
出版時間:2001-1  出版社:上海交通大學出版社  作者:汪開虎  頁數(shù):212  字數(shù):196000  


本書為套書大學英語快速閱讀教程(1-6級)的第六級。本套書按大學英語的相應難度分為6級,每級一冊,便于不同水平的讀者選擇使用。本套書選材新,體裁廣,包括了科普、財經(jīng)、體育、政治、經(jīng)濟等各領(lǐng)域的文章,文章全部選自英語國家2000年出版的報紙、雜志等。選材具有時效性、趣味性和知識性等特點。    本書適合大學學生和具有同等英語水平的學習者使用。


1.SAS Team Ready to Rescue Hostages 2.Land Set-aside Plan 3.Turf Battle 4.Race Is Still an Important Distinction 5.Be Cautious of Petitions 6.A Victory in Spite of Garbage 7.Target Gun Safety 8.Women and Depression9.Has He the Right to Ride in a Golf Cart? 10.Former WBR Sheriff Was an Example for All 11.The Downside of SUVs 12.Smile ,You're on GPS 13.Toward a Simpler Life 14.New Law Will Allow Customers to Sample Wines 15.Price Crash as Age of Oil Ends 16. Not in My Front Yard17. Is Earth Day April 22?18. Worm in the Education Apple19. Russia Asked for Rescue Aid from the West20. CEOs: Chronic Excess, Opportunism21. Time Travel through Trail of Comet Dust22. How to Collect for What You Create in Internet Age?23. Some Stars May Be Older than They Look24. Clear-Cutting Will Destroy Maine's Forests25. What's the Matter with Gravity?6. Tire Pressure May Have Been Factor in Bridgestone/Firestone Blowouts27. Crowded Roads Boon for Buses28. Race, Movies and Building the Capitol29. A Deaf Ear to Cries for Help30. Spider Plants31. Storm in a Teacup?32. Peace Can' t Be Won; It Must Be Learned33. Progrmmning Evolution: What Comes after Java?34. Vegetarianism at a Cost35. OECD War on Low Tax Countries36. Stars in Their Eyes37. Downloading Common Sense38. US Defense Labs Face Research Cutbacks39. The Killing Fields40. The Year of the River41. The Artof Islam42. The Gay Side of Nature43. Three Cheers for the Euro!44. Something Old, Something New45. Going Dotty over Dotcoms46. Rewriting Prehistory47. It's Alive!48. Asia Needs a Green Revolution49. Peddling Dependence50. Safety RecommendationANSWERS



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