
出版時(shí)間:2008-7  出版社:蘭州大學(xué)出版社  作者:中國(guó)植物學(xué)會(huì)  頁(yè)數(shù):432  字?jǐn)?shù):686000  




大會(huì)特邀報(bào)告 高山冰緣植物響應(yīng)極端環(huán)境的機(jī)理研究 高等植物表觀遺傳調(diào)控對(duì)基因組穩(wěn)定性和植物生長(zhǎng)發(fā)育的影響 早期陸生維管植物的演化和分異 植物分類學(xué)面臨的新挑戰(zhàn) 植物基因流動(dòng)態(tài)、遷地保育的遺傳風(fēng)險(xiǎn)及資源發(fā)掘利用 Floristics and plant biogeography in China Strategies and progress on metabolic engineering of medicinal plants 中性與近中性群落生態(tài)學(xué)理論 光合膜復(fù)合物功能調(diào)控機(jī)理 Excessive nitrogen supply accelerates decline of old—growth forest by actuating Phosphorus limitation論文摘要 一、系統(tǒng)與進(jìn)化植物學(xué)  Phylogeny and Biogeography of Smilacaceae based on nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences  Seed coat morphology and its systematic implications in Swertia and other genera of Swertiinae(Gentianaceae)  Floristics and plant biogeography in China  Pollen morphology in relation to floral types and pollination syndromes in Pedicularis(Orobanchaceae)  A set of specific reproductive strategies ensures a high level of regeneration in an alpine herbaceous plant.  Incarvillea mairei(Bignoniaceae)  Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Holcoglossum(Orchidaceae:Aeridinae)based on nuclear ITS,and chloroplast trnL-F and matK  Sinopora,A new genus of lauraceae from south China  Taxonomic revision on Dendrobium moniliforllte and Dendrobium scoriarum complexes(Orchidaceae)  Pollen morphology of Gaultheria L.a(chǎn)nd related genera of subfamily Vaccinioideae:taxonomic and evolutionary significance    Fruit and seed morphology of Rhinantheae(Orobanchaceae)in China:taxonomic and systematic significance  …… 二、植物生態(tài)與環(huán)境生物學(xué) 三、植物發(fā)育與分子生物學(xué) 四、植物資源的可持續(xù)利用 五、植物學(xué)普及與教學(xué)



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