
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)出版社  作者:范東生  頁數(shù):203  




Unit 1 What is Chemistry?
Text 1 The Periodic Table and Periodic Properties
Text 2 Borates in Industrial Use
Text 3 What is Chemistry?
Unit 2 Molecular Structure
Text 1 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
Text 2 Drawing Lewis Structures
Text 3 The Discoverer of X-ray
Unit 3 Analysis in Chemistry
Text 1 Common Analytical Problems
Text 2 Analytical Chemistry and Problems in Society
Text 3 Qualitative Organic Analysis
Unit 4 The Mechanism of Chemical Reactions
Text 1 Chemical Equilibrium and Kinetics
Text 2 What is a Reversible Reaction? -
Text 3 Activation Energy
Unit 5 What is Liquid?
Text 1 What is a Liquid?
Text 2 Ionic Liquids
Text 3 Solution
Unit 6 The Name of Chemical Substances
Text 1 Naming Chemical Substances
Text 2 Nomenclature of Acyclic Hydrocarbons
Text 3 Molecules with Silly or Unusual (or Suggestive) Names
Unit 7 Titrimetric Methods of Analysis
Text 1 Preparing Solutions
Text 2 Volumetric Analysis
Text 3 Titrimetric Methods of Analysis
Unit 8 Heat Transfer in Chemical Industry
Text 1 Heat Transfer
Text 2 Heat Exchanger
Text 3 Chemical Engineering
Unit 9 Chemistry and Electricity
Text 1 Chemistry and Electricity
Text 2 Battery
Text 3 Electrical Double-layer
Unit 10 Chemistry and Materials
Text 1 The Chemistry of Materials
Text 2 Development of a Ceramics of a Ceramics Industry
Text 3 The Value of Transistors
Unit 11 Chemical Spectrum
Text 1 Molecular Fluorescence and Phosphorescence Spectra
Text 2 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Text 3 Infrared Spectroscopy
Unit 12 Coordination Chemistry
Text 1 Introduction to Coordination Chemistry
Text 2 The Chemistry of Transition Metals
Text 3 Synthesis and Property about the Heterocylic Ligands



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