
出版時(shí)間:2011-4  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社  作者:柯克·路德維希(Kirk Ludwig)  頁數(shù):286  譯者:郭世平  


本書由一些著名的哲學(xué)家寫成,各章分別論及的是:真理與意義;行動(dòng)哲學(xué);徹底解釋;哲學(xué)心理學(xué);語義學(xué)與事件形而上學(xué);對于外部世界、他人心靈以及我們自己心靈的認(rèn)識(shí);以及戴維森的工作對于文學(xué)理論的意義?!?br />這只是對戴維森全部工作范圍的一個(gè)綜合性導(dǎo)論,正因?yàn)槿绱?,對于哲學(xué)、心理學(xué)、語言學(xué)以及文學(xué)理論專業(yè)的高年級(jí)本科生、研究生以及專業(yè)人員來說,本書也具有特殊的價(jià)值。


  唐納德?戴維森(Donald Davidson,1917-2003)


導(dǎo)論 柯克?路德維希
 第一節(jié) 早年生活與思想發(fā)展
 第二節(jié) 約1970年至今的工作
 第三節(jié) 意義理論與自然語言語義學(xué)
 第四節(jié) 行動(dòng)哲學(xué)
 第五節(jié) 徹底解釋
 第六節(jié) 心理哲學(xué)
 第七節(jié) 認(rèn)識(shí)論
 第八節(jié) 事件
 第九節(jié) 真理
 第十節(jié) 合理性與非理性
 第十一節(jié) 語言的非字面使用
 第十二節(jié) 本書的結(jié)構(gòu)
第一章 真理與意義歐尼斯特?萊波雷柯克?路德維希
 第一節(jié) 可學(xué)會(huì)的語言與組合性要求
 第二節(jié) 戴維森對傳統(tǒng)探討的批評
 第三節(jié) 作為組合性意義理論工具的真理論
 第四節(jié) 解釋性議題:對于傳統(tǒng)目標(biāo)的取代還是新的追求?
 第五節(jié) 外延性約束
 第六節(jié) 徹底解釋的作用
 第七節(jié) 真理論語義學(xué)方面的工作
 第八節(jié) 結(jié)束語
第二章 行動(dòng)哲學(xué)
第三章 徹底解釋
第四章 心靈哲學(xué)與心理學(xué)
第五章 語義學(xué)與事件的形而上學(xué)
第六章 對于自我、他人和世界的認(rèn)識(shí)
第七章 語言與文學(xué)






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用戶評論 (總計(jì)3條)


  •   想了解其學(xué)說先了解其人,我都是這么進(jìn)行研究的。很有效果。
  •   介紹戴維森,還算清晰。
  •   聚焦當(dāng)代哲學(xué)--復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社計(jì)劃出6個(gè)哲學(xué)家,自出這本《唐納德?戴維森》和前面的《理查德·羅蒂》,就一直沒有下文了。還有4位哲學(xué)家分別是《羅伯特·諾齊克》《查爾斯·泰勒》《托馬斯·庫恩》《阿拉斯代爾·麥金泰爾》。這套“聚焦當(dāng)代哲學(xué)”原是劍橋大學(xué)2002年開始陸續(xù)出版,現(xiàn)已有11冊。依次是:Thomas Kuhn 托馬斯·庫恩Stanley Cavell 斯坦利·卡維爾Alasdair MacIntyre 阿拉斯代爾·麥金泰爾Richard Rorty 理查德·羅蒂Donald Davidson 唐納德·戴維森John Searle 約翰·塞爾Charles Taylor 查爾斯·泰勒Hilary Putnam 希拉里·普特南Paul Churchland 保羅·丘奇蘭德Alvin Plantinga 阿爾文·普蘭丁格Bernard Williams 伯納德·威廉姆斯下面是有關(guān)這個(gè)系列的原版信息:Contemporary Philosophy in Focus / 聚焦當(dāng)代哲學(xué)各卷內(nèi)容簡介 (格式: 書名/編者,年份/內(nèi)容簡介):1) Thomas Kuhn 托馬斯·庫恩Edite...d by Thomas Nickles 2002Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996), the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed the way we think about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life and work and then considers the implications of Kuhn's work for philosophy, cognitive psychology, social studies of science and feminism. The volume is more than a retrospective on Kuhn, exploring future developments of cognitive and information services along Kuhnian lines. Outside of philosophy the volume will be of particular interest to professionals and students in cognitive science, history of science, science studies and cultural studies.Kuhn is widely read across humanities and social studies.We have a high-quality list of contributors able to provide a much wider overall coverage than the volume by Alexander Bird.The volume is accessible and systematic like a Companion.2) Stanley Cavell 斯坦利·卡維爾Edited by Richard Eldridge 2003Stanley Cavell has been one of the most creative and independent of contemporary philosophical voices. At the core of his thought is the view that skepticism is not a theoretical position to be refuted by philosophical theory but is a reflection of the fundamental limits of human knowledge of the self, of others and of the external world that must be accepted. This volume is the first attempt systematically and accessibly to describe and assess the full range of Cavell's work. There are new accounts of Cavell's contribution to the philosophy of mind and language, the theory of action, ethics, aesthetics, Romanticism, American philosophy, Shakespeare, and film and opera. Outside philosophy the appeal of this volume will be unusually broad.One of the most widely read of contemporary philosophers outside philosophy, in literary studies, art, music, film and American studies.Cambridge is associated with Stanley Cavell through two classic books being reissued alongside this volume in new editions, Must We Mean what We Say? and Disowning Knowledge in Seven Plays of Shakespeare.3) Alasdair MacIntyre 阿拉斯代爾·麥金泰爾Edited by Mark C. Murphy 2003The contribution to contemporary philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre is enormous. His writings on ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, philosophy of the social sciences and the history of philosophy have established him as one of the philosophical giants of the last fifty years. His best-known book, After Virtue (1981), spurred the profound revival of virtue ethics. Moreover, MacIntyre, unlike so many of his contemporaries, has exerted a deep influence beyond the bourns of academic philosophy. This volume focuses on the major themes of MacIntyre's work with critical expositions of MacIntyre's views on the history of philosophy, the role of tradition in philosophical inquiry, the philosophy of the social sciences, moral philosophy, political theory, and his critique of the assumptions and institutions of modernity. Written by a distinguished team of philosophers, this volume will have a wide appeal outside philosophy to students in the social sciences, law, theology, and political theory.MacIntyre is a figure of major importance whose work has been widely influential across disciplines.This should be one of the best-selling volumes in the series.Volume is fully up-to-date and much more accessible to non-specialists than the competition.4) Richard Rorty 理查德·羅蒂Edited by Charles Guignon, David R. Hiley 2003Arguably the most influential of all contemporary English-speaking philosophers, Richard Rorty has transformed the way many inside and outside philosophy think about the discipline and the traditional ways of practising it. Drawing on a wide range of thinkers from Darwin and James to Quine, Wittgenstein, Heidegger and Derrida, Rorty has injected a bold anti-foundationalist vision into philosophical debate, into discussions in literary theory, communication studies, political theory and education, and, as public intellectual, into national debates about the responsibilities of America in the modern world. The essays in this volume offer a balanced exposition and critique of Rorty's views on knowledge, language, truth, science, morality and politics. The editorial introduction presents a valuable overview of Rorty's philosophical vision. Written by a distinguished team of philosophers, this volume will have an unusual appeal outside philosophy to students in the social sciences, literary studies, cultural studies and political theory.Given Rorty's almost cult status this should prove to be one of the best-selling volumes in the series.Broad inter-disciplinary readership.As with other volumes in series this is systematic and accessible.5) Donald Davidson 唐納德·戴維森Edited by Kirk Ludwig 2003Donald Davidson has been one of the most influential figures in modern analytic philosophy and has made seminal contributions in a wide range of subjects: philosophy of language, philosophy of action, philosophy of mind, epistemology, metaphysics and the theory of rationality. His principal work, embodied in a series of landmark essays stretching over nearly 40 years, exhibits a unity rare among philosophers contributing on so many diverse fronts. Written by a distinguished team of philosophers, this volume includes chapters on truth and meaning, the philosophy of action, radical interpretation, philosophical psychology, knowledge of the external world, other minds and our own minds, and the implications of Davidson's work for literary theory. This is the only comprehensive introduction to the full range of Davidson's work, and as such it will be of particular value to advanced undergraduates, graduates and professionals in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and literary theory.Most systematic and accessible account available of one of major figures in contemporary philosophy.Strong team of contributors, offering a much higher-quality introduction than is found in the Princeton competitor listed above.6) John Searle 約翰·塞爾Edited by Barry Smith 2003From his groundbreaking book Speech Acts to his most recent studies of consciousness, freedom and rationality John Searle has been a dominant and highly influential figure amongst contemporary philosophers. This systematic introduction to the full range of Searle's work begins with the theory of speech acts and proceeds with expositions of Searle's writings on intentionality, consciousness and perception, as well as a careful presentation of the so-called Chinese Room argument. The volume considers Searle's recent work on social ontology and his views on the nature of law and obligation. It concludes with an appraisal of Searle's spirited defence of truth and scientific method in the face of the criticisms of Derrida and other postmodernists. This is the only comprehensive introduction to Searle's work, and as such it will be of particular value to advanced undergraduates, graduates and professionals in philosophy, psychology, linguistics, cognitive and computer science and literary theory.Only comprehensive introduction available to one of the dominant philosophical figures of our time.Systematic and accessible.Distinguished roster of contributors.7) Charles Taylor 查爾斯·泰勒Edited by Ruth Abbey 2004Charles Taylor is beyond question one of the most distinctive figures in the landscape of contemporary philosophy. In a time of increasing specialization Taylor’s ability to contribute to philosophical conversations across a wide spectrum of ideas is distinctive and impressive. These areas include moral theory, theories of subjectivity, political theory, epistemology, hermeneutics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language and aesthetics. His most recent writings have seen him branching into the study of religion. Written by a team of international authorities, this collection will be read primarily by students and professionals in philosophy, political science and religious studies, but will appeal to a broad swathe of professionals across the humanities and social sciences.Deals with prominent philosopher whose work is widely read across disciplines.High-quality contributors.Up-to-date and accessible.8) Hilary Putnam 希拉里·普特南Edited by Yemima Ben-Menahem 2005The richness of Putnam's philosophical oeuvre consists not only in the broad spectrum of problems addressed, but also in the transformations and restructuring his positions have undergone over the years. The essays collected in this volume are sensitive to both these dimensions. They discuss Putnam’s major philosophical contributions to the theory of meaning, the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of science and mathematics, and moral theory. But, in addition, tracing threads of change and continuity, they analyze the dynamics underlying the unfolding of Putnam's thought. The volume also constitutes a critical introduction to a number of central issues in contemporary philosophy, including quantum logic, realism, functionalism, the 'minds as computer' metaphor, and the fact/value dichotomy.One of the major contemporary philosophers.Very strong list of contributors.Offers a critical introduction to a number of central issue 閱讀更多 ›

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