
出版時(shí)間:2005-2  出版社:復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社  作者:(美)居延安,葛麗尼 編  頁數(shù):288  字?jǐn)?shù):388000  


  世界各國(guó)的大學(xué)生、研究生都面臨著同一個(gè)挑戰(zhàn):如何一畢業(yè)就能找到稱心的工作。如果你還沒學(xué)會(huì)怎么編寫自己的簡(jiǎn)歷,還不知道如何應(yīng)對(duì)求職面方式,那么就別指望走出校門就能找到一個(gè)如意的職位。而一旦聘書到手,如何去適應(yīng)新的單位、適應(yīng)新單位里一張張生疏的面孔,又將馬上成為你面臨的新挑戰(zhàn),而且其中的困難比你想象的要大得多。多少年來你一直以為你對(duì)別人的話總是洗耳恭聽的,沒想到去了新單位,新同事卻說你對(duì)別人的話既聽不進(jìn)又聽不懂。多少年來你一直以為自己是個(gè)舞文弄墨的好手,沒想到老板卻說你“要命,連個(gè)便條都寫不像!”你從沒有想過,新的職場(chǎng)定位要求你一言一行都必須像個(gè)成熟的職業(yè)人員。挑戰(zhàn)和問題接踵而來,你不僅扮演不好職業(yè)人員的角色,而且連個(gè)人的生活也被攪得亂七八糟,一時(shí)間不知如何來平衡了!從你受聘的第一天起,一直到你離開單位的那天為止,你可能在你的辦公室里經(jīng)歷過種種情緒 波動(dòng)和打擊。這些問題,還有別的許多難以預(yù)料的挑戰(zhàn),說到宛若是個(gè)職場(chǎng)定位和關(guān)系管理的問題。    本書的兩位作者先后在中美兩國(guó)的名牌大學(xué)里任教,長(zhǎng)年為中美各種職業(yè)人員作職場(chǎng)定位和關(guān)系管理的咨詢,具有豐富的理論和實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn)。本書將幫助你理解和應(yīng)對(duì)各種職場(chǎng)定位挑戰(zhàn),并手把手地教你如何掌握打開各種關(guān)系管理之門的鑰匙。本書只出英文版,先與中國(guó)的大學(xué)生和研究生見面,再于美國(guó)出版。毫無疑問,本書將成為一本國(guó)際性的暢銷讀物。   Why is it that some people are highly successful in an organization and the larger social environment while others keep failing miserably? We believe that the key to success,among other factors,lies in how you interactw ith others and manage your relationship with them.The book takes a unique relationship management approach,in which we focus on six success factors,namely,communication,common interest,credibility,commitment,collaboration,and comprom ise,the socalled 6C's.The book discusses some of the new challenges of professional communication in context of the changes that have been occurring in society since the turn of the 21st Century.   The first challenge that any graduating college student faces ishow to find a job.Don t expect to land the best professional position if you have not learn-ed how to write a resume or present yourself in an interview.Once you have got the job,you will soon feel the need to adapt to the new organization and the people there.The challenge can be enormous.You had all along believed that you were a good listener,but your new colleagues now say you are not.You had all along felt proud of your writing skills,but now your new boss says you can't even write a memo correctly.And you never thought you could be thrown into situations where you have to speak like amature professional.You might be over whelmed by other problems that you had never foreseen.Even after having spent years in an organization,you might still find it difficult to balance between being an effective professional and being a person whom you have always wanted to be.From Day One when you enter an organization to the day you choose or are forced to leave,you may have felt frustrated,alienated,or angry with in the confines of your office.You will encounter these issues,and may others.This book will provide you with the know ledge to handle these situations professionally and confidently.   We will take you through all these challenges and provide our advice and suggestions informed by our own researches and life experiences working and living in the United States,China and other parts of the world.




1. Professional Communication in a Changed Professional Environment 6 C's of Professional Communication     Communication     Common Interest     Credibility     Commitment     Collaboration     Compromise Current Social Trends     Technology     Mobility     Acceleration     Change Why Is Professional Position2. Finding a Professional Position Getting the Professional Position Finding Professional Career Opportunities     College Placement Offices     Newspaper and Internet Advertisements     Private or Government Employment Agencies     Friends and Family——Your Network     Research Resumes     How Employers Use Resumes     Types of Resumes     Guidelines     Emphasis     Resume Subhadings     Layout     What Not to Inclued Cover Letters     Parts of the Cover Letter Selection Interview Preparation     Developing an Interview Strategy     What to Wear     Phone Interviews     The Power of Nonverbal Communication     During the Interview Thank You and Follow-up Opportunities Negotating for Salary and Benefits Dealing with Rejection3. Beginning Professional Relationships4. Communicating in Organizations5. Being a Professional Listener6. Writing as a Professional7. Speaking as a Professional8. Balancing Communication as a Professional and as a Person9. Communicating Emotins at Work10. Leaving the OrganizationBilbliography


  Trustworthiness iS the 1evel of honesty you are perceived to hold· You must do all you can at this point to develop a reputation tor being absolutely trustworthy.Trustworthiness is judged along a continuum ot being totally trustworthy to totally untrustworthy. It IS a natural inchnation to over-promise in order to impress your new supervlsor and colleagues.However,if those expectations are not met,your trust credibility and abihty to influence suffers.Further,your own self-respect will likely decrease,which leads to a decrease in your interpersonal attraction,as people do not like associating with those with little self-respect.Instead of over-promising,you can be much more successful in the long term if you fulfill promises,deliver or say no(with reasons) when you cant deliver what is being requested.Developing the ability co exceed expectations will further your relationship building.  Goodwill is the third element in source credibility.It is especially important to maintain goodwill with those with whom you work on a regular basis.It is important that others see you as canng,versus bemg nlotivated primarily by selfish concerns.If we do not befieve another Derson has our best interests at heart,we are highly unlikely to believe what he says to us.Goodwill can be established through sincerely listening to others and through gestures such as remembering birthdays(if doing so is acceptable in your organization)and extending congratulatlons and sympathy when situations arise.  Competence.trustworthiness,and goodwill have long been known to be important factors in developing the impression of credibillity. It we can establish these perceptions of ourselves in others,our relationshap building opportunities will grow.Another way to open communlcation paths is through self-disclosure.


  ●復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社隆重推出國(guó)際著名傳播學(xué)家居延安博士、葛麗尼博士合著原創(chuàng)力作《職場(chǎng)定位溝通》第二版?!  癖緯驯幻绹?guó)最大教育出版集團(tuán)McGraw Hill公司選為美國(guó)大學(xué)生、研究生謀職、經(jīng)理主管及廣大白領(lǐng)升遷的舉薦范本?!  癖緯脖挥嘘P(guān)教育專家定為高校雙語課程的首選教材之一?!  癖緯殉捎型谕赓Y、合資、涉外企事業(yè)組織謀職=升遷人員的必讀文本?!  瘛皬?fù)旦全英語”系列由復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社率先推出,再由歐美出版商同步出版?!  袢⒄Z《職場(chǎng)定位溝通》第二版在全國(guó)各大書店均有出售。


  復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社隆重推出國(guó)際著名傳播學(xué)家居延安博士、葛麗尼(Glynis Fitzge r。aid)博士合著原創(chuàng)力作《職場(chǎng)定位溝通》第二版(2005年)?!  堵殘?chǎng)定位溝通》已被美國(guó)最大教育出版集團(tuán)McGraw Hill公司選為美國(guó)大學(xué)生、研究生謀職、經(jīng)理主管及廣大白領(lǐng)升遷的舉薦范本?!  堵殘?chǎng)定位溝通》也被有關(guān)教育專家定為高校雙語課程的首選教材之一?!  堵殘?chǎng)定位溝通》己成有望在外資、合資、涉外企事業(yè)組織謀職、升遷人員的必讀文本?!  皬?fù)旦全英語”系列由復(fù)旦大學(xué)出版社率先推出,再由歐美出版商同步出版?! ∪⒄Z《職場(chǎng)定位溝通》第二版(2005年)在全國(guó)各大書店均有出售。




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