
出版時(shí)間:2011-3  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)  作者:(英)艾菲德·羅伯茨//菲利普·布魯斯|譯者:黃智穎  頁(yè)數(shù):219  譯者:黃智穎  




作者:(英國(guó))艾菲德?羅伯茨 (英國(guó))菲利普?布魯斯 譯者:黃智穎


Chapter 1 How to Apply for the Ideal Job
 1. First Steps
 2. Reading Job Advertisements
 3. Analysing a Specific Job Advertisement
 4. What to Mention in Your Letter or Email
 5. Attracting an Employers Interest
 6. Hints and Tips
 7. Practice Makes Perfect
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 2 The R6sume and the Interview
 1. The Resume or Curriculum Vitae
 2. The Essentials
 3. Model resume single-page version)
 4. Interview Essentials
 5. What Do You Do Now
 6. The Big Day
 7. What Do I Wear
 8. What Questions Will They Ask
 9. Be Positive
 10. You Do the Talking
 II. Dealing with Negatives at the Interview
 12. Strength from Weakness
 13. Hints and Tips
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 3 Spoken Business Communication
 1. Preparing for the Talk
 2. Preparing the Content
 3. Practice and Presentation Techniques
 4. Hints and Tips
 5. Practice Makes Perfect
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 4 Communicating with Colleagues and Customers
 1. Unspoken Messages
 2. Friendly Communications
 3. Communicating Sensitively
 4. Problem Communications
 5. Hints and Tips
 6. Hearing and Understanding--Achieving Both
 7. Action
 8. Checking
 9, Communicating with Bosses
 10. A Fact
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 5 Written Communications
 1. Composing Your Message
 2. Written Forms of Communication
 3. Lets Practise,
 4. Hints and Tips
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 6 Business Meetings
 1. Why People Hold Meetings
 2. Meeting Styles
 3. Writing the Records of Business Meetings
 4. The Disadvantages of a Verbatim Record
 5. The Advantages of a Written Summary
 6. Influence and Power
 7. Evaluate
 8. After Considerable Discussion
 9. Who Are the Readers of the Minutes
 10. Meeting Minutes
 11. More Minutes
 12. Why Certain Things Are Important
 13. Hints and Tips
 14. What's to Be Discussed
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 7 Cross-cultural Business Communications
 1. Is It Possible to Put Culture into Categories
 2. Stereotypes and Assumptions
 3. The English Language
 4. Hints and Tips
 5. Phenomena Which Influence Cultures,
 6. Direct or Rude
 7. Deference and Interruption
 8. Politeness,
 9. European Uriion of Differences
 10. Diversity and Communication Opportunities
 11. Do Some Research
 12. Hints and Tips
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 8 Crisis Communications
 1. What Is a-Crisis
 2. Why, Is Communication Essential In a Crisis
 3. Hints ahd Tips
 4. What Can We Do in Advance
 5. The Golden Rules
 6. A Crisis in Practice
 Notes for Your Guidance.
Chapter 9 Media Communications
 1. Information Out
 2. Press Releases
 3. Press Conferences
 4. Press Events
 5. Say It with Pictures
 6. Don't Make It Difficult
 7. Th'e Big Interview
 8. Questions and Answers
 9. Bad Press
 10. Inward Communication
 11. Who Can Speak for You
 12. Hints and Tips
 Notes for Your Guidance
Chapter 10 Business Communications Every Day
 Ten Exercises
 Notes for Your Guidance
 Appendix One Cocktail Party
 Appendix Two The Card Game
 Appendix Three Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr or John
 Appendix Four Getting to Know You
 Appendix Five Dealing with Dinner
 Appendix Six Sneaky Phrases
 Appendix Seven Karaoke
 Appendix Eight It's All a Matter of Face
 Appendix Nine Be a Chinese Culture Vulture







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  •   很喜歡這本書,但是最近在學(xué)日語(yǔ),沒怎么看,但是真的是很不錯(cuò)的一本書
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  •   是老師讓買的,還不錯(cuò)
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  •   這本書比較一般,英文部分沒有中文對(duì)照,中文部分沒有英語(yǔ)譯文,拼湊痕跡很大。
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  •   跟之前想象的不同,不過(guò)看看也還有點(diǎn)用。
  •   幫同學(xué)買的,質(zhì)量不錯(cuò),送貨也挺快的~~

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