出版時間:2009-7 出版社:復旦大學出版社 作者:呂曄 等 著 頁數(shù):203
高等職業(yè)技術學院商貿(mào)英語專業(yè)是我國高等職業(yè)教育特色專業(yè)之一,著力培養(yǎng)同當今時代要求相適應的高素質(zhì)的勞動者和商貿(mào)行業(yè)所需要的實用型人才。為了適應我國高等職業(yè)學院商貿(mào)英語專業(yè)的實際教學需要,為更好地培養(yǎng)出商貿(mào)業(yè)第一線應用型人才,我們專門編著了這本《商貿(mào)英語寫作教程》作為本專業(yè)的寫作教材。編著前,作者們詳細地聽取了有關本科院校和高職學院商貿(mào)英語專業(yè)一線教師的意見,為寫作提供了寶貴的理論與實踐依據(jù)。本書具有以下特點: 一、精選的內(nèi)容具有實用性,涵蓋:商貿(mào)英語信函的設計、商貿(mào)英語信函的寫作原則、商貿(mào)英語信函種類、如何建立貿(mào)易關系、請柬、普通公文、廣告、通告、公告、通知、求職信、簡歷、招聘、名片、啟事、證書等。這些都是生活中用得上的知識,充分體現(xiàn)了“教材內(nèi)容符合實際需要的原則”。 二、寫作的內(nèi)容重點主要有三個部分:突出寫作要點,列出實例,設計練習。由此可見,全書內(nèi)容突出理論與實踐相結(jié)合,以理論指導寫作實踐的編寫精神。 三、全書雖然是英文版本,但考慮到高職學生的英文基礎這種實際情況,作者盡量做到英文文字表達淺顯易懂,最大限度地減少生詞量,且為了讓學生學習方便,在每個章節(jié)后面都注出NewWordsandExpressions。 四、實例和練習的選材盡量做到貼近實用,貼近生活,讓學生看得懂、學得進、易掌握。這能激發(fā)學生的學習積極性,提高學習效果。 五、從教學課時的實際出發(fā),采用簡潔的體例,使教師便于教學,學生便于學習。對書的內(nèi)容進行了反復地篩選、精心地提煉,其內(nèi)容實用有效?! ×⒕毩晝?nèi)容為教師實例講解、學生親筆實踐提供了豐富的內(nèi)容和活動空間。 七、練習答案與課本分開,另行成冊,這樣便于教師教學,也便于學生發(fā)揮獨立思考的能力?! ∵@本全英文版的《商貿(mào)英語寫作教程》的編寫,迄今為止,在高職技術學院的教材中尚屬首例,它有利于學生運用英語思維去進行英文寫作,有利于學生盡快地提高英文水平?! ”緯趯懽鬟^程中,得到了有關院校外語系的大力支持和幫助,并由東南大學外國語學院梁為祥教授擔任總主編,李剛副教授擔任第二總主編,使本書得以順利出版。在此要感謝復旦大學出版社施勝今副編審的大力支持。由于時間倉促,加之水平有限,疏忽和不足在所難免,希望廣大教師和讀者多提寶貴意見,以利今后修正與完善。
Chapter One Writing of Business Letters (商貿(mào)信函寫作)Section 1 Writing Principles of Business Letters (商貿(mào)信函寫作原則)1. Functions of Business Writing (商貿(mào)寫作功能)2. Principles for Effective Business Writing (商貿(mào)寫作有效原則)3. Adapting to Modern Changes in Business Writing (商貿(mào)寫作適應現(xiàn)代的變化)4. Suggestions for Writing Techniques (寫作技巧建議)5. Basic Patterns of Business Writing (商貿(mào)寫作基本模式)Section 2 Layout of Business Letters (商貿(mào)信函設計)1. Letter Structures and Placement (信函結(jié)構(gòu))2. Format of a Business Letter (商貿(mào)信函格式)3. Envelope Addressing (信封地址)Chapter Two Establishment of Business Relations (建立商貿(mào)聯(lián)系)1. Seeking New Trade Companions (尋求新的貿(mào)易伙伴)2. Introduction of Export Commodities (出口商品介紹)3. Proposing Exporting Business (主動聯(lián)系出口業(yè)務)4. Transmitting Business Relations (轉(zhuǎn)辦業(yè)務關系)5. Sales (推銷)Chapter Three Letter Kinds (信函的種類)1. Main Points of Applying a Trade (申請交易的要點)2. Inquiry (詢盤)3. Offer (報盤)4. Counter Offer (還價)5. A Letter of Acceptance (承諾函)6. A Letter of Order (訂貨函)7. Accepting a Letter of Order (接受訂單)8. Insurance (保險)9. Shipment (裝運)10. Payment (支付)11. Claim (索賠)12. Settlement of a Claim (同意理賠)13. Agency (代理)14. Sales Promotion (促銷)Chapter Four Invitation (請柬)1. Luncheon and Supper Invitation and Acknowledgement (午宴、晚宴的請柬及回柬)2. Party Invitation and Acknowledgement (聚會請柬及回柬)3. Dance Invitation and Acknowledgement (舞會請柬及回柬)4. An Invitation of a Wedding (婚禮請柬)5. An Invitation of an Export Commodities Fair (出口商品交易會請柬)6. An Invitation of the Ceremony of the Founding of the Institute (邀請參加校慶典禮的請柬)7. An Invitation of an Inauguration of an Industrial Exhibition (邀請參加工業(yè)展覽會的請柬)Chapter Five Ordinary Official Document (普通公文)Section 1 Format of Contract (合同格式)Section 2 Memorandums (備忘錄)1. Notification Memo (通知函)2. Policy Memo (政策函)3. Recommendation Memo (建議函)Section 3 A Letter of Introduction (介紹信)Chapter Six Advertisement (廣告)1. Inquiries about Advertising (詢登廣告)2. Recommending Business Lines or Services on the Paper (業(yè)務介紹)Chapter Seven Notice and Proclamation (通知、通告)Section 1 Notice (通知)1. Business Notice (商業(yè)通告)2. Notice of Change of Name (更名通告)3. Relocation Notice (遷址通告)4. Opening Notice (開業(yè)通告)5. Notice of Invitation for Bids (招標通告)6. Notice of Opening an Exhibition (舉辦展覽會通告)Section 2 Ordinary Notice (普通通知)1. An Ordinary Notice (普通通知)2. Notice about a Report Meeting (舉辦報告會通知)3. Meeting Notice (召開會議通知)4. Notice of an Open Class (舉行公開課通知)5. Notice about a Visit (參觀活動通知)Section 3 Notices (公告)1. Lost (遺失啟事)2. Found (招領啟事)3. Corrections (更正啟事)4. Notice of Soliciting Opinions from the Readers (征求意見通知)5. Receptionists Wanted (招聘接待員)6. Bewaring of Imitation (警告假冒)Section 4 Proclamation (公告)1. Proclamation of Election Results (選舉結(jié)果公告)2. Press Communique (新聞公告)3. Proclamation of Appointment (任命公告)Chapter Eight A Letter of Applying for a Job, Resume and Visiting Cards (求職信、簡歷和名片)Section 1 Letters of Applying for a Job (求職信)Section 2 Resume (簡歷)1. Resume of Applying for a Job (求職簡歷)2. Resume in Functional Format (功能式簡歷)3. English Personal Details for Application (英文申請表個人信息)Section 3 Certificate and Letters of Recommendation (證書與推薦信)1. Resume Certificate (簡歷證書)2. Schooling Record Certificate (學歷證書)3. Graduation Certificate (畢業(yè)證書)4. Letters of Recommendation (推薦信)Section 4 Cards (名片)1. Ordinary Cards (普通名片)2. Greeting Cards (賀卡)3. Cards with Accompanying Gift (贈物卡片)參考答案
Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of December 15 and regret that our counteroffer was refused. As your product "bed sheets" are very much appreciated to our local customers and there is high demand at our market, we are very desirous of concluding this transaction with you, for the purpose of strengthening our friendship and cooperation, we agree to accept your offer. Bed Sheets US $19.99 per piece CIF Vancouver with an order of 500 dozen. We are very much pleased to have been able to transact this order with you after exchanging letters in the past two months and we are now looking forward to your sales confirmation for this order so as to enable us to open the L/C duly. As your make is comparatively famous here, the sales will be somewhat quicker. If this initial order is executed satisfactorily, we shall be able to place repeat orders with you soon.