
出版時(shí)間:2012-8  出版社:南開大學(xué)出版社  作者:王琳 主編  頁數(shù):226  字?jǐn)?shù):268000  




Module 1 Hotel Management
Unit 1
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A What is Leadehip?
Text B A Literature Review of Job Competency Modeling
in the Hospitality Industry
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 2
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Ethics of the Leadehip
Text B Lodging Industry Growth and its Impact on Hospitality
Education in the U.S.A.
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 2 Room Operatio
Unit 3
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A The Electrifying Job of the Front Office
Text B Registration
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 4
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Main Hotel Reservation Methods
Text B Case Study: the Power of Information
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 3 Housekeeping, Engineering and Security
Unit 5
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Housekeeping, Engineering and Security
An Introduction (I)
Text B Howard Johon
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 6
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Housekeeping, Engineering and Security
An Introduction (II)
Text B Hotels as Terrorist Targets
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 4 Food and Beverage Division
Unit 7
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Mission and Goals in Food and
Beverage Operation Management
Text B As I See It: Hotel Director of Food and
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 8
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Strategic Alliances between Hotels and
Text B Bristol and Good Eats Grill
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 5 Marketing Management
Unit 9
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Building Market Leadehip: Marketing as Process
Text B Hotel Sales Organization and Operatio
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 10
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A The Value Concept and Relatiohip Marketing
Text B Alternatives for Creating Value
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 6 Human Resource Management
Unit 11
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A What is Turnover, and why should we be
Text B Building a Family Legacy: The Marriott Story
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 12
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Human Capital Intangibles
Text B Hilton Hotels Corporate Profile
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 7 Financial Control and Management
Unit 13
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Budgeting and Forecasting:
Current Practice in the Lodging Industry
Text B As I See it: the Hotel Controller
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 14
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Control of Cash and Credit
Text B Ethics in Financial Management
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Module 8 Future of the Hotel Industry
Unit 15
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A The Emergence of Peonalized Service Spectrums
Text B The Strategic Role of Human Resource
in Organizational Crisis Management
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Unit 16
Part Ⅰ Reading
Text A Analyzing Service Quality in the Hospitality
Text B Mapping a Path to 2020
Part Ⅱ Simulated Writing
Part Ⅲ A Humorous Story
Key to Exercises



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