
出版時(shí)間:2005-8  出版社:南開大學(xué)出版社  作者:賈虹  頁數(shù):191  


  這是一本側(cè)重于商務(wù)活動和普及物流及商務(wù)知識的聽力材料。內(nèi)容力求新穎、活潑和富于趣味性,語言真實(shí)、生動、規(guī)范,適用于已具備大量業(yè)務(wù)知識和即將從事相關(guān)工作的學(xué)員使用。各單元內(nèi)容與實(shí)際工作環(huán)境緊密聯(lián)系,以便使學(xué)員能進(jìn)行大量的、靈活多樣的、有針對性的模擬聯(lián)系;有效地幫助學(xué)員逐漸熟練、靈活地將所學(xué)語言知識用于業(yè)務(wù)工作中,提高學(xué)員對所聽內(nèi)容的分析、歸納、綜合和推斷能力?! ∪珪彩苏n,包括對話和短文兩個部分,適用于大學(xué)或研究生使用。為了方便練習(xí),在每篇材料的練習(xí)之前,列出了單詞及中文詞義、專有名詞和詞組。  教師可視學(xué)生程度、班級人數(shù)、教學(xué)時(shí)間等條件靈活使用本教程,教學(xué)方式可多樣化,力爭在最短的時(shí)間內(nèi)收到最大的效果?! ”窘坛啼浺籼仄竿鈬鴮<忆浿仆瓿?。其音帶語音清晰,語調(diào)流暢,發(fā)音標(biāo)準(zhǔn),是配合《物流英語聽力教程》學(xué)習(xí)的極好輔助材料。


Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings Understanding conversations1. Introductions 2. Knowing about People  Understanding passagesI The tntroduction of Logistics 2 Communication Unit 2 On the Phone II  Understanding conversationsI. ls the Infolation Correct? 2. Can I Take a Message?  Understanding passages1. Logistics Strategy 2. The Role of Intemational Purchasing in the Supply Chain Unit 3 Companies Understand{rig conversationsI. Company Organization2. TellUs Something about Your Company  Understanding passages1. Buying Strategy and Planning 2. Manpower Management Unit 4 The Workplace Understanding conversationsI. Giving Directions 2. Getting to Know the Workplace  Understanding passages1. Import and Export 2. Customer Service Unit 5 Day-to-day Work Understanding conversations1. People Talking about Their Jobs 2. Rules and Regulations  Understanding passages1. Packing2. Package Moving Business Unit 6 Plans Understanding conversations1. Discussing Arrangements 2. Schedules for Next Month Understanding passages1. Export Documentation 2. The Importance of Correct Documentation Unit 7 Visits and Travel Understanding conversationsI. Finding out about Hotels 2. Booking Accommodations Understanding passages1. Transportation 2. Merit Attention of Both Setters and Buyers Unit 8 Jobs and CareersUnit 9 International TradeUnit 10 Sales and Negotiation Unit 11 EntertainingUnit 12 Dealing with Problems Unti 13 Favtory and Career SuccessUnti 14 Sales and NegotiationsUnti 15 MeetingsUnti 16 ClaimsUnti 17 Shipment Unti 18 Port 聽力材料及參考答案參考書目



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