
出版時間:2007-1  出版社:上海交通大學出版社  作者:裘正銓 編  頁數(shù):248  字數(shù):388000  


本書由上海師范大學外國語學院英語教學部任課教師根據(jù)《全國大學英語四、六級考試改革方案(試用)》和新頒布的樣卷編寫。全書分應(yīng)試指導和全真模擬試卷兩部分。應(yīng)試指導凝結(jié)教師多年的教學指導心得;模擬題系從多年教學訓練中精選、根據(jù)新樣題編成,每套試題均給出精煉的答題指導,以幫助讀者提高應(yīng)試能力。書后的附錄給出聽力文字材料。    本書可以供參加大學英語六級的考生作為考前的應(yīng)試訓練,也是英語教師教學的輔導材料。




實用應(yīng)試訣竅全真模擬試卷 Test 1  Keys and Explanations Test 2  Keys and Explanations Test 3  Keys and Explanations Test 4  Keys and Explanations Test 5  Keys and Explanations Test 6  Keys and Explanations Test 7  Keys and Explanations Test 8  Keys and Explanations Test 9   Keys and Explanations Test 10  Keys and Explanations附錄 聽力材料


  People who work in control towers are called air traffic controllers. They direct themovements of all planes on the ground and in the air by keeping track of them on large radarscreens. Air traffic controllers tell a pilot, by radio, when and where to taxi or pilot theplane down the runway.  Electronic equipment is used to guide airplanes. Long range radar is used to keep trackof planes far away from the airport. This radar is called Ground Control Approach (GCA).When the airplane gets within a few miles of the runway, the air traffic controller begins touse Precision Approach Radar (PAR). This allows the controller to guide the airplane towithin 0. 4kin(0. 25mi)of the runway. At that point, the pilot completes the landing.Another electronic aid used in bad weather is the Instrument Landing System (ILS). In this system, radio transmitters located near the runway send guidance signals to the airplane. These signals tell the pilot how to steer the plane for the final approach to the runways.Today, there are also electronic "microwave" landing systems (MLS) that can land the plane fully automatically.


  名師名校,打造精品書,精講精練,架設(shè)考試橋  在英國劍橋大學,有一座造型優(yōu)美的石橋,因為學生在參加考試時要經(jīng)過該橋,久而久之,這座橋就被稱為“考試橋”。本叢書命名為“考試橋”,即是取自這一典故,這里可以理解為“通向考試成功的橋梁”,也可理解為“通過考試這一橋梁,達到拓寬知識、了解世界的目的”。



    最新大學英語6級應(yīng)試指導和全真模擬 PDF格式下載

用戶評論 (總計4條)


  •   給前任女友買的評論的時候,已經(jīng)不是了。傷感書還是好的希望她能過六級吧。
  •   這本書蠻難的,我覺得。做下來感覺不容易,但是這樣才說明是一本挺有用的模擬題,可以提高自己的能力。
  •   看著感覺很有動力。。應(yīng)該對我考六級有很大的幫助。。希望這回能靠它過六級啦啦啦。。。
  •   《最新大學英語6級應(yīng)試指導和全真模擬》里面有張mp3光盤,總體感覺不錯,每個模擬后面都附有答案講解,我當初看上海交通大學出版社出版的才買的,說實話就是價格有點高(相對別的版本模擬來說),里面一開始有“應(yīng)試指導”,但本人感覺指導的作用不大,說起應(yīng)試,我還是比較信任新東方的。祝大家順利通過cet6啊~~

250萬本中文圖書簡介、評論、評分,PDF格式免費下載。 第一圖書網(wǎng) 手機版
