
出版時間:2010-9  出版社:復旦大學  作者:魏國富 編  


本書再版完稿之際,恰逢上海世博開幕之時。千年文明古國,百年世博盛事,上海世博不僅是中國向世人展示千年文明發(fā)展進程的成就,更是中國發(fā)展的機遇,世界發(fā)展的機遇。一個國家舉辦世博會,最直接受益的就是世博舉辦國的旅游業(yè)。據(jù)有關方面預測,上海世博會的整個展出期間將有7000萬人次的中外參觀者,日均人流量約為40萬人次,最高單日接待量可能會達到100萬人次,巨大的客源對于中國旅游業(yè)和上海旅游業(yè)來說都是前所未有的。那么,如何才能使旅游者,特別是人境游客乘興而來,滿意而歸?另外,隨著我國出境游市場的不斷擴大,我國公民出境旅游人數(shù)的不斷增多,如何使我國出境游的旅游者游得舒心、稱心、放心?要回答以上兩個問題,筆者認為:1)旅游從業(yè)人員的旅游英語交際能力是不可忽略的一個重要的方面;2)我國出境游游客的旅游英語水平的提高也是保證出境游質(zhì)量的一個基礎?!秾嵱寐糜斡⒄Z教程》(以下簡稱“教程”)為解決以上兩個問題提供了有力的幫助。旅游英語教程自2002年出版以來深受全國許多大專院校旅游專業(yè)的青睞,并將本教程定為旅游專業(yè)學生的必修課程;也成為非旅游專業(yè)學生的選修課程以及一些地方旅游培訓部門對從業(yè)人員進行旅游英語培訓的主選教材。為了更好地適應廣大讀者的需求,滿足讀者學習的要求,從而盡快地達到提高學習者的旅游英語應用能力,我們對教程進行了修訂。修訂后的第二版有以下幾個方面的重大變化和特點:1.每個單元中的Text A課文后增加了詞匯和閱讀能力練習和Text后課文閱讀理解練習;2.應廣大教師以及旅游專業(yè)學生、旅游業(yè)培訓者、從業(yè)人員及旅游英語愛好者的要求,修訂后的第二版教程配備了多媒體課件光盤;3.為了便利旅游培訓者、旅游專業(yè)英語教師們的教學工作和旅游專業(yè)學生們對教程很好地進行自學,我們還編寫了《實用旅游英語教程導學》(以下稱“導學”)。


  考慮到市場的需求和當前我國旅游英語教學還不夠完善和規(guī)范化的現(xiàn)狀,作者魏國富編寫了這本《實用旅游英語教程(第2版)》。本教程不僅旨在提高現(xiàn)已從業(yè)者的專業(yè)英語實際運用能力,更重要的是使那些仍在校讀書的學生打好堅實的基礎,拓寬知識面,增強其成功就業(yè)的信心,提高其輕松從業(yè)的能力。 本教程是一本旅游英語專業(yè)教材,共有十四課,每課包括六個部分。


Unit 1Text A Why People Travel?Text B BeijingText C Xi'anUnit 2Text A Tourist and TourismText B T0uristsText C The Tourist IndustryUnit 3Text A Visit to the Wuyi MountainsText B The Great WallText C Jade Buddha TempleUnit 4Text A Australia the Wlorld’s Largest IslandText B China TodayText C SingaporeUnit 5Text A Classification of HotelText B An Introduction to Hotel IndustryText C The Tai MahalUnit 6Text A Public Festivals in ChinaText B The First Thanksgiving DayText C Major Traditional Chinese HolidaysUnit 7Text A Famous Chinese DishesText B The Art of Chinese CookingText C Chinese CuisineUnit 8Text A Food CultureText B Eating Etiquette between China and AmericaText C Table MannersUnit 9Text A Disney W10rldText B Terra-cotta Figures and Bronze ChariotText C Tourist Attractions and EntertainmentUnit 10Text A Advertising for Tourist PromotionText B The Role of Advertising·Text C AdvertisementUnit 11Text A Business Letters in TourismText B General Principles of Business WritingText C Four Forms of Business Letter WritingUnit 12Text A Agreements and ContractsText B Contract LawText C Agreement StudyingUnit 13Text A The Advantages of TelecommunicationText B Lijiang-The world's Cultural HeritageText C America's National ParksUnit 14Text A Credit Cards(I)Text B Credit Cards(II)Text C Western MannersGlossary


插圖:From about 25 AD the town went into a decline that lasted aboutfive and a half centuries, until in 582 the emperor Wen Di of the SuiDynasty established his capital southeast of Chang An. The townflourished and continued its development under the Tang Dynasty,so that in time it became the most important center in Asia, with apopulation of about a million people living in a vast, well-laid-out cityprotected by large walls and ramparts. The area of the old city wasgreater than that of present-day Xi'an.All but two of the Tang emperors have their tombs in the hillsfar back from the north bank of the Wei. There are fifteen tombs ina line extending about 100 miles eastward, and the farthest one isnear the Yellow River. The town was extensively damaged whenthe Tang Dynasty fell, and thereafter went into another long periodof decline. After that, it was never again the capital of China. So thetown remained undeveloped until the Ming Dynasty, and even thenit was only about one-fifth of its former area. During the reign of theQing Dynasty it was considered one of the most beautiful towns inChina; but when the Qing Dynasty fell in 1911, it went into anotherdecline. Thereafter there was little development until after the 1949revolution, when a program of industrialization was introduced andthe area repopulated.The people of Shaanxi have struggled for thousands of yearsto tame the waters of the province by digging canals, making damsand irrigating the agricultural areas. Even today water conservationprojects are of great importance to the province, and there has beenan upsurge in capital construction in this sector. Hillsidess are beingextensively terraced for growing crops, planting trees and shrubsthus to prevent soil erosion, lessen the impact of droughts, and long-time scourges of the area. One forestation program, known as the"great wall of greenness", extends some 220 miles in length.






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  •   送來的書感覺就是舊的,而且那個皮和書都分開了,書皮還有很大的裂縫,感覺就是二手書,不喜歡,只是要考試了才勉強沒退。
  •   好書 很對 習題和講解很充實 內(nèi)容很扎實

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