
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:復旦大學出版社  作者:魏國富,卜愛萍 著  頁數(shù):331  


  21世紀的中國市場是一個充滿活力、競爭力和面向世界開放的市場。隨著市場經(jīng)濟的迅速發(fā)展,我國的企業(yè)都面臨激烈競爭的全球化市場的挑戰(zhàn)。企業(yè)如何提高競爭力,如何在市場白熱化競爭的形勢下做到運籌帷幄,決勝千里,其成敗關鍵是企業(yè)亟須大批擁有廣博的專業(yè)知識、懂得市場運行規(guī)律、掌握必要的管理技能、具有決策能力、創(chuàng)新意識和開拓精神的管理人才,而為企業(yè)培養(yǎng)這類專業(yè)管理人才則是我國管理教育組織義不容辭的責任?! 榱颂綄鴥韧獾膬?yōu)秀管理教育理念、方法,更好地培養(yǎng)面向全球市場競爭、具備全球經(jīng)營頭腦的管理者,我們編寫了這本《管理學英語》。本書作者從科學管理、培養(yǎng)人才、重視發(fā)展等多方面著手,對成功企業(yè)必備的要素做了全面的闡述,旨在:幫助企業(yè)把握市場的發(fā)展脈搏;拓展市場經(jīng)營的思路;提高市場競爭的能力;適應市場的快速變化,使其能高效、有序地走向成功?!豆芾韺W英語》的編寫特點如下:  1.較為詳細地介紹了世界管理學史上具有影響力的代表人物及他們的杰出理論,如科學管理之父弗雷德里克·溫斯洛·泰勒;近代管理理論之父亨利·法約爾和現(xiàn)代管理之父彼得·德魯克等。此外,還介紹了一些對管理學作出貢獻的著名人物,如喬治·埃爾頓·梅奧;F·J·羅特利斯伯格;哈羅德·孔茨等以及國際跨國公司的cE0和他們的企業(yè)等?! ?.較為全面地介紹了管理的定義及其主要功能,如規(guī)劃、組織、人事安排、領導和控制以及這五方面的管理基本功能在企業(yè)運作及市場經(jīng)營過程中各自所發(fā)揮的作用等?! ?.為使學生及企業(yè)管理者在學習管理理論、方法及措施時能夠提高興趣和增加視覺效果,《管理學英語》在介紹世界管理學泰斗和企業(yè)時配置了相關的圖片。通過圖文并茂使學習者對管理學巨匠、企業(yè)的標識及他們的產(chǎn)品有進一步的感性認識,從而激發(fā)他們的學習積極性。


  較為詳細地介紹了世界管理學史上具有影響力的代表人物及他們的杰出理論,如科學管理之父弗雷德里克·溫斯洛·泰勒;近代管理理論之父亨利·法約爾和現(xiàn)代管理之父彼得·德魯克等。此外,還介紹了一些對管理學作出貢獻的著名人物,如喬治·埃爾頓·梅奧;F·J·羅特利斯伯格;哈羅德·孔茨等以及國際跨國公司的cE0和他們的企業(yè)等?! ≥^為全面地介紹了管理的定義及其主要功能,如規(guī)劃、組織、人事安排、領導和控制以及這五方面的管理基本功能在企業(yè)運作及市場經(jīng)營過程中各自所發(fā)揮的作用等。  為使學生及企業(yè)管理者在學習管理理論、方法及措施時能夠提高興趣和增加視覺效果,《管理學英語》在介紹世界管理學泰斗和企業(yè)時配置了相關的圖片。通過圖文并茂使學習者對管理學巨匠、企業(yè)的標識及他們的產(chǎn)品有進一步的感性認識,從而激發(fā)他們的學習積極性。


Unit 1 Precursors in Management TheoryText A: The Origin of ManagementExercises of Text AText B : Father of Modem Management TheoryExercises of Text BText C : The Guru of the GurusExercises of Text CUnit 2 Significance of ManagementText A: What is Management?Exercises of Text AText B : The Principles of ManagementExercises of Text BText C: The Strategic ManagementExercises of Text CUnit 3 The First Function of ManagementText A: PlanningExercises of Text AText B: Strategic PlanningExercises of Text BText C: Strategy Formulation and ImplementationExercises of Text CUnit 4 Organizational Design and CultureText A: A Formal or Informal OrganizationExercises of Text AText B : OrganizingExercises of Text BText C: Functions and Effects of Organizational CultureExercises of Text CUnit 5 The Strategic Role of HRMText A: StaffingExercises of Text AText B: Strategic Human Resource ManagementExercises of Text BText C: Global Human Resource ManagementExercises of Text CUnit 6 Leading and DirectingText A: LeadingExercises of Text AText B : DirectingExercises of Text BText C: Authority and PowerExercises of Text CUnit 7 The Importance of Management ControlText A: ControlExercises of Text AText B: Controlling PerformanceExercises of Text BText C: The Control ProcessExercises of Text CUnit 8 Organizational Behavior and Managerial ChallengesText A: Organizational BehaviorExercises of Text AText B: The Key Role of Organizational CultureExercises of Text BText C: Maslow's Need HierarchyExercises of Text CUnit 9 The Benefits of a Strategic Approach to ManagingText A: Strategic ManagementExercises of Text AText B: Developing a Strategic VisionExercises of Text BText C: Strategies for Competing in Globalizing MarketsExercises of Text CUnit 10 Global Marketing ManagementText A: Why Study Global Marketing?Exercises of Text AText B : Definition of Global Marketing ManagementExercises of Text BText C: Global Marketing StrategiesExercises of Text C


  Historically, the first set of issues dealt with by practitioners and managementwriters was productivity: how to accomplish tasks or work more rapidly andefficiently. Much of the effort focused on helping managers perform their technicalresponsibilities. Though modern managers have much more sophisticated tools forproduction, they all still share the same concern: How can work be done mostefficiently?  Then the second set of issues laid emphases on how the whole organization,rather than each individual, could become more productive. There are two paralleldevelopments here. Some researchers put stress on improving an organization'sperformance by finding more effective ways to divide work among people and unitsand better ways to coordinate these efforts. That is, they focused on the way theorganization itself was structured. Other researchers felt an organization's performancecould be improved if its employees were more motivated to do their work. Thus,researchers tried to determine how feelings and attitudes affected the performance ofthe work force. Researchers and writers began to study organizational structure andbehavioral issues, which were and are particularly important to the managers withadministrative responsibilities.  ……



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