
出版時(shí)間:2012-6  出版社:蘭州大學(xué)出版社  作者:于華,陳偉 著  頁(yè)數(shù):91  






第一部分題型解讀第二部分實(shí)戰(zhàn)演練基礎(chǔ)篇Passage 1-Passage40提高篇Passage 1-Passage40綜合篇(一)Passage 1-Passage30(二)Passage 1-Passage30第三部分答案解析基礎(chǔ)篇Passage 1-Passage40提高篇Passage 1-Passage40綜合篇(一)Passage 1-Passage30(二)Passage 1-Passage30


  Hello,I'm Tommy Smith.I am from (1)____.Mr.Zhang is our Chinese teacher.He is fromChina.He teaches us Chinese.His (2)____are very interesting.Mr.Zhang is good (3)____us,but he is also (4)____with us.   Mr.Zhang (5)____three kids.They are Zhang Hua,Zhang Mei and Zhang Gang.Zhang Huais a girl.She is fifteen years old.Zhang Mei is a girl,(6)____.She is ten years old.Zhang Gang is(7)____four years old.Zhang Hua and Zhang Mei go to school,but Zhang Gang (8)____go to school.   Mr.Zhang likes to wear a T-shirt and pants.Soccer is his favorite (9)____.After school weoften have a basketball game.Mr.Zhang watches (10)____play basketball,and sometimes he joinsus.He plays basketball just for fun.   Jack is a good boy.He (1)____up at six o'clock every morning.On weekdays,he gets to school at700 and he (2)____hard at school.He (3)____lunch at school and he likes (4)____and fruits.He eats lots of (5)____food every day.   After school,he plays basketball (6)____his friends.He likes (7)____sports.He getshome at about six o'clock in the afternoon.After supper,he (8)____his homework.   On weekends,he often (9)____to learn to play the piano.His mother wants him to be a(10)____.And he also likes music.Sometimes he goes to the park with his parents.  ……


  著名作家蕭伯納有一句俏皮話(huà):“There should be a better way to star a day than waking up eveH morning.”意思是說(shuō):“開(kāi)始新的一天,應(yīng)該有比每天早上一覺(jué)睡醒來(lái)更好的方式?!蔽蚁肫渲兄?,就是翻翻眼前的這套書(shū)吧!  ——清華大學(xué)外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)院教授、著名翻譯家 覃學(xué)嵐    《“新英語(yǔ)”系列叢書(shū)》是我迄今為止讀過(guò)的最適合中學(xué)生使用的不可多得的好書(shū)。適合的,就是最好的!  ——河南省教學(xué)教材研究室英語(yǔ)教研員、特級(jí)教師 禹海軍    “新”“趣”“實(shí)”“活”是“新英語(yǔ)(New English)”的亮點(diǎn)。書(shū)中有最有趣的閱讀,有實(shí)用的技巧,有最管用的試題,它一定會(huì)全面提升中學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用英語(yǔ)的能力?!  獙W(xué)生英語(yǔ)報(bào)社社長(zhǎng) 郭明軒



    七年級(jí)-完形填空百練百析-中國(guó)學(xué)生的英語(yǔ)書(shū)-新英語(yǔ) PDF格式下載

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