出版時間:2010-1 出版社:上海交通大學出版社 作者:李述昭 主編 頁數(shù):170
轉眼就要參加高考,誰不希望有一套富有權威性的、科學的、高效的、高質量的學習資料? 為了滿足廣大即將參加高考學生的需要,我們邀請了多年參加英語高考命題和長期從事高考命題研究的一線特高級英語教師,把英語高考中最重要的一塊——閱讀理解和完形填空試題進行深度分析后,預測性地編寫了16個單元的試題。本書具有以下特點: ·結構合理。欄目新穎。每單元包括[閱讀突破]、[完形闖關]、[新詞掃描]、[技巧點睛]和[直擊高考]幾個新穎欄目。為方便讀者自學自測和自我激勵,每篇閱讀文章前標有“詞數(shù)”(個)、“建議做題時間”(分鐘)和“難度等級”(☆為難度最低級,☆☆☆☆☆為難度最高級)。新詞掃描重點是把該單元閱讀和完形填空中部分生詞進行了音標、詞性、詞義等標注,對于那些想了解這些新詞的同學來說,可以節(jié)省查詞典的時間。書后的參考答案包括答案解析,便于及時核對答案?! ゎ}材豐富,素材新鮮。文章來源于國內外最新權威報刊及相應網(wǎng)站,題材涵蓋自然探秘、時尚娛樂、日常生活、人生哲理、教育勵志、名人軼事、歷史地理和科學文化等與學生生活息息相關的諸多領域。素材新鮮,語言地道,知識性、題味性、可讀性強?! め槍π院涂伤苄詮?。本書無論是閱讀理解還是完形填空,不僅涵蓋了包括上海、北京、廣東、江蘇、浙江、湖北、河南、四川、重慶等全國各地的最新各種題型,而且緊扣命題方向,在難度和題型等方面預測比較準確?! ち⒆愦蟊姡骖櫨?。本書起點平和,難度適中,隨后螺旋上升,具有較好的坡度和區(qū)分度,適合參加高考的各類學生?! ”緯裳芯坑⒄Z高考命題數(shù)年、常年帶畢業(yè)班的全國著名中學的英語特級和高級教師共同編寫,是高中學生尤其是參加高考復習考生的理想備考資料。
Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16參考答案
Perhaps the most famous theory, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Ray Birdwhistell. He believes that physical appearance is often culturally programmed. In other words, we learn our looks-we are not born with them. A baby has generally informed face features. A baby, according to Birdwhistell, learns where to set the eyebrows by looking at those around-family and friends. This helps explain why the people of some areas of the United States look so much alike. New Englanders or Southerners have certain common face features that cannot be explained by genetics. The exact shape of the mouth is not set at birth, which is learned after. In fact, the final mouth shape is not formed until well after new teeth are set. For many, this can be well into grown-ups. A husband and wife together for a long time often come to look alike. We learn our looks from those around us. This is perhaps why in a single country area where people smile more than those in other areas. In the United States, for example, the South is the part of the country where the people smile most frequently. In New England they smile less, and in the western part of New York State still less. Many southerners find cities such as New York cold and unfriendly, partly because people on Madison Avenue smile less than people on Peachtree Street in Atlanta. In Georgia, people in largely populated areas also smile and greet each other in public less than people in small towns do.