
出版時間:2005-11  出版社:中國科學技術(shù)大學出版社  作者:周平  頁數(shù):265  




Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The notion of anaphora1.2 A brief survey of literature1.2.1 The formal syntactic approach1.2.2 Discourse functional approach1.2.3 "Pure" cognitive approach1.2.4 Basic assumptions and methodology1.3 Organization of the thesisChapter 2 The Functional-pragmatic Model2.1 Preliminaries2.2 Accessibility2.2.1 The notion of accessibility2.2.2 Theoretical foundations of the accessibility theory2.2.3 Referring expressions and their accessibility2.3 Topicality2.3.1 The notion of topicality2.3.2 Two pragmatic properties of topic2.4 Principles of the FP model2.4.1 The mental nature of anaphora resolution2.4.2 The process of anaphora resolution2.4.3 Basic notions and principles of the FP model2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Anaphora in English Discourse3.1 Preliminaries3.2 Topic management in English discourse3.2.1 Topic introduction3.2.2 Topic management and shift3.2.3 Topic combination and topic separation3.3 High accessibility markers3.3.1 Pronouns3.3.2 Zeros3.3.3 Reflexives3.4 Intermediate accessibility markers3.5 Low accessibility markers3.5 1 LAMs referring to an entity in the same sentence3.5.2 LAMs referring to an entity in the previous sentence3.6 ConclusionChapter 4 Anaphora in English Sentences4.1 Preliminaries4.2 Anaphora in English sentences4.2.1 Anaphora in simple sentences4.2.2 Anaphora in compound sentences4.2.3 Anaphora in complex sentences4.2.4 Anaphora in pregnant sentences4.3 SummaryChapter 5 ConclusionEnglish FolktalesDataReference



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