
出版時間:2006-10  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)  作者:羅漢 編  頁數(shù):142  字數(shù):165000  




UNIT ONE  Text The Introduction of Economics  Further Reading People Respond to IncentivesUNIT TWO  Text Thinking Like an Economist  Further Reading Why Economists DisagreeUNIT THREE  Text What Is a Market?  Further Reading Market Price in Competitive and Non-competitive MarketUNIT FOUR  Text Speculators and Markets  Further Reading Speculators and MarketsUNIT FIVE  Text The Development of China s Service Sector  Further Reading Problems in China s Service SectorUNIT SIX  Text The Management Functions  Further Reading ControllingUNIT SEVEN  Text Marketing: General Mills Introduces a New Product  Further Reading Consumer PreferencesUNIT EIGHT  Text Why Business Smarts Are Investing Smarts  Further Reading Investments That Pay Today — and TomorrowUNIT NINE  Text Making More Money at Work — CNN s Gerri Willis Offers   Five Tips on How to Fatten Your Paycheck  Further Reading Your Portfolio: 4 Moves for 2006—Don't Guess Whether the Big Risk Is Inflation or Recession. Be Ready for BothUNIT TEN  Text The Value of Information  Further Reading The Value of Information in the Dairy IndustryUNIT ELEVEN  Text Information and Consultation  Further Reading More Emphasis on ProcessUNIT TWELVE  Text Employee Relations: Motivation and Morale  Further Reading Needs of WorkersUNIT THIRTEEN  Text The World after Textile Quotas  Further Reading U.S. Officials Hail Textile Agreement with ChinaUNIT FOURTEEN  Text Evolution of the Payments System  Further Reading Money in the U.S. EconomyUNIT FIFTEEN  Text What Is the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Anyway?  Further Reading Equity Securities: Common Stock



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