
出版時(shí)間:2009-12  出版社:中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)出版社  作者:田野,鐘誠,沈鴻 主編  頁數(shù):205  


Welcome to the second International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Al-gorithms and Programming (PAAP 2009). The symposium is sponsored andorganized by University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), GuangxiUniversity, and China Computer Federation Technical Committee on High Per-formance Computing. The symposium is also supported by National NaturalScience Foundation of China. PAAP'09 is an international forum for scientists,engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research ideas, progresses, andapplications in all the areas of parallel and distributed computing with the focuson parallel algorithms, architectures and programming techniques.University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) was founded by theChinese Academy of Science (CAS) in 1958 in Beijing as a new type of na-tional university. The university moved to Hefei, Anhui Province in 1970. Sinceits foundation, USTC has made distinguished achievements in talent fostering,scientific research and technology innovation. It has become an important basefor top-quality talent training and high-level scientific research for the nation.According to the Ministry of Science and Technology, USTC is one of the bestfour universities in the science research performance in China. USTC ranks con-sistently among the best in the reviews of the Chinese top universities by theUS journal "Science" and the French journal "Research".The conference is hosted by Guangxi University at Nanning, Guangxi, China.Nanning is the capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, she is acity full of cultural distinctiveness, economic vitality, and an expanding opennessto and involvement with the global community. She has received many awards in-cluding membership in "Top 50 Comprehensive Power Cities in China" and "TopTourist Cities in China", in addition to being designated as a "China HygieneModel City", the "Dubai International Award for the Best Practices to ImproveLiving Conditions" and the recipient of "Habitat Scroll of Honor Award" in 2007.The Annual Nanning International Folk Songs Festival in Autumn attracts wide-spread attention by combining the talents of musical headliners from the acrossthe globe with a special blend of centuries-old folk song traditions, many "undis-covered" tourist attractions, and an ever-expanding economic trade. Since 2004,Nanning has hosted the annum China-ASEAN Expo sponsored by China andthe ten ASEAN member states, at which China and ten of its Southeast Asianneighbors will offer a rich mixture of business opportunities, cultural experiencesand tourism attractions.


Welcome to the second International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Al-gorithms and Programming (PAAP 2009). The symposium is sponsored andorganized by University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), GuangxiUniversity, and China Computer Federation Technical Committee on High Per-formance Computing. The symposium is also supported by National NaturalScience Foundation of China. PAAP'09 is an international forum for scientists,engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research ideas, progresses, andapplications in all the areas of parallel and distributed computing with the focuson parallel algorithms, architectures and programming techniques.


A Hybrid Index Structure on Multi-core Cluster ArchitectureA Job Shop Scheduling Problem in Software TestingA TS-GATS Based Approach for Scheduling Data-intensiveApplications in Data GridsAn Improved Spectral Clustering Algorithm Based on Random WalkFairness Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Streaming SystemsImage Denoising by 2-D Anisotropic Wavelet DiffusionLogGP(h): Incorporating Communication Hierarchy into the LogGP ModelNeuron Networks Classification Algorithm Based on Bionic Pattern RecognitionOptimal Proxy Caching for Peer-to-Peer Assisted Internet On-Demand Video Streaming ServicesParallel Sorting for Multisets on Multi-core Computers,Process-level and Thread-level Parallel Programming Mechanism and Performance Optimization Techniques on Multi-core ClustersThe Super-node Parallel Systems Based on the Memory Centric InterconnectionWebpage Segmentation based on Gomory-Hu Tree Clustering in Undirected Planar Graph


插圖:High-dimensional data indexing and feature based similarity search isemerging as an important search paradigm in computer science. Efficientsupport of them requires power indexing techniques. In this paper wehave proposed an HKD-tree-an efficient parallel algorithm and the par-allel index structure under the SMP cluster architecture to solve the high-dimensional data indexing problem. Our HKD-tree parallel algorithm isbased on the KD-tree and LSH algorithm and outperforms others underthe cluster architecture. A HKD-tree combines positive aspects of bound-ing region based and space partitioning based data structures into a singledata structure to achieve better scalability. It supports queries based onarbitrary distance functions. Our experiments show that a HKD-tree par-allel algorithm is effective support to high-dimensional data spaces andprovides same support of approximate nearest neighbor queries. All in aword, a HKD-tree parallel algorithm and parallel parallel index structurehave excellent performance in SMP cluster architecture. The above exper-iments show that HKD-tree parallel index structure is slightly better thanLSH and KD-tree index structure. It also shows that HKD-tree used inSMP cluster architecture will increase retrieval performance about 30%.So we can know, LSH and KD-tree will be mixed and used in SMP clusterarchitecture will significantly improve the performance of its'algorithm.As part of our future work, we intend to adjust thread affinity prop-erty of queries like an HKD-tree'subtree and the cluster core numberefficiently matching using in parallel structure. We also want to explorethis techniques to support queries in interactive environments efficientlyusing an HKD-tree.





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