
出版時(shí)間:2011-10  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社  作者:斯蒂芬·克萊恩  頁(yè)數(shù):318  譯者:孫致禮  


  《紅色英勇勛章》(1895)以美國(guó)南北戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)(1861-1865)為背景,講述了一位叫亨利?弗萊明的年輕人充滿對(duì)戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)的奇妙幻想,渴望過軍旅生活,而不顧母親的勸阻毅然參軍的故事。小說從新兵的角度去描寫戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),突出了戰(zhàn)斗環(huán)境對(duì)個(gè)人的影響?!  督诸^女郎瑪吉》(1893)描寫了一位來自紐約底層社會(huì)的女孩淪為妓女的悲慘生活?!逗I媳庵邸肥亲骷覍⒆约喝ス虐筒稍L途中遭遇的沉船經(jīng)歷經(jīng)過加工寫成的。這是美國(guó)文學(xué)史上第一部自然主義作品。這部作品是19世紀(jì)90年代探索城市貧民窟和墮落女孩的眾多作品之一。他通過小說的主人公梅季的成長(zhǎng)歷程來探索主體的社會(huì)化過程,最終尋找促使梅季走向毀滅的“現(xiàn)實(shí)”。在這籍小說中,克萊恩探討了人與自然和人與命運(yùn)的關(guān)系,揭示了大自然對(duì)于人類命運(yùn)的冷漠。


Stephen Crane (November 1, 1871 – June 5, 1900) was an American author. Prolific throughout his short life, he wrote notable works in the Realist tradition as well as early examples of American Naturalism and Impressionism. He is recognized by modern critics as one of the most innovative writers of his generation.
The eighth surviving child of Methodist Protestant parents, Crane began writing at the age of four and had published several articles by the age of 16. Having little interest in university studies, he left school in 1891 to work as a reporter and writer. Crane's first novel was the 1893 Bowery tale Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, generally considered by critics to be the first work of American literary Naturalism. He won international acclaim in 1895 for his Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage, which he wrote without any battle experience.
In 1896, Crane endured a highly publicized scandal after appearing as a witness in the trial of a suspected prostitute, an acquaintance named Dora Clark. Late that year he accepted an offer to travel to Cuba as a war correspondent. As he waited in Jacksonville, Florida, for passage, he met Cora Taylor, the madam of a brothel, with whom he began a lasting relationship. En route to Cuba, Crane's ship sank off the coast of Florida, leaving him and others adrift for several days in a dinghy. Crane described the ordeal in "The Open Boat". During the final years of his life, he covered conflicts in Greece and lived in England with Cora, where he befriended writers such as Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells. Plagued by financial difficulties and ill health, Crane died of tuberculosis in a Black Forest sanatorium at the age of 28.
At the time of his death, Crane was considered an important figure in American literature. After he was nearly forgotten for two decades, critics revived interest in his life and work. Crane's writing is characterized by vivid intensity, distinctive dialects, and irony. Common themes involve fear, spiritual crises and social isolation. Although recognized primarily for The Red Badge of Courage, which has become an American classic, Crane is also known for his poetry, journalism, and short stories such as "The Open Boat", "The Blue Hotel", "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky", and The Monster. His writing made a deep impression on 20th-century writers, most prominent among them Ernest Hemingway, and is thought to have inspired the Modernists and the Imagists.




  他覺得他對(duì)自己和伙伴們的看法都有些滑稽。他們都極其嚴(yán)肅地對(duì)待自己和敵人,想象自己就是決定戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)勝負(fù)的要素。每個(gè)人肯定都認(rèn)為他們正將自己的名字深深地刻進(jìn)不朽的黃銅紀(jì)念匾上或是要讓他們的名聲永遠(yuǎn)地在祖國(guó)人民的心中閃耀。然而事實(shí)上,這場(chǎng)戰(zhàn)事將會(huì)用一個(gè)無關(guān)痛癢的標(biāo)題刊登在報(bào)紙上。不過他認(rèn)為這樣也不錯(cuò),要是希望渺茫,那么每個(gè)參加戰(zhàn)斗的人都將義無反顧地逃之。天天。  他加快步伐向前跑著,希望能盡快來到森林的邊緣,這樣他就可以觀察到戰(zhàn)斗的情況了?! ∷贿呞s路,一邊腦海里閃現(xiàn)出幾幅驚心動(dòng)魄的戰(zhàn)斗畫面。他對(duì)于這些畫面的思考又呈現(xiàn)出一幕幕場(chǎng)景。而槍炮聲就像是一個(gè)人滔滔不絕地在敘述?! ∮袝r(shí)那些藤蔓、草莖像鎖鏈一樣纏繞著他,阻止他前進(jìn)。樹木們擋在他面前,伸出胳膊來禁止他通行。由于先前的敵意,森林的這次新的對(duì)抗使他的心里充滿了快樂的憤怒??瓷先ゴ笞匀贿€沒有置他于死地的打算。  但是他還是固執(zhí)地迂回前行。不久他來到了一個(gè)地方,從那里他可以看到由灰色的煙霧筑起的長(zhǎng)長(zhǎng)的戰(zhàn)地前沿。大炮的聲音讓他身體發(fā)顫。一陣陣持續(xù)不規(guī)則的火槍聲此起彼伏地響起,劇烈地沖擊著他的耳膜。他站著回首了一番,眼睛里流露出敬畏,呆望著烽火四起的戰(zhàn)揚(yáng)。  稍作停頓,他又繼續(xù)往前趕路。戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)就像是一座巨大而可怕的碾盤,它的復(fù)雜、威力和殘酷的運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)過程讓他著迷。他必須走近,看看它是如何來制造死尸的。   ……


  同名英文原版書火熱銷售中:The Red Badge of Courage




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