
出版時間:2010-10  出版社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:喻愷 編  頁數(shù):150  


  This publication aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of higher education in China. It aims to constitute a valuable resource for students, scholars, and policy makers for understanding higher education in the worlds most populous country.  This report is the result of a partnership established between the World Bank Human Development Network and Shanghai Jiao Tong Universitys Graduate School of Education to collect and disseminate information on higher education in China.


AcknowledgmentsGlossaryChapter 1 China -- Country ProfileGeography and DemographicsContemporary Society and CultureAdministrative SystemThe ProvincesChapter 2 The Chinese Education System -- HistoryIntroductionEducational Legacies and ValuesHistory and EvolutionAncient and Imperial Era (1100BC - 1840AD)Modern Era (1840 - 1948)Post-revolution Era (1949 - 1966)"Cultural Revolution" Era (1967 - 1978)New Era (1978 - present day)Chapter 3 The Contemporary Chinese Higher Education SystemIntroductionOverall Structure of the National Education SystemEducational StandardsNational HEIs and Local HEIsUniversities, Colleges, and Vocational CollegesThe "211" and "985" ProjectsFinancing and Tuition FeesGovernance of Higher Education in ChinaAdministrationAdmission Policies and ProceduresEnrollment Quotas -- The JihuaPathways to EnrollmentQuality AssuranceThe Private and Independent SectorsPrivate Institutions=Independent CollegesChapter A Data and Analysis: Students and EducationIndicator A1 StudentsChart A1.1 Number of Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education, 1988 - 2008Chart A1.2 Number of Putong Undergraduate Students, 1949 - 2008Chart A1.3 Numbers of Zhuanke and Benke Undergraduate Students, 1988 - 2008Chart A1.4 Number of Putong Undergraduate Students (Zhuanke vs Benke), 1988-2008Chart A1.5 Proportion of Postgraduate Students in Tertiary Education, 1988 - 2008Chart A1.6 Number of Adult Undergraduate Students, 2002 - 2008Chart A1.7 Proportion of Foreign Students in Tertiary Education, 2005 - 2008Chart A1.8 Origin of Foreign Students Enrolled in Tertiary Education, 2008Chart A1.9 Sources of Financial Support of Foreign Students, 2008Chart A1.10 Participation Rate at All Education Levels, 1990 - 2008Chart A1.11 Distribution of Students across All Types of Programs, 2008Indicator A2 Institutional DiversificationChart A2.1 Proportion of Students Enrolled in Open Courses, 2005 - 2008Chart A2.2 Proportion of Putong Undergraduate Students Enrolled in Non-public Institutions, 2004- 2008Chart A2.3 Student Composition of Independent and Private Institutions, 2008Indicator A3 FinancingChart A3.1 Total per Student Spending on Tertiary Education, 2005 - 2007Chart A3.2 Total per Student Spending on Tertiary Education by Type of Institution, 2007Chart A3.3 Tuition Fees Compared to Median Income, 2008Indicator A4 FacultyChart A4.1 Size of Faculty, 2002 -2008Chart A4.2 Proportion of Faculty with a PhD, 2004 - 2008Chart A4.3 Proportion of Female Faculty, 2003 - 2008Chart A4.4 Proportion of Female Faculty by Rank, 2008Chart A4.5 Number of Foreign Teachers, 2004 - 2008Indicator A5 AccessChart A5.1 Proportion of Female Students in Tertiary Education, 1997 - 2008Chart A5.2 Proportion of Female Students by Study Level, 2008Chart A5.3 Socio-economic Patterns of Students (Based on Fathers Occupation), 2005Indicator A6 Regional BalanceChart A6.1 Number of Students in Tertiary Education by Province, 2008Chart A6.2 Growth of Annual Undergraduate Student Enrollment by Province, 1998-2008Chart A6.3 Growth of Annual Postgraduate Student Enrollment by Province, 2003 - 2008Chart A6.4 Public Funding per Student, at Nationally and Provincially Administered Tertiary Institutions, 2007Chart A6.5 Academic Qualifications of Faculty, 2007Chart A6.6 Putong Undergraduate Education Admissions Rates by Province, 2009Chart A6.7 Number of Foreign Tertiary Students by Province, 2008Chapter B Data and Analysis: GraduatesIndicator B1 Attainment and EmploymentChart B1.1 Proportion of Graduates with a STEM Degree, 2001 - 2007Chart B1.2 Proportion of the Working Population with a Tertiary Degree, 2002 - 2007Chart B1.3 Proportion of Unemployed Adults with a Tertiary Degree, 2002 - 2008Indicator B2 Quality and RelevanceChart B2.1 Completion Rates of Undergraduate Students, 2004 - 2008Chart B2.2 Completion Rates of Postgraduate Students, 2003 - 2008Chart B2.3 Number of Bachelors Graduates Pursuing Postgraduate Studies, 2004 - 2008Chart B2.4 Results of International Mathematical Olympiad,1980 - 2009Indicator B3 Study AbroadChart B3.1 Number of Students Leaving for and Returning from Study Abroad, 1978 - 2007Indicator B4 EqualityChart B4.1 Gender Balance of Graduates by Subject of Study, 2003Chart B4.2 Gender Balance of Graduates by Residential Status, 2003Indicator B5 Regional BalanceChart B5.1 Number of Postgraduate Degrees Awarded by Province, 2008Chart B5.2 Educational Attainment of the Labor Force, 2007Chapter C Data and Analysis: ResearchIndicator C1 Research CapacityChart C1.1 R&D Expenditure Relative to GDP, 1998 -2007Chart C1.2 University R&D Spending by Activity, 2004- 2008Chart C1.3 Science and Technology Funding to Universities,2000 - 2008Indicator C2 Research OutputChart C2.1 Number of Publications and Citations of University Research, Five-year Rolling averages, 1995 - 2004Indicator C3 Technology TransferChart C3.1 Employment Sector of Doctoral Program, 2007Chart C3.2 Contract Dollars with Industry per R&D Personnel in Universities, 1998 - 2007Chart C3.3 Number of University Patents, 2004 -2008Indicator C4 Regional BalanceChart C4.1 Science and Technology Funding to Universities,2007Chart C4.2 Number of World-ranked Institutions, 2009Chapter D Data and Analysis: GovernanceIndicator D1 Financing Tertiary EducationChart D1.1 Income of Tertiary Education Institutions, 1996 - 2007Chart D1.2 Tertiary Education Budget as a Percentage of the Total National Educational Budget, 1998 -2007Chart D1.3 Proportion of Public and Private Funding for Tertiary Education as a Percentage of GDP, 1999 -2007Indicator D2 Balance of MoE- and Provincially-administered InstitutionsChart D2.1 Number of MoE- and Provincially-administered Institutions, 1997 - 2008Chart D2.2 Percentage of Institutions, Faculty, students, and Awards Affiliated with the Ministry of Education, 2008Data SourcesNotesAppendixList of "985" UniversitiesList of "211" UniversitiesReferences



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