
出版時(shí)間:2010-1  出版社:南開大學(xué)出版社  作者:唐蔚明  頁數(shù):357  


  From the perspective of the majority culture, Asian Americansmay very well be constructed as different from, and other than,Euro-Americans. But from the perspectives of Asian Americans, weare perhaps even more different, more diverse, among ourselves:being men and women at different distances and generations fromour "original" Asian culturesmcultures as different as Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Filipino, Indian, and VietnamesemAsianAmericans are born in the United States and born in Asia; ofexclusively Asian parents and of mixed race; urban and rural; refugeeand nonrefugee; communist-identified and anticommunist; fluent inEnglish and non-English speaking; educated and working class. Aswith other diasporas in the United States, the Asian immigrantcollectivity is unstable and changeable, with its cohesion complicatedby intergenerationality, by various degrees of identification andrelation to "homeland," and by different extents of assimilation toand distinction from "majority culture" in the United States.






Preface  iAcknowledgements  ixChapter One  The Predicament of Culture: An Introductory Survey of the History of Asian and Chinese American Migration and Cultural Struggles    I. Internal Colonial "Racist Hate" and Neo-colonial "Racist Love":Racial Alienation and Abjection      The Irreducible Other--Internal Colonial Alienation:1850-1943      Asian Abjection--Neo-colonial "Racist Love": Post-1943    II. Structural Contradictions: the American Dilemma    III. Resistance and Complicity: The Predicament of Asian and Chinese American Cultural Struggle  Chapter Two  The Subversive Outsider Within: Towards a New  Perspective of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism   I. Unassimilability: History, Racialisation and Cultural Contestation and Transformation      Refraining Space: Ambivalence and Uncanny Cultural Doubling      Hybridising  Time:  Dual-dimensional  Third  Time-space  and Cultural Reconfiguration    II. Straddling the Border: Rethinking the Politics of Asian and Chinese American Literary-cultural Criticism    III Chinese American Women's Writings: Living and Exploiting The Duality and Paradox  8Chapter Three  "Echo of a Cry": The Psychic Landscape of the  Cosmopolitan Ermigres in Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love and Chuang Hua's Crossings    I. Schizophrenic Multiple Identities and Double Consciousness    II. Divided Colonial City and the Subject of the Borderlands: Diana Chang's The Frontiers of Love    III. Desire and Imagining in a "No Man's Land": Chuang Hua's Crossings    VI. Conclusion  Chapter Four  Monstrosity of Translation: The Masquerade Dream Narratives of Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American    I. The Trope of Assimilation: De-mythologizing the Dream of Upward Mobility    II. The Masquerade Dream Narratives: Mimic (Wo)men in Fifth Chinese Daughter and Typical American    III. Seeing  Double:  Fragments  and  Chunks  and  Metonymic Displacement    IV. Conclusion  Chapter Five  Transcultural Metamorphosis: Feminist Intersubjectivity,  Negotiation and Subversion in The Woman Warrior and The Bonesetter' s Daughter    I. Politicising the Mother-daughter Trope: Postulating an Intersubjective Space of Cross-cultural Negotiation    II. Multiple Intersections: the Cross-cultural Self-other Interaction    III. Leap to the Power of Language: Storytelling and Re-inscribing Gender, Ethnicity and Transcultural Identity    IV. Conclusion  Chapter Six  Negotiating Cultural Identities and Differences    I. "The (Pre-)Emergent": Finding a Non-place of Neither One Nor Other Yet Both    II. Extra- and Intra-textual Negotiations: Rereading Chinese American Cultural Identity    III. Emergent Literature: Contestation and Interdependence  Selected Bibiliography  Index


  Chapter Four, through a rereading of the controversial works of JadeSnow Wong and Gish Jen, Fifth Chinese Daughter (1945) and TypicalAmerican (1991), contests the trope of assimilation that figures in bothU.S. ideologies of acculturation and anti-assimilationist Asian and ChineseAmerican literary-cultural discourse. It argues against the grain todemonstrate how the "assimilated" Chinese American protagonistsidentification with the American Dream of upward mobility simul taneously gestures towards a subtextual articulation of the mimic(wo)mens exclusion and immobility as the racialised Other and racedsubject. By revealing the double-layered textual voices, this chapterexposes not only the disparity and ambivalence of American ideals, butalso demonstrates how, in the uncanny repetition of the Dream metaphor,the Dream narratives of Wong and Jen enunciate its metonymicdisplacement and transformation.  Drawing on the concept of heterogeneous temporalities and theHabermasian feminist psychoanalytic notion of an intersubjectiveself-other relation, Chapter Five engages with a rereading of Maxine HongKingstons The Woman Warrior (1976)and Amy Tans The BonesettersDaughter (2001). It illustrates how inhabiting spaces between conflictualand often incommensurable temporalities creates, for second-generationChinese Americans, an experience of internal splitting and ambivalence, ofnegotiation and transculturation. In fashioning an emergent multivocal selfthat hybridises and transforms past and present temporalities, asrepresented by the maternal Chinese talk-stories and the "symbolic order"of mainstream American society, this chapter postulates ametamorphosised transcultural identity that is, defying the either/or binaryfixity, multifacetedly neither one nor the other yet both.



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