
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:南開大學(xué)出版社  作者:師英,董志善 編著  頁數(shù):372  字?jǐn)?shù):338000  




Part One  Global and National Economic Situation
Unit One
Text A Another Bush; Another Jobless Recovery
Text B TheHard Road Ahead
Unit Two
Text A Finally, Some Good News
Texr B Steaming
Unit Three
Text A Too Much Money: Inflation Goes Global
Text B The New "New Economy"
Unit Four
Text A India's Economy Hits the Wall
Text B A Yawning Trade Gap Could Swallow the Recovery
Unit Five
Text A Can Europe's Recovery Last?
Text B Climb on, Honey: This Could Be Wild
Part Two World Trade
Unit One
Text A The Doha Squabble
Text B Drops on Parched Soil
Unit Two
Text A China and Europe
Text B The Folly of Slapping Quotas on China
Unit Three
Text A 2005's Global Trade Hot Spots
Text B Sparks Fly over Steel
Unit Four
Text A Slouching toward a Trade War?
Text B The GM Gamble
Unit Five
TextA Two Chee for Free Trade
Text B Engaging the U.S. with Trade
Part Three Finance
Unit One
Text A Time to Go Up
Text B The Joy of Inflation
Unit Two
Text A Looking Up
Text B Still in Gear
Unit Tree
Text A Searching for Plan B
Text B Drowning in Dolla
Unit Four
Text A Ocea Apart
Text B Super-euro
Part Four Management
Unit One
Text A Make Way for Madame Director
Text B Earnings Guidance: Silence Is Golden
Unit Two
Text A Finally, Coke Gets it Right
Text B The Live Wire in Indian High Tech
Unit Three
Text A Microsoft without Gates
Text B Gates without Microsoft
Unit Four
Text A Audi Volvo, Acura ... Chrysler?
Text B Volkswagen Needs a Jump


  For one thing, the government is already trying to cool down theboom. Admittedly, it is not going about this in the most direct way, byrevaluing the yuan. The fixed exchange rate and strong capital inflowshave caused foreign-exchange reserves and hence the money supply toswell. The broad money supply grew by 21% in the year to October. Thecentral bank has tried to soak up the excess liquidity by selling bonds, butthis "sterilization" has its limits. More helpfully, the central banktightened regulations on lending to property developers in June andincreased banks reserve-requirement ratio in September. The rate ofcredit growth is already falling. This should cause the economy to slownext year, but not to collapse.  A second reason not to panic yet is that there are few of the signs ofoverheating usual at a cyclical peak. Chinas current-account surplussuggests that domestic demand is not overstretched; inflation, although ata six-year high, is only 1.8%; and though property prices are bubbling insome cities, average house prices have risen by only 4% in the past year.  China does not look like the East Asian tigers before their crisis.Unlike China, they all had huge current-account deficits and big externaldebts, as well as higher inflation rates and surging property and shareprices. Chinas is the only stock market among the 40 that The Economisttracks each week to have fallen this year.  "Overheating" usually implies excess demand which triggers higherinflation or soaring asset prices. Yet the enormous increase in industrialcapacity suggests that deflation may still be a bigger risk. Some industries, such as electricity and steel, are short of capacity.



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