出版時間:2009-1 出版社:復旦大學出版社 作者:林文華 頁數(shù):262
Unit 1Text A MisunderstandingText B The Mysteries of the English LanguageText C 5 Ways to Enlarge Your VocabularyUnit 2Text A Mistaken IdentityText B If OnlyText C A Captive AudienceUnit 3Text A I Can't Accept Not TryingText B Enthusiasm Leads to SuccessText C Learning from FailureUnit 4Text A I Like AnimalsText B Horse Sense —— Wilhelm yon Osten Tries to Teach Horse to CountText C Endangered Animals —— Extinction Is ForeverUnit 5Text A Precious LegacyText B A String of Blue BeadsText C A Story about FriendshipUnil 6Text A Billy (Part One)Text B Billy (Part Two)Text C The Christmas ManUnit 7Text A Honesty Pays OffText B The Honest WoodmanText C Serious BusinessUnit 8Text A The Top 5 Scientific Breakthroughs of the 21st CenturyText B The Chernobyl DisasterText C Why Is It Important to Recycle?《21世紀大學實用英語綜合教程(2)》“Listening & Speaking”部分Ex.10參考范文