出版時間:2010-8 出版社:復旦大學出版社 作者:張紹杰 著 頁數:252
本書的第一版于2006年10月由復旦大學出版社出版。第一版出版后,其讀者反饋、教學效果及銷量均令人滿意。經出版社推薦,我們申報了教育部普通高等教育“十一五”國家級教材規(guī)劃(補充)選題立項,并于2008年1月獲得批準。復旦大學出版社以及東北師范大學為本書的修訂提供了經費支持。經過近兩年的全力修改,本書的修訂版終于與讀者見面了。 總體上,修訂的總體原則是突出時代感與實用性。在內容及演講稿的選取上,我們力求采用富于時代氣息、代表時代聲音的篇章,便于讀者把握時代脈搏;在編寫目的方面,我們更加突出演講教材的實用性,尤其是它對各級各類大學生英語演講比賽的現實指導意義?! ⌒抻啺姹3至说谝话娴闹黧w內容及結構安排。全書仍然由九章構成。各章的名稱略有變化,每章的具體內容也都有一定調整,主要變化體現在每章的第二、三、四節(jié),第九章全部及附錄部分。具體包括:(1)各章第二節(jié)的演講范文有部分調整更新,第三節(jié)的練習也有相應變化;(2)各章第四節(jié)的演示文稿及點評文字做了更新,演講稿全部配上了原聲CD;(3)第九章內容更加豐富、論述更為具體,對于指導學生參加演講比賽更具有應用價值;(4)附錄部分我們精心挑選了10篇代表不同時代、不同場合、不同目的的著名演說,10篇演說全部配有原聲CD,附有演講者介紹、演講背景介紹及語言特點評析等內容,具有較高的參考價值?! ”緯木幷呔鶠闁|北師范大學英語專業(yè)教師,除署名編者外,陳彥旭、霍盛亞、姜言勝三位老師參與了部分資料的收集與整理工作,他們也是東北師范大學演講與辯論賽教練組的骨干力量。東北師范大學張紹杰教授在百忙中欣然同意為我們審閱稿件并提出了寶貴的修改意見。
Unit 1 Understanding Public SpeakingPart I Communication SkillsPart II ExemplarsPart III ExercisesPart IV PracticesPart V Famous SayingsUnit 2 Using Language EffectivelyPart I Communication SkillsPart II Exemplars Part III ExercisesPart IV PracticesPart V Famous SayingsUnit 3 Setting the Goal and SubjectPart I Communication SkillsPart II ExemplarsPart III ExercisesPart IV PracticesPart V Famous SayingsUnit 4 Organizing the SpeechPart I Communication SkillsPart U ExemplarsPart m ExercisesPart IV PracticesPart V Famous SayingsUnit 5 Opening the SpeechPart I Communication SkillsPart II ExemplarsPart III ExercisesPart N PracticesPart V Famous SayingsUnit 6 Closing the SpeechPart I Communication SkillsPart II ExemplarsPart III ExercisesPart IV PracticesPart V Famous Sayings Unit 7 Rehearsing the Vocal DeliveryPart I Communication SkillsPart II ExemplarsPart III ExercisesPart IV PracticesPan V Famous SayingsUnit 8 Using the Body EffectivelyPan I Communication SkillsPan II ExemplarsPan III ExercisesPan IV PracticesPan V Famous SayingsUnit 9 Making Impromptu SpeechesPan I Communication SkillsPan II Exemplars Part III ExercisesPan IV PracticesPan V Famous SayingsAppendix Selected Famous SpeechesReferences
Once America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization.Today we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship and honor. And we see a China that is becoming one of the most dynamic and creativesocieties in the word —— as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here inthis room. China is on a rising path, and America welcomes the emergence of a strongand peaceful and prosperous China. It was my honor to visit China in 1975 some of you weren't even born then. It shows how old I am. A lot has changed in your country since then. China has made amazing progress in openness and enterprise and economic freedom. And this progress spreviews China's great potential. China has joined the World Trade Organization, andas you live up to its obligations, they inevitably will bring changes to the Chinese legal system. A modern China will have a consistent rule of law to govern commerce and secure the rights of its people. The new China your generation is building will need the profound wisdom of your traditions. The lure of materialism challenges our society —— challenges society in ourcountry and in many successful countries. ……