
出版時間:2007-3  出版社:復旦大學  作者:羅漢  頁數(shù):142  字數(shù):176000  




UNIT ONE Text Business Cycle Further Reading The Great Depression UNIT TWO Text The Introduction of Forbes Further Reading Forbes Unveil Richest Chinese ListUNIT THREE Text Apple May Be Holding Back the Music Biz Further Reading Hollywood Hold Its BreathUNIT FOUR Text Foreign Auto Factories in China Further Reading The Motor CityUNIT FIVE Text For CEO Who Remade Nokia, One Bold Departure Deserves Another Further Reading Nokia CEO Laments ‘an Era of Selfishness’UNIT SIX Text All the Rage Since Reagan Further Reading Different ShoesUNIT SEVEN Text Wal-Mart's Challenge in China Further Reading Wal-Mart's Itching to Get into India, But It Won't Be EasyUNIT EIGHT Text The Cat That Came Back Further Reading Reebok and Adidas: A Good FitUNIT NINE Text Challenges Ahead But Solid Growth in East Asia Further Reading East Asia Update — China OverviewUNIT TEN Text Development of and Prospects for China Korea Economic Relations Further Reading The Lessons from Korea s Economic DevelopmentUNIT ELEVEN Text India and the Knowledge Economy Further Reading What Is Knowledge?UNIT TWELVE Text Saving America s Socks, But Killing Free Trade Further Reading Where the Jobs Went?UNIT THIRTEEN Text Cheap Labor Further Reading Is Cheap Labor an Active Factor for Economy?UNIT FOURTEEN Text Putting “E” to Work Further Reading Opening the E-gates for Shopping in NepalUNIT FIFTEEN Text Booming America, Partying Europe Further Reading Mortgage Rates in China



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