出版時(shí)間:2012-12 出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社 作者:趙進(jìn)順,鄒寶波,史宏博,等 編 頁(yè)數(shù):196
Chapter 1 Introduction of Laboratory Animal Science1.1 History of Laboratory Animal Science1.2 Organizations Associated with Laboratory Animal Science1.3 Animal Welfare1.4 Animals Used in Research, Product Safety Testing and Teaching1.5 Regulations, Policies and Principles Governing the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals1.6 Facility, Equipment, Housing and Management1.7 Classifications of Animals According to the Burden of Resident Micro-organismsChapter 2 Mice2.1 Genetics2.2 Ecological Types2.3 Uses2.4 Behavior2.5 Anatomic and Physiologic Features2.6 Breeding and Reproduction2.7 Housing and Environment2.8 Environmental Enrichment2.9 Feeding and Watering2.10 Sanitation2.11 TechniquesChapter 3 Rats3.1 Genetics3.2 Ecologic Types3.3 Uses3.4 Behavior3.5 Anatomic and Physiologic Features3.6 Breeding and Reproduction3.7 Housing and Environment3.8 Environmental Enrichment3.9 Feeding and Watering3.10 Sanitation3.11 TechniquesChapter 4 GerbilsChapter 5 HamstersChapter 6 Guinea PigsChapter 7 RabbitsChapter 8 CatsChapter 9 DogsChapter 10 PigsChapter 11 Nonhuman PrimatesChapter 12 AmphibiansChapter 13 Animal Genetics and BreedingChapter 14 Laboratory TechniquesChapter 15 Research MethodologyAppendixReferences
Chapter 15 Research Methodology In the broadest sense, toxicology is the science of poisons and the harmful or noxious effects these substances have on living organisms. In today's scientific community a toxicologist is an individual who is responsible for predicting the toxic or harmful nature of a substance. A toxicologist is responsible for designing experiments that will supply the data necessary to assess the toxicity of materials. These data help toxicologists makepredictions about the hazardous nature of materials tested and their potential impact on the environment and on human populations. A toxicologist must be a multifunctional scientist, familiar with pharmacology, biochemistry, pharmacodynamics, physiology, inorganic and organic chemistry, and cellular and molecular biology. Acute toxicity, subchronic, chronic, and reproductive tests, are the principal experiments conducted in a toxicology laboratory. In addition, there are many types of cancers that affect humans and other species. Learning the cause, progression, diagnosis, and treatment for these diseases. Animals are frequently used in such studies, especially where cause, early diagnosis, and untested treatment methods are being evaluated. Animal models of cancer are generally classified as two types, induced disease and spontaneous disease. 15.1 Acute Toxicity Tests In most acute (in this case the term acute refers to short-term) toxicity tests, an animal such as a mouse is given a single dose of a test substance. One measure of acute toxicity is the lethal dose 50 (LDso ) . This is defined as the dose of a substance that kills 50 percent of the animals tested. Other acute studies are set up to assess the toxicity of products placed in contact with animal tissue to evaluate local tissue irritation. Examples of such tests are the Draize skin and eye assays. Acute toxicity tests utilizing animals have been criticized, mainly if they are used to evaluate non-pharmaceuticals such as cosmetics and household products. Currently a large number of researches are underway seeking alternatives to the use of the LDso in animals. Until the non-animal alternative tests have proved reliable, it is most certain that tests using animals will continue to be used as the definitive means of maintaining public safety. ……
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