
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:張鑫 編  頁數(shù):166  


本教程旨在通過教師課上指導(dǎo)、學(xué)生課下自主學(xué)習(xí)的方式拓寬學(xué)生視野、培養(yǎng)他們的終生學(xué)習(xí)能力。全教程由基礎(chǔ)篇、進階篇、提高篇、高階篇和精階篇五冊組成,每冊十個單元。每單元設(shè)計一個主題的形式,單元中各模塊的設(shè)計符合學(xué)生的閱讀規(guī)律,如閱讀知識面拓展、技巧訓(xùn)練、能力培養(yǎng)、實戰(zhàn)演練和興趣開發(fā)。練習(xí)題型的設(shè)計主要是幫助學(xué)生閱讀過程中猜測生詞詞義、預(yù)測文章內(nèi)容,運用“相互關(guān)聯(lián)”(Interactive)閱讀模式,將“用法”(Usage)與“運用”(Use)有機地結(jié)合。同時,為適應(yīng)CET 4/6考試要求,增加了快速閱讀和細(xì)讀(In-depth reading)真題訓(xùn)練,達(dá)到“學(xué)”以致“用”的目的。    本教程適用于本、??茖W(xué)生,也可作為英語學(xué)習(xí)愛好者的案頭讀物。


Unit One Study   Part One Skills Needed in Comprehensive Listening   Part Two The American Education System   Part Three Promote Learning and Skills for Young People and Adults   Part Four Children and Education   Part Five Education System in China Unit Two Communication between Parents and Children   Part One What I Want for You   Part Two How to Communicate Better with Your Children   Part Three That's Enough, Kids   Part Four The Generation Gap   Part Five Mother's Day History Unit Three Parents' Love   Part One The Miracle of Mother's Love   Part Two A Story about a Dying Father   Part Three Telling Him   Part Four Fatherhood   Part Five She Is Only a Mother Unit Four Body Language  Part One Body Language   Part Two Making a Great First Impression at a Job Interview   Part Three Eye Communication   Part Four Communicating with Gestures   Part Five What's in a Gesture Unit Five AIDS   Part One The AIDS Handbook   Part Two 2009 HIN1 Flu   Part Three Most U.S. Women Face Heart and Stroke Risk   Part Four The Common Cold and Flu   Part Five Getting to Know the Names of Human Disease Unit Six Gareer and Life   Part One Great News: You Have Tuberculosis   Part Two Confessions of a CNO   Part Three Protect Your Privacy When Job-hunting Online   Part Four Resigning at Forty   Part Five Personal Profile Unit Seven Guns   Part One Do More Guns Mean Less Crime?   Part Two Tamara Mechem' s Story   Part Three The Right to Bear Arms vs. the Right to Stay Alive ~  Part Four Can We Have a Hydrogen Bomb at Home?   Part Five Gun Control Unit Eight Creativity   Part One Saving the Spark: Developing Creative Ideas   Part Two The Road to Creative Ideas Is Paved with Empty Coffee Cups   Part Three The Creative Personality   Part Four Interest in Pursuing International Careers   Part Five Creativity and Imagination Unit Nine College Success   Part One How to Schedule Your First Year Online   Part Two How to Plan Career Choices of the Future   Part Three Succeeding in College   Part Four Problems of Majors   Part Five English Equivalents of Chinese Used in a Resume Unit Ten Being Honest and Open   Part One Open and Honest Talking   Part Two Going Deeper to Your True Feelings   Part Three Steps to Become Honest   Part Four Conveying Truth   Part Five How Come Key



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