
出版時(shí)間:2009-5  出版社:劉和濤 中國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)出版社 (2009-05出版)  作者:劉和濤  頁(yè)數(shù):243  


Differential equations are mainly used to describe the changes of quanti-ties or behavior of certain systems in applications, such as those governedby Newton's laws in physics.When the differential equations under study are linear, the conventionalmethods, such as the Laplace transform method and the power series solu-tions, can be used to solve the differential equations analytically, that is, thesolutions can be written out using formulas.When the differential equations under study are nonlinear, analytical so-lutions cannot, in general, be found; that is, solutions cannot be writtenout using formulas. In those cases, one approach is to use numerical ap-proximations. In fact, the recent advances in computer technology makethe numerical approximation classes very popular because powerful softwareallows students to quickly approximate solutions of nonlinear differentialequations and visualize their properties.However, in most applications in biology, chemistry, and physics mod-eled by nonlinear differential equations where analytical solutions may beunavailable, people are interested in the questions related to the so-calledqualitative properties, such as: will the system have at least one solu-tion? will the system have at most one solution? can certain behavior ofthe system be controlled or stabilized? or will the system exhibit some peri-odicity? If these questions can be answered without solving the differentialequations, especially when analytical solutions are unavailable, we can stillget a very good understanding of the system. Therefore, besides learningsome numerical methods, it is also important and beneficial to learn howto analyze some qualitative properties.






PrefaceChapter 1 A Brief Description1. Linear Differential Equations2. The Need for Qualitative Analysis3. Description and TerminologyChapter 2 Existence and Uniqueness1. Introduction2. Existence and Uniqueness3. Dependence on Initial Data and Parameters4. Maximal Interval of Existence5. Fixed Point MethodChapter 3 Linear Differential Equations1. Introduction2. General Nonhomogeneous Linear Equations3. Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients4. Periodic Coefficients and Floquet TheoryChapter 4 Autonomous Differential Equations in R21. Introduction2. Linear Autonomous Equations in R23. Perturbations on Linear Equations in R24. An Application: A Simple PendulumChapter 5 Stability1. Introduction2. Linear Differential Equations3. Perturbations on Linear Equations4. Liapunov's Method for Autonomous EquationsChapter 6 Periodic Solutions1. Introduction2. Linear Differential Equations3. Nonlinear Differential EquationsChapter 7 Dynamical Systems1. Introduction2. Poincare-Bendixson Theorem in R23. Limit Cycles4. An Application: Lotka-Volterra EquationChapter 8 Some New Equations1. Introduction2. Finite Delay Differential Equations3. Infinite Delay Differential Equations4. Integrodifferential Equations5. Impulsive Differential Equations6. Equations with Nonlocal Conditions7. Impulsive Equations with Nonlocal Conditions8. Abstract Differential EquationsAppendixReferencesIndex


插圖:The study of linear differential equations is very important for the fol-lowing reasons. First, the study provides us with some basic knowledgefor understanding general nonlinear differential equations. Second, manynonlinear differential equations can be written as summations of linear dif-ferential equations and some small nonlinear perturbations. Thus, undercertain conditions, the qualitative properties of linear differential equationscan be used to infer essentially the same qualitative properties for nonlineardifferential equations.





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