
出版時間:2012-6  出版社:蘭州大學出版社  作者:劉紅 編  頁數(shù):167  






第一部分 題型解讀第二部分 實戰(zhàn)演練基礎篇Passage 1~Passage48提高篇Passage 1~NPassage61綜合篇Passage 1~Passage42第三部分 答案解析基礎篇Passage 1~Passage48提高篇Passage 1~Passage61綜合篇Passage 1—Passage42


  I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age because I thought it was such a____language.Full of strong wishes of learning English,I began to learn it.But soon I found it moredifficult than expected.There were____words,expressions and many other things to remember.And evenif you know how to write them,you can't use them____and exactly.And I did rather badly in my firstEnglish test.I was____about it.This made me upset and dropped my interest in English little by little.  While I was in____,my English teacher gave me much help.I knew that interest didn't meaneverything and I should have some____.I did as he said and tried many different____of learningEnglish.As the days went by,I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it.  During summer vacation,an old lady from Australia visited my school.She had a____with us.Itwas the first time to meet a____.I got a little nervous at first,but soon I found it exciting to talk with her,and I learned a lot____her.How I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day! ?。?) 1.A.different B.useful C.difficult D.possible ?。?) 2.A.too much B.much too C.too many D.much ?。?) 3.A.safely B.loudly C.correctly D.quickly ?。?) 4.A.worried B.afraid C.sure D.interested  ( ) 5.A.difficulty B.class C.trouble D.problem ?。?) 6.A.teaching B.working C.watching D.learning ?。?) 7.A.books B.ways C.teachers D.time ?。?) 8.A.talk B.class C.meeting D.interview ?。?) 9.A.lady B.woman C.foreigner D.teacher  ( )10.A.with B.to C.on D.from.  ……


  著名作家蕭伯納有一句俏皮話:“There should be a better way to star a day than waking up eveH morning.”意思是說:“開始新的一天,應該有比每天早上一覺睡醒來更好的方式?!蔽蚁肫渲兄?,就是翻翻眼前的這套書吧!  ——清華大學外國語學院教授、著名翻譯家 覃學嵐    《“新英語”系列叢書》是我迄今為止讀過的最適合中學生使用的不可多得的好書。適合的,就是最好的!  ——河南省教學教材研究室英語教研員、特級教師 禹海軍    “新”“趣”“實”“活”是“新英語(New English)”的亮點。書中有最有趣的閱讀,有實用的技巧,有最管用的試題,它一定會全面提升中學生綜合運用英語的能力。  ——學生英語報社社長 郭明軒



    八年級-完形填空百練百析-中國學生的英語書-新英語 PDF格式下載

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