出版時間:2006-3 出版社:上海交通大學出版社 作者:伍夢嵐 頁數:212 字數:175000
本書以教育心理學及學習心理學規(guī)律為導向,以最新初中英語教材及教學大綱、課程標準、考試說明為依據,為初中生,特別是不愿開口說英語或怯于開口說英語的初中生提高英語口語交際能力而專門設計和編寫?! ”緯矂澐譃榱蟀鍓K:校園生活篇、詢問求助篇、社會交往篇、日常生活篇、運動休閑篇、情緒情感篇;每一板塊都精心編制若干功能強大的表達作為“關鍵句”;“情景口語”、“功能概述”、“瑯瑯上口”、“淺釋與辨析”等欄目與“關鍵句”相輔相成,相得益彰;還配有輕松、幽默、風趣的插圖。
校園生活篇 What’s your name,please? Are you Kate? I’m Li Lei. Who’S that girl? Which girl is Lucy? How old are you? What class/grade/row are you in? Nice to meet you! Hello,how are you? Welcome back to school! l’m sorryI’ve broken your bike Thank you very much for making English fun 1 wish you good luck! Well done! COnaratuIatiOns! See you Iater! I agree with you/I don’t agree with you I think so. I,m not sure. That’s all right. Can you look afrer my books? I’m sorry you can’t. You must put away your things You’d better ask the teacher for help Could you help me with my study? Can you give me a hand? What’S this/that in English? Whose book iS this/that? D0 you have a sharpener? Where iS Class 4Grade 1? Where are you going? What are you going to do? What are you doing? Don’t talk jn class. It’S time for spots. Who’S on duty today? HOW do you spelIit? What do you think of your schoollife? How 1 wish I could fly to the moon! 1 want to be a scientist when I grow up Do you speak Chinese? HOw long have you studied English? How are you getting on with your study? Are you interested in chemistry? How long may I keep the book? What will you give Miss Gao for Teachers’Day? May I borrow your eraser? I’d Iike to borrow a book. Would you please not play footbalI now?詢問求助篇社會交往篇日常生活篇運動休閑篇情緒情感篇