
出版時間:2011-8  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社  作者:劉麗潔,賈艷萍 編  頁數(shù):197  




Module 1 History of MedicineWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 2 Medical CareerWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 3 Medical EliteWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 4 Human BodyWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 5 On DiseasesWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 6 Food and HealthWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 7 Exercise and HealthWarm upListeningSpeakingReadingModule 8 A HospitalWarm upListeningSpeakingReading


  the symptoms to reinforce his judgment. Western medicineuses chemical-based medicine and surgery for medication,while Chinese medicine uses Chinese herbal medicine andacupuncture.  For a patient, which is more preferable? It depends. Usuallya Chinese doctor will recommend western medicine for intensivetreatment, and Chinese medicine for recovery. Chinese medicineis more effective for some functional disease, the cause of whichis difficult to make clear.  What will happen if Chinese medicine is indeed abandoned? I have no idea of it. For the patients suffering terminal disease,Chinese medicine is their last resort. It can not only alleviate painbut also offer an option of different treatment.  As a simple example, you see a western doctor if you haveacute appendicitis, but you exercise or take Chinese herbs to keepyour body healthy enough to prevent appendicitis, or to recovermore quickly from the surgery. Very few practitioners of westernmedicine in China reject traditional Chinese medicine, and mostdoctors in China'will use some elements of Chinese medicine intheir own practice.   ……



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