佳譯——評楊必譯的《名利場》——總論記楊必Before the Curtain開幕以前的幾句話Chapter 1第一章Chapter 34第三十四章結(jié)論附錄


  During their interview Pitt Crawley made a greatstroke,and one which showed that,had his diplomatic ca reef not been blighted by early neglect,he might have risen to a high rank in his profession When the Countess Dowager of Southdown fell foul of the Corsican upstart,as the fashion was in those days,and showed that he was amonster stained with every conceivable crime,a coward and a tyrant not fit to live,one whose fall was predicted,etc,Pitt Crawley suddenly took up the cudgels in favourof the man of Destiny He described the First Consul as he saw him at Paris at the Peace of Amiens;when he,Pitt Crawley,had the gratification of making the ecquaintance of the great and good Mr Fox,a statesman whom,howev er much he might differ with him,it was impossible not to admire fervently a statesman who had always had the highest opinion of the Emperor Napoleon And he spoke in terms of the strongest indignation of the faithless conduct of the aI】ies towards this dethroned monarch,who,after giving himself generously up to their mercy,was consigned to an ignoble and cruel banishment,while a bigoted Popish rabble was tyrannizing over France in his stead  他們在一起說話的時候,畢脫·克勞萊耍了一下子聰明不過的手段,由此可見若是他早年有人提攜,事業(yè)上沒受挫折的話,做起外交來一定能出頭露角@。莎吳塞唐老太太隨著當(dāng)時人的口氣,痛罵那一朝得志的科西嘉小人,說他是個無惡不作的魔王,又暴虐,又沒膽子,簡直的不配做人;他的失敗,是大家早就料到的。她那么大發(fā)議論的當(dāng)兒,畢脫·克勞萊忽然倒去幫著那“命運(yùn)的使者…說話。他描寫當(dāng)年拿破侖做大執(zhí)政官,在巴黎主持亞眠昂士和約時的風(fēng)度。也就在那時,他,畢脫·克勞萊,十分榮幸的結(jié)識了福斯先生:??怂瓜壬鸀槿苏?,是個了不起的政治家,他己雖然和他政見不同,可是對于他卻不能不熱誠的愛戴——??怂瓜壬窍騺砼宸闷苼龌实鄣摹.吤撏戳R同盟國對于這位下了臺的皇帝不守信義。他說拿破侖那么豪爽的向他們投誠,他們竟然不給他留面子,狠下心把他放逐到國外去,反讓一群偏激頑固的天主教匪徒在法國內(nèi)部橫行不法?! 原文risen to a high rank譯文用“出頭露角”成語,可稱“銖兩悉稱,天衣無縫”。這才是中文。  This orthodox horror of Romish superstition saved Pitt Crawley in Lady Southdown’s opinion,whilst his admiration for Fox and Napoleon raised him immeasurably in Miss Crawley’s eyes Her friendship with that defunct British statesman was mention副when we first introduced  *拿破侖自稱命運(yùn)的使者(TheMan ofDestiny),表示他是命運(yùn)之神派來干大事的:  her in this history A true Whig,Miss Crawley had been in opposition all through the war,and though,to be sure,the downfall of the Emperor did not very much agitate the oId lady,or his川treatment tend to shorten her life or natural rest,yet Pitt spoke to her heart when he lauded both her idols;and by that single speech made immense progress in her favour  他痛恨迷信的天主教,足見他信仰純正,莎吳塞唐夫人覺得他還不錯;他那么欽佩福克斯和拿破侖,又使克勞萊小姐對他十分看得起。我最初在書里介紹克勞萊小姐的時候,曾經(jīng)說起她和已故的政治家是好朋友。她是個忠誠的親法派@,在這次戰(zhàn)爭中一直反對政府的措置。法國皇帝打了敗仗并沒有叫老太太覺得怎么激動,他受到虐待也沒有使她減壽或是睡不著覺,可是畢脫對她兩個偶像的一頓夸獎,正碰在她心坎兒上。這一席話,就幫他得了老太太的歡心?! “親法派”的原文是Whig。這個字一般譯為“輝格黨”,不過這里的Fox當(dāng)然是親法的。按音譯應(yīng)該作“威格”,這里英國音。美國的可以用。輝格”,這是題外的話。  ‘And what do you think,my dear?’Miss Crawley said to the young lady,for whom she had taken a liking at first sight,as she always did for pretty and modest young people;though it must be owned her affections cooled as rapidly as they rose  克勞萊小姐對吉恩小姐說道:“親愛的,你的意思怎么樣?”她向來最喜歡相貌美麗態(tài)度端莊的女孩兒,一見吉恩小姐就覺得合意。說句實(shí)話,她待人向來是這樣的,親熱得快,冷淡得也快?! ady Jane blushed very much,and said‘that she did not understand politics,which she left to wiser heads than hers:but though Mamma was,no doubt,correct,Mr Crawley had spoken beautifully.’And when the ladies were retiring at the conclusion of their visit,Miss Crawlev hoped‘Lady Southdown would be SO kind as to send her Lady Jane sometimes,if she could be spared to come down and console a poor sick lonely old woman’This promise was graciously accorded,and they separated upon great terms of amity  吉恩小姐紅了臉說“她不懂政治,這些事情只好讓給比她聰明的人去管。她認(rèn)為媽媽說的一定不錯;克勞萊先生的口才也很了不起”。伯爵夫人和小姐起身告辭的時候,克勞萊小姐“懇求莎吳塞唐夫人不時讓吉恩小姐到她家里走動走動。如果吉恩小姐能夠騰出工夫來,給她這么個孤苦伶仃的病老婆子做伴兒的話,她非常歡迎”??腿藗兒芸蜌獾拇饝?yīng)了。分手的時候兩邊都非常親熱。  Dont let Lady Southdown come again, Pitt, saidthe old lady.  She is stupid and pompous like all yourmothers family, whom I never could endure. But bringthat nice good-natured little Jane as often as ever youplease. Pitt promised that he would do so. He did nottell the Countess of Southdown what opinion his aunt hadformed of her Ladyship, who, on the contrary, thoughtthat she had made a most delightful and majestic impres-sion on Miss Crawley.  老太太對畢脫說:“畢脫,以后別讓莎吳塞唐夫人再來。她這人又笨又愛擺架子。你外婆家的人全是這樣,我頂討厭的??墒羌鬟@小姑娘脾氣好,招人疼,你愛什么時候帶她過來我都?xì)g迎?!碑吤摯饝?yīng)了。他并沒有把姑母對于伯爵夫人的批評告訴她本人;伯爵夫人還以為自己的態(tài)度莊重愉快,在克勞萊小姐心上留了個極好的印象。  And so, nothing Ioth to comfort a sick lady, and per-haps not sorry in her heart to be freed now and again fromthe dreary spouting of the Reverend Bartholomew Irons,and the serious toadies who gathered round the footstoolof the pompous Countess, her mamma, Lady Jane becamea pretty constant visitor to Miss Crawley, accompaniedher in her drives, and solaced many of her evenings. Shewas so naturally good and soft, that even Firkin was notjealous of her; and the gentle Briggs thought her friendwas less cruel to her, when kind Lady Jane was by. To-wards her Ladyship Miss Crawleys manners were charm-ing. The old spinster told her a thousand anecdotes abouther youth, talking to her in a very different strain fromthat in which she had been accustomed to converse withthe godless little Rebecca; for there was that in LadyJanes innocence which rendered light talking imperti-hence before her, and Miss Crawley was too much of agentlewoman to offend such purity. The young lady her-self had never received kindness except from this old spin-ster, and her brother and father: and she repaid MissCrawleys engoument by artless sweetness and friendship.  吉恩小姐一來很愿意給病人解悶;二來在她自己家里,白托羅繆·亞哀恩士牧師老是絮絮叨叨講他那套悶死人的道理,此外還有許多吃教會飯的人跟在她媽媽那神氣活現(xiàn)的伯爵夫人身邊拍馬屁,所以她巴不得有機(jī)會躲出門去,競時常去拜訪克勞萊小姐。她白天陪她坐著車子兜風(fēng),晚上替她消遣解悶。她天生的溫柔敦厚,連孚金也不妒忌她。軟弱的布立葛絲覺得只要這位好心的吉恩小姐在場,她的朋友說話也比較留情??藙谌R小姐跟吉恩小姐十分要好,搬出許多自己年輕時的軼事來講給她聽。老小姐對吉恩說起話來,那口氣跟她以前和該死的利蓓加談天的當(dāng)兒截然不同。吉恩小姐這人天真爛漫,對她說輕薄話就好像是故意頂撞,克勞萊小姐是個顧體統(tǒng)的人,不肯污了她的耳朵。吉恩小姐呢,也是向來沒人疼顧的,關(guān)心她的除了父親和哥哥之外,再就是這老小姐了??藙谌R小姐對她一片癡情,她也掏出真心來和老小姐交朋友?!  ?/pre>


  出版說明  在如今的信息社會中,英語實(shí)際上已經(jīng)成了國際通用語言。英語,也是電腦的通用語言?! ∮⒄Z詞匯量,在美國更是衡量一個大學(xué)生將來是否會有所作為的一個重要標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?! ∮⒄Z,對中國的經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展來說,對中國青年來說,更是具有不言而喻的重要意義。  學(xué)英語,固然要聽說讀寫樣樣精通;但聽說讀寫只涉及一種語言,還不是真正的跨語言交  際??缯Z言交際,必然涉及“翻譯”?! 》g,人人可以做,但不一定都做得好。這就像我們說漢語的人,不一定都會寫文章;寫  了,也不一定都寫得好。翻譯,除了深通所涉及的兩種語言,除了具備一定的翻譯理論知識外  ,最主要的是實(shí)練。實(shí)練,若不用心,也很難長進(jìn);勤練精思,才會不斷提高。精思,既指自  己翻譯時用心琢磨,當(dāng)然也要細(xì)心研習(xí)優(yōu)秀譯作?!  懊麕熢u譯叢書”正是深切體會廣大英語學(xué)習(xí)者的苦衷而特意策劃、編輯的一套叢書。本  叢書選取英文名著的精湛中文譯文,由海外著名翻譯家兼翻譯研究家思果先生加以點(diǎn)評,分析  譯文得失,旨在:  (1)幫助學(xué)習(xí)、從事翻譯的人士進(jìn)一步提高英漢翻譯技能;  (2)供學(xué)習(xí)英語的大學(xué)生,甚至是高中生用作英漢翻譯練習(xí)材料,實(shí)現(xiàn)“一步到位”;  (3)供英語教師用作教材?!   ≈袊鴮ν夥g出版公司




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