
出版時(shí)間:2011-1  出版社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:王勇  頁數(shù):189  


  《論語》是儒家的經(jīng)典著作,也是中國傳統(tǒng)文化的主要代表。1691年,西方學(xué)者第一次將《論語》節(jié)譯成英語。迄今300余年來,國內(nèi)外先后有30多個(gè)全譯本問世,選譯本更是屢見不鮮。譯者有傳教士、漢學(xué)家、文學(xué)家,也有哲學(xué)家和翻譯家,可謂群賢畢集。對(duì)《論語》的英譯進(jìn)行歷時(shí)描述研究和對(duì)比分析,有助于理清這部儒家經(jīng)典在國外的傳播歷史,把握英美兩國漢學(xué)研究的發(fā)展變化,也可以總結(jié)出中西兩大文明接觸、碰撞、交流、融合過程中不同的歷史條件對(duì)譯者翻譯策略的影響,以及在相同或相近的歷史條件下譯者主體的客觀選擇對(duì)譯本的影響。另外,近年來中國典籍的對(duì)外譯介日益引起國內(nèi)學(xué)界的重視,關(guān)于誰來譯介中國作品這一問題,中外學(xué)者亦存爭議,系統(tǒng)研究《論語》英譯的歷史和各種譯本,對(duì)于深化對(duì)這一問題的認(rèn)識(shí),促進(jìn)中國優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化的國際傳播,也具有重要的參考價(jià)值。  就《論語》英譯而言,近幾十年來國內(nèi)外的研究主要側(cè)重于五個(gè)方面:1)譯本研究,2)譯者研究,3)儒家術(shù)語英譯研究,4)《論語》的傳播研究,5)編輯出版研究。譯本研究和譯者研究是上述五個(gè)方面中的重中之重?!墩撜Z》英譯的歷史則尚未得到系統(tǒng)的歸納整理,從歷時(shí)角度縱向?qū)Ρ妊芯俊墩撜Z》的英譯,同樣鮮有人涉獵?! ”緯鴱姆g的轉(zhuǎn)喻性視角歷時(shí)地對(duì)比研究《論語》的英譯。羅曼·雅柯布森認(rèn)為,隱喻和轉(zhuǎn)喻是人類思維的兩大基本模式。1999年,美國比較文學(xué)教授瑪麗亞·提莫志克創(chuàng)造性地將這一區(qū)分應(yīng)用于翻譯研究領(lǐng)域,開始強(qiáng)調(diào)翻譯的轉(zhuǎn)喻過程。提莫志克認(rèn)為,長期以來,翻譯一直被視為隱喻的過程、選擇和替換的過程,不管這種替換體現(xiàn)在什么層面。


本書是當(dāng)代語言學(xué)研究文庫之一。本書在描述《論語》英譯歷史的基礎(chǔ)上,從翻譯轉(zhuǎn)喻性的視角出發(fā),對(duì)《論語》英譯中涉及的5個(gè)方面進(jìn)行了歷時(shí)的對(duì)比分析。對(duì)比研究發(fā)現(xiàn):翻譯只能是一個(gè)部分代替整體的轉(zhuǎn)喻過程,《論語》這樣的經(jīng)典作品的翻譯也不能例外。翻譯過程中,譯者的取舍受到意識(shí)形式、贊助人、主導(dǎo)詩學(xué)等外在因素以及譯者主體性等多種因素的制約,不同的歷史條件會(huì)產(chǎn)生不同的譯本,相同或相近的歷史條件也未必導(dǎo)致相同的翻譯策略。正是通過這些風(fēng)采各異的譯本,英語世界的讀者才從方方面面領(lǐng)略到《論語》的微言大義,《論語》的生命和永恒魅力也由此得以延續(xù)和傳承。    本書適合英語翻譯專業(yè)或方向的本科生、碩士、博士研究生以及翻譯愛好者與研究人員、典籍翻譯研究人員等參考閱讀。


Chapter 1  Introduction/1   1.1  Confucius, the Analects, and its English Translations/1   1.2  Theoretical Perspective The Metonymics of Translation   i. 3  The Aim of This Book   1.4  The Composition of This BookChapter 2 Literature Review   2.1  Previous Research in China   2.2  Previous Research Abroad   2.3  Comments on Previous ResearchChapter 3 The Metonymics of TranslationChapter 4 Translations of theAnalects by Scholars               of Western Cultural Lineage   4.1  Translations of the Analects by British Scholars   4.2  Translations of the Analects by American Scholars   4.3  Simon Leys' Translation   4.4  SummaryChapter 5 Translations of the Analects by                Scholars of Chinese Cultural                Lineage   5.1  Translations by Scholars of Chinese Cultural          Lineage (Ⅰ)   5.2  Translations by Scholars of Chinese Cultural         Lineage (Ⅱ)   5.3  SummaryChapter 6 The Metonymics of Translating the                 Analects (Ⅰ)   6.1  The Two Traditions of Translating the Analects   6.2  ConclusionChapter 7 The Metonymics of Translating the                 Analects (Ⅱ)  7.1  Formal Considerations and Strategies  7.2  The Translation of Names in the Analects  7.3  Overall Objectives and Metonymic Choices  7.4  ConclusionsChapter 8 The Metonymics of Translating the                 Analects (Ⅲ)  8.1  The Translation of Confucian Terms  8.2  ConclusionChapter 9 Concluding Rernarks  9.1  Conclusions  9.2  Limitations of This Book  9.3  Suggestions for Further InquiryReferences


  "In order to [achieve] our present success, all the classical booksof the Chinese, covering the whole field of thought through which thesages of China had ranged, and containing the foundations of thereligious, moral, social, and political life of the people, should betranslated and discussed by some one scholar more fully and criticallythan single books had been dealt with by individuals. I neverwavered in my conviction that such an undertaking was good, andeven necessary to the success of missionary labor in China"(ibid. 65).  The first volumeof his translation, which was published in 1861, included the Lunyu,the Daxue and the Zhongyong. Shortly after that there appearedVolumes two and three. They were republished as part of MaxMullers series The Sacred Books of the East, appearing from 1879through 1891. In 1893, the Clarendon Press of Oxford published a revisedsecond edition of the Four Books, which remains in print today.






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