
出版時間:2010.06  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社  作者:姜倩  頁數(shù):219  


  《幻想與現(xiàn)實:二十世紀(jì)科幻小說在中國的譯介》著重考察中國在20世紀(jì)對科幻小說這一通俗小說門類的譯介與接受狀況,通過對典型文本的分析,由點及面,對各時期科幻小說的譯介背景和特征進行深入的探討,考察譯介過程中翻譯與政治、經(jīng)濟、科技、文化、文學(xué)等不同系統(tǒng)之間復(fù)雜微妙的關(guān)系,從而揭示不同歷史時期制約或推動科幻小說的翻譯與接受的種種因素,以及科幻翻譯對本土科幻文學(xué)發(fā)展的深遠(yuǎn)影響。  《幻想與現(xiàn)實:二十世紀(jì)科幻小說在中國的譯介》共分五部分。導(dǎo)論部分主要涉及四方面的內(nèi)容。首先提出翻譯史研究在整個翻譯研究學(xué)科中的重要地位及其組成部分;然后對埃文一佐哈爾的多元系統(tǒng)論、圖里的規(guī)范論和皮姆的多元因果論進行了論述,提出描述翻譯研究模式對譯史研究的理論和實踐意義;之后對國內(nèi)的翻譯史研究、國內(nèi)外對科幻翻譯的研究作了有選擇性的綜述,并由此闡明論文的選題意義;最后簡述論文的寫作框架,并對研究范圍和個案分析時的選材依據(jù)作出說明?! ≌牡谝徊糠譃楸尘敖榻B部分,首先闡明了科幻小說的定義,并指出這一通俗文學(xué)門類的主要特征,然后對20世紀(jì)科幻小說在中國的發(fā)展作了簡要的回顧?! ≌牡诙糠譃閭€案分析部分,從第一次科幻翻譯浪潮(清末民初)、科幻翻譯的相對沉寂期(20年代至40年代)、第二次科幻翻譯浪潮(50年代)、第三次科幻譯介浪潮(70年代末至80年代初),以及第四次浪潮(90年代)這五個歷史時期中各選取一個典型的科幻翻譯文本,通過對各文本所處的時代背景、文學(xué)背景、以及翻譯環(huán)境的分析,試圖梳理出20世紀(jì)中國出現(xiàn)四次科幻譯介浪潮的原因,從而勾勒出一百年間中國科幻小說翻譯史的總體概貌?! ≌牡谌糠种饕接懥朔g活動對科幻文學(xué)在中國的誕生,以及對本土科幻文學(xué)發(fā)展的影響,對“科幻小說”概念的理解(或誤讀)在科幻翻譯中的體現(xiàn)等問題,由此關(guān)注翻譯對科幻小說這一文學(xué)類型在中國的傳播所起到的關(guān)鍵作用。  最后一部分為結(jié)論部分,對全書作了一個概況性的總結(jié),并提出《幻想與現(xiàn)實:二十世紀(jì)科幻小說在中國的譯介》的理論貢獻以及后續(xù)研究的可能。結(jié)論指出,作為最早介紹到中國來的現(xiàn)代小說的類型之一,科幻小說在中國文學(xué)的現(xiàn)代化進程中所起到的積極作用是不容忽視的。中國科幻文學(xué)的萌生與成長,同外國科幻小說的翻譯有著直接的關(guān)系。因此,對于“科幻小說在中國的譯介”的研究,在20世紀(jì)中國翻譯文學(xué)史上具有一定的意義。同時,作為翻譯文學(xué)研究領(lǐng)域較少觸及的一個課題,它也是對現(xiàn)有的文學(xué)翻譯史的必要補充。此外,作為對科幻翻譯史的首項專題研究,《幻想與現(xiàn)實:二十世紀(jì)科幻小說在中國的譯介》也試圖藉此來提升科幻小說這一邊緣文學(xué)門類在文學(xué)翻譯研究中的地位。


IntroductionRationale for the StudyTranslation history and its position in Holmes MapThe definition and divisions of translation historyTheoretical PreliminariesPolysystem TheoryNorm TheoryMultiple Causality TheoryLiterature ReviewPrevious research on translation historyResearch on SF translation in the West and ChinaOverview of the BookPart One Science Fiction and Its Development as a Literary Genre in ChinaThe Name and Nature of Science FictionThe Development of Chinese SF in the 20th CenturyThe budding of Chinese SF in Late Qing and Republic periodsThe First Tide of Chinese SF in the 1950sThe Golden Age of Chinese SF in the 1980sThe Flourish of Chinese SF in the 1990sPart Two An Exploration into SF Translation in 20th-century China: Five Case StudiesYuejie Liixing ( 《月界旅行》, 1903): Epitome of the First Wave of SF TranslationJules Verne and De la Terre a la Lune (1865)Lu Xun, the TranslatorChina in the Early 20th CenturyThe influence of JapanThe rise of publishing industryThe Early 20th-Century LiteratureTradition versus innovationThe rise of New FictionTranslation Tendencies in Early 20th-Century ChinaThe wave of literary translationThe trend of free translationWeilai Shijie (《未來世界》,1934):An ExceptionalCase in the Low-tide Period of SF Translationbetween 1920s and 1940sH. G. Wells and The Shape of Things to come (1933)The Chinese Society in the Republic EraThe influence of the May Fourth MovementThe threat of war in the 1930sLiterary Tendencies in the Republic EraTranslation Norms in the Republic EraShuilu Liangqi Ren (《水陸丙棲人》,1958): The SovietModel and the Second Wave of SF TranslationAlexander Belyaev and the Soviet SF TraditionThe Soviet SF traditionAlexander Belyaev and The Amphibious (1928)The Chinese Society in the Early PRC YearsSocialist construction and the march toward scienceThe publishing industry after 1949The Chinese Literature in the Early PRC YearsTranslation Norms in the Early PRC YearsWo, Jiqiren (《我,機器人》,1981) : OpeningUp to the Outside World in the Golden Age of Chinese SFIsaac Asimov and 1, Robot (1950)The Chinese Society in the Late 1970s and Early 1980sLiterary Tendencies in the Late 1970s and Early 1980sTranslation Norms in the Late 1970s and Early 1980sShenjing Langyouzhe (《神經(jīng)浪游者》, 1999) :Cyberpunks First Encounter with China in the Fourth Wave of SF TranslationWilliam Gibson and Neuromancer (1984)The Chinese Society in the 1990sEconomic and scientific advancement in the 1990sThe influence of globalizationLiterary Trends in the 1990sTranslation Tendencies in the 1990sPart Three Translation and the Spread of a Genre in ChinaScience Fiction as an Imported GenreTranslation and the birth of the SF genreTranslation and the fiterary evolution in the genreThe Concept of the Genre vs. The Policies of TranslationFrom "science" to "fiction" : (mis) conceptionof the genre and its influence on SF translationCultural elements and neologisms in SF vs. the policies of translationConclusionSignificance of the StudyPossibilities for Future ResearchBIBLIOGRAPHY


  In Method in Translation History, Pym puts forward the notion of multiple causality, maintaining that translation is a complex activity for which there must be multiple sources of explanation. His theory is based upon Aristotles philosophical doctrine of Four Causes: material (matter), formal (form), efficient ( initiator of change), and final ( the end or purpose). In terms of translation, the material or initial cause involves" everything that precedes the translating and is necessary for its  achievements: the ( assumed ) source text, language, communication technology, and so on" ; the formal cause includes all the "historical norms that allow a translation to be accepted as a translation"; the efficient cause is the translator, individual or collective; and the final cause refers to the "purpose justifying the existence of the Wanslation", which might be the position occupied by the translation in the target culture, or the function of the product as in functionalist theory (1998: 149).






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