出版時間:2009-1 出版社:中國科學技術大學出版社 作者:張國治,張寧 主編 頁數(shù):432 字數(shù):419000
本書是為準備考研的本科生或同等學力水平的考生編寫的。重點介紹作文的多種類型與寫作方法。就目前情況而言,本書篇數(shù)最多,內(nèi)容廣泛,分類齊全且題類最細,值得廣大考生與自學者的關注與參考。 為了更好地推進研究生的英語學習與應試工作,編者們經(jīng)常進行理論探討與經(jīng)驗交流,并將這些寶貴的經(jīng)驗與資料付諸筆端。這365篇考研作文是我們多年的心血與汗水結晶。寫好考研英語作文,關鍵在于考生語言與寫作的基本功?! ∈紫龋瑖@主題寫,圍繞每段的主題句來寫,這是作文切題的關鍵。其次,要在句型結構上下工夫,多寫各種從句。因此多讀,多背,多體會范文,也是一個訣竅。此外還應該注意語言的應用,力求語言流暢,表達準確,盡力避免詞匯重復使用。只要注意以上三條,寫出來的作文就應該能夠得高分?! ≡诖耍貏e感謝安徽師范大學外語系主任樂金聲教授不辭辛苦對這本著作進行認真細致的修改和指教。由于編者水平有限,書中難免有一些不足之處,懇請專家、教授以及讀者們的指正,不勝感激。
前言范文 1.對我影響最大的人 2.競爭與合作 3.展望2008北京奧運會 4.愛國主義 5.讀書使人充實 6.成功之路 7.假如雷鋒還活著 8.獲得知識的最佳途徑 9.挫折也很重要例文?。ㄒ唬衢T話題類(1~120) 關于大學體育 一個旅游景點的簡介 海外留學的利與弊 廣告 得了不治之癥之后 我們進入二十一世紀之后 中國人口的老齡化 成人教育熱 幽默感很重要 慶祝生日 獻血 書籍 中國的人才外流 人類會幸存下來嗎 成功能用金錢衡量嗎 文憑與證書熱 作弊(欺騙) 二十一世紀的中國 克隆人,是支持還是反對 打假 打擊猖狂走私 網(wǎng)上犯罪 提倡創(chuàng)新精神 中國西部開發(fā)戰(zhàn)略 兒童沉溺于電腦游戲 之弊端 中國的離婚率 不要再多喝酒了 先發(fā)展經(jīng)濟還是 先保護環(huán)境 考研熱 男女平等 安樂死 中國快餐 少說多做 反腐敗 爆竹應該禁放 五天工作制 ……
adopted, and Chinas access to the World Trade Organization,more foreigners have come to China for investment and manyChinese will go out for further development. In this busy world ofcoming and going, communication with foreigners is an essentialprerequisiteI Thus listening and speaking are of the firstimportance to our Chinese nowadays. As far as we know, four things should be done before we,college students or postgraduates, can speak good English. First,reading and speaking are closely related, therefore we should readshort passages till we can recite them, trying to speak or practiseby ourselves, as reading aloud does help to improve our speech.Secondly, we have to depend on the cassette recorders, imitatethe sound and intonation and do our best to speak English withcorrect pronunciation and intonation. What is more, we shouldlisten to the radio or watch TV about English programs. Thirdly,useful expressions and widely-used sentence patterns for our oralEnglish should be memorized as many as possible. We study andremember them for the sake of applicationLastly, perhaps themost important of all, whenever or wherever we meet foreignersor students of English, we should make full use of the opportunityto start a conversation with them. Be bold enough and never beafraid of making mistakes. And we can also make regularappointments with foreigners or teachers. If we want to makemore progress in fluency, we should practise English by ourselvesor go to the English Corner to improve it. So long as we persist inpractising speaking, we are sure to develop our speaking skill andmake a good speech in English within one or two years.