
出版時間:2011-1  出版社:陳锫 上海交通大學(xué)出版社 (2011-01出版)  作者:陳锫  頁數(shù):359  




  本書源自一項關(guān)于任務(wù)型教學(xué)在中學(xué)課堂實施的研究。該研究理論基礎(chǔ)源于著名英語語言學(xué)家B.Littlewood的five-category activity以及P.Skehan的認(rèn)知語言學(xué)理論。作者創(chuàng)新地將上述理論框架運用到COLT(Communicatire Orientation of Lmguage Teaehing)課堂觀察體系中,科學(xué)地設(shè)計出對任務(wù)型教學(xué)進(jìn)行課堂評價的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和模板(An adapted version of COLT Part A,for TBLT classrooms)。  本書不僅對任務(wù)型教學(xué)在中國的發(fā)展做了充足的文獻(xiàn)回顧,而且還采用案例分析法,對中學(xué)英語教師的教學(xué)情況作了分析和總結(jié)。數(shù)據(jù)由課堂觀察和采訪提供,采用量化和質(zhì)化結(jié)合的方法進(jìn)行分析。本著作的目標(biāo)讀者為:英語教育工作者,中小學(xué)英語教師,英語教學(xué)研究人員,應(yīng)用語言學(xué)專業(yè)研究生。




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 ELT in China: The Past and the Present1.2 New Challenges for EFL Teachers in China1.3 Statement of the Problem1.4 Research Questions1.5 Significance of the Study1.6 Limitations of the Study1.7 Overview of the Thesis1.8 SummaryChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Development of Approaches to ELT2.3 An Historical Overview of TBA2.3.1 Theoretical Rationale of TBA2.3.2 Definitions of Tasks and TBA2.3.3 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks of TBA Implementation2.4 TBA and Curricular Innovation in China2.4.1 The Development of Secondary School English Curricula in China2.4.2 TBA in the Latest Curriculum2.5 Factors Influencing the Implementation of TBA in China2.5.1 National Level Factors2.5.2 Local Level Factors2.5.3 Classroom Level Factors2.6 Teacher Beliefs2.6.1 Definitions of Teachers' Beliefs2.6.2 Source and Content of Teachers' Beliefs in This Study2.7 Recent Concerns of TBA and Its Implementation2.8 General Conceptual Framework of This Study2.9 Summary Chapter 3 Methodology3.1 Introduction 3.2 A Case Study Approach3.3 The Research Context 3.4 Screening of Participants3.4.1 Screening Process 3.4.2 Initial Interviews and Observations3.5 Data Collection3.5.1 Introduction3.5.2 Procedures3.5.3 Data Collection Instrument3.6 Data Analysis3.6.1 Introduction3.6.2 Refinement of Focal Cases3.6.3 Quantitative Data Analysis3.6.4 Qualitative Data Anaysis3.6.5 Cross-case Analvrsis3.6.6 Validity and Reliability3.7 Summary Chapter 4 Racy and Tina4.1 Introduction4.2 NFLS School Context4.3 Case Studies4.3.1 Case Study 1:Racy4.3.2 Case Study 2:TinaChapter 5 Marie and Daisy5.1 Introduction5.2 NES School Context15.3 Case Studies5.3.1 Case Study 3:Marie5.3.2 Case Study 4: DaisyChapter 6 Cross-Case Analysis6.1 Introduction6.2 Teachers' TBLT Practices6.2.1 Teaching Design6.2.2 Organization6.2.3 Activities and Tasks6.2.4 Grammar Teaching6.2.5 Four Skill Instruction6.2.6 Teacher Roles6.2.7 Assessment6.3 Teachers Beiefs6.3.1 Beliefs about Tasks and TBLT6.3.2 Beliefs about Teaching Materials and Teaching Aids6.3.3 Beliefs about Exams6.3.4 Beliefs about Teacher Training6.4 Factors Affecting Teachers' TBLT Practices6.5 SummaryChapter 7 Conclusions and Implications7.1 Introduction7.2 Summary of Findings7.2.1 Research Question One : How is TBLT being implemented in classrooms?7.2.2 Research Question Two: What are teachers' beliefs of TBLT?7.2.3 Research Question Three:What factors seem to contribute to TBLT implementation?7.3 Implications for Practice7.3.1 Implications for Educational Policymakers and Curriculum Planners7.3.2 Implications for Local EFL Program Administrators7.3.3 Implications for EFL Instructors7.4 Areas for Further ResearchAppendicesAppendix A COLT Part A (adapted)Appendix B Interview QuestionsList of Tables and FiquresReferencesAcknowledgements


From a psycholinguistic perspective, a task is a device that guideslearners to engage in certain types of information-processing that are be-lieved to be important for effective language use and/or for language acqui-sition from a theoretical standpoint (Ellis, 2000, p. 197 ). In this re-spect, tasks can be viewed as devices for manipulating how learnersprocess language ( see Long 2000 ; Skehan 1996 ; Yule 1997). Two theo-retical concepts can be linked to task properties——Long's Interaction Hy-pothesis and Skehan's Cognitive approach.Interaction Hypothesis. The Interaction Hypothesis, proposed byLong ( 1985 ) states that acquisition is facilitated when learners obtain com-prehensible input as a result of the opportunity to negotiate meaning whenCommunication breakdown occurs.  Task-based research originating from the Interaction Hypothesis focuses on meaning negotiation. Long ( 1985 ) gives the definition of negotiation of meaning as follows:When interaction involving second language learners leads to commu- nication breakdown, the learner or the interlocutor attempts to compensate for the breakdown by making conversational adjustments in order to reach mutual understanding.  Such conversational adjustments include compre- hension checks, confirmation checks, clarification requests and so on.


《實踐中的任務(wù)型教學(xué):現(xiàn)狀與展望》研究理論基礎(chǔ)源于著名英語語言學(xué)家B.Littlewood的five-category activity以及P.Skehan的認(rèn)知語言學(xué)理論。作者創(chuàng)新地將上述理論框架運用到COLT(Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching)課堂觀察體系中,科學(xué)地設(shè)計出對任務(wù)型教學(xué)進(jìn)行課堂評價的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和模板(An adapted version of COLT Part A,for TBLT classrooms)。本著作不僅對任務(wù)型教學(xué)在中國的發(fā)展做了充足的文獻(xiàn)回顧,而且還采用案例分析法,對中學(xué)英語教師的教學(xué)情況作了分析和總結(jié)。數(shù)據(jù)將由課堂觀察和采訪提供,采用量化和質(zhì)化結(jié)合的方法進(jìn)行分析。本著作的目標(biāo)讀者為:英語教育工作者,中小學(xué)英語教師,英語教學(xué)研究人員,應(yīng)用語言學(xué)專業(yè)研究生。此著作為教育部2008年社科項目“任務(wù)型教學(xué)在中學(xué)英語課堂中的實踐”研究成果(項目編號08JC740026),并獲深圳大學(xué)出版基金資助。近年來,國內(nèi)外眾多學(xué)者展開了對任務(wù)型教學(xué)這一先進(jìn)教學(xué)模式的討論和研究。然而,迄今為止,絕大多數(shù)研究主要是針對其理論基礎(chǔ)以及實踐可行性的預(yù)測和猜想,很少有學(xué)者對它進(jìn)行實驗性的研究。本文作者在理論研究的基礎(chǔ)上,對英語課堂以及教師的授課進(jìn)行了大量的實地觀察和分析,并利用先進(jìn)的研究方法對結(jié)果進(jìn)行量化和質(zhì)化分析。該著作將對中學(xué)英語的任務(wù)型教學(xué)情況有一個客觀而科學(xué)地展示,并就教師培訓(xùn)方法,教材編寫以及課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的制定和執(zhí)行提供一些可行性建議。



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