
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:上海交通大學(xué)出版社  作者:何明珠 編譯  頁數(shù):313  




Part Ⅰ .Teacher QualityNow More than Ever, Show Kids Your Care!Now More than Ever, Help Kids Build Character"My Morale Has Fallen, and It Cant Get Up!"Will New Teachers Be Prepared to Teach in a Digital Age?What Teachers Think of Teacher EducationTeach with Gusto!Why Teachers LeaveAn Advisors Advice on Student ActivitiesSCAMPER for Student CreativityA Lesson to Enhance Student Self-EsteemPart Ⅱ:Teaching SkillsTeaching to All Learning StylesDe-densify Information OverloadCreativity Reigns (Not Reined) in the Regular ClassroomLightening the Load for the Pressured Child"Humor" Your Students !Active Learning Promotes Reading SkillsCooperative Learning: Abused and Overused7Higher Quality QuestioningSeven Steps to Teach Critical ThinkingThree Basics for Better Student OutputPart Ⅲ: School ManagementA Caring Alternative to SuspensionIn Good Discipline, One Size Doesnt Fit AllThree Cheers for School SpiritPublic and Private School Differences Go Deeper than DollarsSchool Rule-Making and Citizenship EducationShould "Good Work" Mean More Work?School Size Counts ..Working Magic on the School ImageBuilding a Better Physical-Education ProgramAnti-Dropout InterventionsPart Ⅳ: School ExtensionBattling Busywork Helps De-hassle HomeworkTargeted Homework Motivates KidsMaking Homework WorkDoing Our Homework on HomeworkUse Test Results as Tools to Improve TeachingDesign Your Tests to Teach, Not Just TestSecuring High-Stakes Tests from CheatingDos and Donts of Parent-Teacher ConferencesInvolving Parents Lets Students and Teachers WinBetter Parent-Teacher Conferences


  To these, the teachers we surveyed add-ed: inadequate and unsupervised school-basedexperiences, poor quality of many teacher can-didates(i), and university faculty inexperiencedin the schools.  When teachers talk about teacher educa-tion, their opinions are grounded in practice.They value ideas that translate directly into abetter lesson for the class and reforms thatmake it more likely for children to learn. Re-search-based theory, the preoccupation ofmany schools of education, is largely irrelevantto teachers, who must deal with 20 to 35students five or six hours a day.  The survey responses come at a time whenteacher education practices and policies are ingreat flux, with reformers tackling differentaspects of teacher education. The frustrationsand irritations teachers express arise, to greatdegree, from their belief that schools of educa-tion should be committed to preparing teachercandidates for the practice of teaching.  Teacher educators, on the other hand,see their purpose as the study of pedagogy: de-veloping theories of teaching and learning in ararefied world remote from the day-to-day re-alities of a K-I2 classroom.



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