
出版時(shí)間:2012-4  出版社:中國(guó)科大  作者:張曉江 編  頁數(shù):260  字?jǐn)?shù):310000  




Part 1 Electric Circuits and Electronics
Lesson 1 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Lesson 2 Linear Circuit Analysis
Lesson 3 Three-phase Circuits
Lesson 4 Analog Amplifie
Lesson 5 Basic Circuits of Operational Amplifie
Lesson 6 Introduction to Logic Circuits
Lesson 7 Flip-flops
Lesson 8 Binary Number System
Part 2 Electrical Machines and Drives
Lesson 9 Traforme
Lesson 10 Electromechanical Energy Conveion
Lesson 11 DC C-enerator Analysis
Lesson 12 13(2 Motor Analysis
Lesson 13 Three-phase Induction Moto
Lesson 14 Synchronous Machines
Lesson 15 Power Electronics Ⅰ--Power Semiconductor Devices
Lesson 16 Power Electronics Ⅱ- Power Electronic Converte
Part 3 System Dynamics and Control
Lesson 17 An Introduction to Control Systems
Lesson 18 The Trafer Function and Laplace Traformation
Lesson 19 System Stability and Time Respoe
Lesson 20 The Steady-State of Control Systems
Lesson 21 System Design and Compeation Techniques
Lesson 22 Nonlinear Control Systems
Lesson 23 Introductio to Phase-Plane Analysis
Lesson 24 State-space Analysis of Control Systems
Part 4 Computer Engineering
Lesson 25 Signal and Signal-Processing System
Lesson 26 Digital Signal Processing
Lesson 27 D/A (Digital-to-Analog) Converter
Lesson 28 Introductio to CAD and CAM
Lesson 29 An Introduction to MATLAB
Lesson 30 Programmable Logic Controller Design
Lesson 31 Introductio to Seo
Lesson 32 Process Control System



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