
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:南開(kāi)大學(xué)出版社  作者:安維,張瑩 主編  頁(yè)數(shù):全兩冊(cè)  字?jǐn)?shù):554000  




Unit One Likes and Dislikes
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Wanning-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A Camping in Style
Passage B Mountaineering
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training---RestrictⅣe AttributⅣe Clauses
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training---Letter of InⅥtaiton
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Two At the Bottom of My Heart
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
1I. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A A Friend in Need
Passage B Affection
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training---Non-restrictⅣe AttributⅣe Clauses
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training---Letter of Appointment
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Three Let's Go Shopping
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A Computer Shopping
Passage B Household Electical Appliances to Rural Areas
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training--Adverbial Clauses (1)
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training--Letter of Congratuatio
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Four The Internet
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A Online Shopping
Passage B The Information Age: The Internet
--How computer are linking people around the world
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training--Adverbial Clauses (2)
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training---Letter of Complaint
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit FⅣe Chinese FestⅣals
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A Spring FestⅣal
Passage B Mid-Autumn FestⅣal
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training---SubjunctⅣe Mood (1)
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training--Toasts
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Six Western FestⅣals
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A On Christmas--Origin and Celebration
Passage B ThanksgⅣing Day
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training--SubjunctⅣe Mood (2)
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training--Letter of Thanks
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Seven Traveling in China
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A A Short Walk in Space, a Great Leap Forward for a
Passage B Traveling in Tianjin
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training--Emphatic Sentences & Inveion
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training---Welcome Speech
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training
Unit Eight Traveling Abroad
I. Suggested Teaching Plan
Ⅱ. Key to Exercises
Section Ⅰ Warming-up
Section Ⅱ Listening Training
Section Ⅲ Speaking Training
Section Ⅳ Reading Training
Passage A Buckingham Palace
Passage B Eight Must See Things at the Disneyland Resort
Section Ⅴ Grammar Training--Subject-Verb Agreement
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing Training--Letter of Coolation
Section Ⅷ Mini-Project Training


版權(quán)頁(yè):   插圖:   Task 2 Learning Sample Dialogues Sample Dialogue 1 Mei: What are you so excited about? Susan: Glen is going to have a party and we are all invited. Mei: But what is Halloween ? Jane: Halloween falls on October 31st.It started as a Celtic ceremony to honour the dead.It was originally called All Hallows Eve.During the ceremony bonfires were lighted and animal sacrifices were made.Nowadays, the custom is for people to dress up in scary costumes. Mei: What kind of costumes do people wear? Jane: They may dress up as a ghost, a witch, a vampire, a monster or any scary creature that they can imagine. Susan: The tradition has changed a bit because now children also dress up as cartoon characters, or a man will dress as a woman or they will dress as a storybook character.Young children then go around to peoples' houses where they live and receive candies and fruit from them.When the children arrive at a house they say: "Trick or treat!" If they don't receive any candy, they may do some mischievous things. Mei: What do adults do on this day? Jane: Many adults enjoy dressing up.It's fun.It's a good reason to get together with friends and attend a costume party. Mei: That sounds like fun. Task: Introduce Halloween to your group members. Sample Dialogue 2 (Pat and Mr.Li have been invited by their supervisor, Professor Robinson, to have Christmas dinner with his family.)





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