出版時間:2010-9  出版社:上海交通大學出版社  作者:房挺  頁數(shù):246  




第一部分 雅思寫作沖刺??季? 圖表作文篇    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(線形圖)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖)    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷3(柱形圖)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖)    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷5(表格)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(表格)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖+線圖)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(雙柱形圖)    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷9(流程圖)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?0(流程圖+餅圖)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?1(地圖)  議論文篇    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(教育)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(科學與技術(shù))    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(大眾傳媒)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(國家)    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷5(生活)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(社會)    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(電腦與網(wǎng)絡(luò))    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷8(職業(yè))    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(語言與文化)    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷10(政府)第二部分 雅思寫作沖刺??季泶鸢?、分析和練習  圖表作文篇    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷1(線形圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(表格)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(表格)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(柱形圖+線圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷8(雙柱形圖)答案、分析和練習    雅恩寫作沖刺??季?(流程圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?0(流程圖+餅圖)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺模考卷11(地圖)答案、分析和練習  議論文篇    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(教育)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(科學與技術(shù))答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(大眾傳媒)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(國家)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(生活)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(社會)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(電腦與網(wǎng)絡(luò))答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(職業(yè))答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?(語言與文化)答案、分析和練習    雅思寫作沖刺??季?0(政府)答案、分析和練習第三部分 雅思寫作議論文高頻話題辯論素材匯總  Topic 1 Is it morally acceptable to experiment on non-human animals to develop products and medicines that benefit human beings? 動物實驗違背道德嗎?  Topic 2 Should a police force be routinely armed?警察應(yīng)該配槍嗎?   Topic 3 Should government subsidy of the arts be ended?政府應(yīng)該資助 藝術(shù)嗎?   Topic 4 Should we be trying to prevent species becoming extinct? If so why?人類應(yīng)該保護野生動物嗎?  Topic 5 Should we ban the keeping of animals in zoos?應(yīng)該關(guān)閉動物園嗎?  Topic 6 Should we ban or restrict the use of violent video games?暴力電子游戲應(yīng)該被禁止嗎?   Topic 7 Should women be allowed to serve in combat roles in the armed forces?女性應(yīng)該參軍嗎?  Topic 8 Should mothers stay at home to raise their children?女性應(yīng)該在 家里看孩子嗎?   Topic 9 Should everyone speak and be taught the same language? What language should it be?全球應(yīng)該使用同一種語言嗎?  Topic 10 Is sport really good for us?體育對我們有好處D-57  Topic 11 Should the state financially support elite athletes or should it leave them to compete for a limited pot of funding from charities and sponsorship?政府應(yīng)該資助運動員嗎?  Topic 12 Is television a malign influence on society7.電視給社會造成有害影響嗎?   Topic 13 Do the benefits of tourism outweigh the costs?旅游的好處比壞處多嗎?   Topic 14 Do boys and girls benefit more from being taught together or separately?男女分班教育好嗎?  Topic 15 Should there be an outright ban on the smacking or spanking of children?應(yīng)該禁止體罰兒童嗎?   Topic 16 Should there be further restrictions on the advertising,selling,and smoking of tobacco? Should it be banned7.應(yīng)該禁煙嗎?  Topic 17 Should mankind invest in the exploration of space?人類應(yīng)該投資 太空研究嗎?   Topic 18 Should the state retirement age be raised7.應(yīng)該提高退休年齡嗎?  Topic 19 Should parents be held morally and legally responsible for the actions/needs of their children?父母應(yīng)該為孩子的行為負法律責任嗎?   Topic 20 Should we keep animals as pets?我們應(yīng)該養(yǎng)寵物D-57  Topic 21 Should museum entry be free?博物館應(yīng)該免費嗎?   Topic 22 Should govets take steps to keep their threatened languages alive?政府應(yīng)該保護本國語言嗎?   Topic 23 Should drivers be prohibited from using mobile phones?司機 應(yīng)該禁止使用手機嗎?   Topic 24 Should governments censor material on the world wide web? 政府應(yīng)該審查互聯(lián)網(wǎng)內(nèi)容嗎?   Topic 25 Should Iaws be passed to limit gun ownership further?應(yīng)該立法 禁止擁有槍支嗎?   Topic 26 Is it dangerous to teach History to school pupils?向?qū)W生教授 歷史危險嗎?   Topic 27 Should parents be allowed to educate their children at home? 應(yīng)該允許父母在家教孩子讀書嗎?   Topic 28 Is sponsoring a childin a developing country a bad idea?資助發(fā)展中國家的孩子是個壞主意嗎?   Topic 29 Should school uniform be got rid of?應(yīng)該廢除校服嗎?  Topic 30 Should all school pupils be made to learn at least one foreign language?學生應(yīng)該至少學一門外語嗎?第四部分 附錄  附錄1 雅思寫作評分標準  附錄2 雅思寫作6分/7分/8分標準范文  附錄3 雅思寫作考試答題紙







用戶評論 (總計6條)


  •   里面的范文值得借鑒!
  •   這本書真的不錯,自己寫后對照答案,力薦
  •   還沒開始看,朋友介紹的這本書
  •   還行 挺快的 老師讓買的
  •   覺得范文一般般
  •   雖然文章用了很多大詞,結(jié)構(gòu)也很難。但是因為是中國人寫的。老覺得帶有中國思維的痕跡。

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
