出版時(shí)間:2012-8 出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社 作者:徐建明 頁數(shù):653
The book will be an invaluable reference for chemists,biologists,environmental scientists ecologists,soil scientists,water scientists,agronomists,global change researchers and policy makers。
Session 1 Formation.Structure and Characteristics of HS and
Revisiting Structural Insights Provided by Analytical Pyrolysis
about Humic Substances and Related Bio-and
J.A.Gonz6lez-Perez,EJ.Gonz6lez-Hla,G Almendros,H.Knicker,J.M.de la
The Role of Mineral Complexation and Metal Redox Coupling in Carbon
Cycling and Stabilization
DonaML.Sparks,Chunmei Chen I
Elucidating the Biogeochemical Memory of the Oceans by Means of
High—Resolution Organic Structural
N.Hertkorn,M.Harir,B.P Koch,B.Michalke,Ph.Sehmitt-Kopplin
Correlating Bulk Optical Spectroscopy and Ultrahigh Resolution Mass
Spectrometry to Determine the Molecular
Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Northem Peatlands
William T Cooper,MalakM Tfaily,Jane E.Corbet,Jeffrey P
Effects of Synthetic Quinones as Electron Shuttles on Geothite
Reduction and Current Generation by Klebsiella
pneumoniae L17 ‘
XiaominLg LiangLiu.TongxuLiu,Tian
Dynamics ofNewly Formed Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid in Aggregates
after Addition ofthe HC—Labelled Wheat
Straw in a Typic Hapludoll ofNortheast China
SenDou,song Guan,GuangChen,Gang Wang
FTIR Analysis of Soil Organic Matter to Link the Turnover of
Organic Inputs with Carbon Respiration Rates
Characterization of Soil Humic Substances Using Mid—infrared
Photoacousctic Spectroscopy
Splitting of Soil Humic Acid Fluorescence on Different
Oteg Trubetskoj,Lubov Shaloiko,Dmitrii Demin,Hctor Marchenkov,otga
Lumping or Splitting:Holistic or Fractionation Approaches to
Studies of Humic Substances
MichaelH.B.Hayes,Roger S Swift
The Fate of Mineral Particles in Bulk Peat and Corresponding Humic
Acids throughout an Ombrotrophic Bog
Profile:Atmospheric Dust Depositions VS Mineralization
C.Zaccone,s.Pabst,TM Miano,WShotyk
HS—Protein Associates in the Aqueous/Oil System:Composition and
Colloidal Properties
M.G Chernysheva,GA.Barn
Integrated Physical—Chemical Procedure for Soil Organic Carbon
Fractionation and Characterization dunng
Transition to Organic Farming
HM.Abdelrahman.D.C.0lk.C.Cocozza,D.Ventrella,E Montemurro.I
sulfur-COntaining M01ecules Obsered in HydrOphObic and Amphiphilic
Fracti。ns Of Diss01ved Organic Matter
by Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass
Guixue Song,Rajaa Mesfiou,Aaron Dotson.Paul Westerhoff,Patrick
standard and Reference Samples of Humic Acids,F(xiàn)ulVic Acids,and
Natural Organic Matterfromthe suwannee
RiveL Georgia—Thirty Years of Isolation and CharacterizatiOn
M。lecular under。standing。f a Humic Acid by“Hume。mic”Fractionation
and Benefits frOm Preliminar,HPSEc
Antonio Nebbioso,Alessandro Piccoio
Microbiological Oil Transformation to Humic.Like Substances
Genesis of Peat Humic Acid Structure and Properties within BOg
Maris Klavins,Oskars Purmalis
Influence of Biota on Low M。lecular Weight Organic Acids in Soil
Solutions。f Taiga and Tundra s。ils in the
East—European Russia
E.V Shamrikova,LV Gruzdev,E.EPunegov,E.Vanchikovd
The complementar),use of aU EPR and SEC to Study the Structural
Changes of Humic subs切nces during
Wood Waste Composting
D_Bikovens,V.Lepane,ⅣMakarOtgeva,T Dizhbite,G.Teheva
Influence Of Vegetation Dynamics On Humic Substance Composition in
Maritime BurOzems of PrimOrSky Krai
B.E Pshenichnikov,N.E Pshenichnikova
Residue—Derived Amino Sugar Formation and Its CarbOn Use
Zhen Bai,SamuelBodO,PascalBoeckx,XudongZhang
Studies of Humic Substances from Sediments in Galway
Rl Mylotte,CM.P Byrne,R.R.Chang,C.Dalton MH.B Havs
separatjOn Of Humic Acid Constituents by Polyacrylamide Gel
Electrophoresis in the Presence Of Concentrated
Urea Using a Preparative Electrophoresis System
A comparsionofthe Compositional Differences between Humic Fractions
Isolated by the IHSS and Exhaustive
Extraction Procedures
R·R.Chang,R.Mylotte,R.Mclnerney,YM,Tzou, MH.B. Hayes
- Studies on Dynamic Change of Humic Acid in Chicken Manure
rujun Wang,Sen Dou.Jinfing Zhang
optical PropertieS and Asymmetric Fl。w Field Fl。w Fracti。nati。n。f
Diss。lved organicMatter from the
Arcachon Bay(French Atlantic Coast)
Phuong Thanh Nguyen,Marie-Ange Cordier,Fabienne Ibaiot,Edith
Hydrocolloids Prepared from Humic—Rich Lignite
Milosiav Pekar,Mirka Machackova
Methodical Basis ofAnalysis for Various Genesis Humic Acids
V.D.Tikhova,V.P Fadeeva
Adsorption of Extracellular Polymeric Substances(EPS)from
Pseudomonas putida on Various Soil Particles from
YCao,Q.Huang,P Cai
Adsorption of HA Fractions with Different Molecular Weight on
Magnetic Polyacrylic Anion Exchange Resin
An InnovativeIn Situ Spectroscopic Approach to Characterize
Functional Groups in Natural Organic Matters
(NOMs)and Their Interactions with Protons and Metals
Yuan Gao,GregoryVKorshin
Characterization and Three—Dimensional Structural Modeling of Humic
Acid Using Molecular Dynamics
Relationships between
Polarity,Aliphaticity/Aromaticity,Fluorescence and Molecular Size
of Soil HA
Electrophoretic Fractions
Olga Trubetskaya,Claire Richard,Guillaume Voyard,Oleg
Molecular Size Distribution and Shape of Humic Substance and
Ferrihydrite Coprecipitated Complexes
Claudio Colombo,GiuseppePalumbo,Ruggero R.Angelicor,Andrea
Properties of Soil Organic Matter in Abounded Pastureland——a Case
Study from the Jaworzynka Valley in the
Tatra Mountains,Poland
Katarzyna Wasak,MarekDrewnik
Spectroscopic Characterization of Humic Substances Isolated from
Sediment of an Area of Sugar Cane
GpantanoA.Santos,MC BisinotLA.B.Moreira
Amino Acid Composition Analysis of Humic Acids Isolated by
Sequential Alkaline Extraction from Soil
Study of the Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the
Seine River Catchment(France)
Phuong Thanh Nguyen.CamilleLopeZ.Caroline Bonno~Gilles
Varrault,Marc Benedetti,
Marie-Ange Cordier,Alexande Gelabert,Laure Cordier,Mickagl
Tharaud,Edith Parlanti
Assessment of the Possibility of Humic Acid Extraction from
Vermicopost with Urea
A.HematL H A.AlikhanL G Bagheri Maranc~,L.Mohammadi
The Most Appropriate Way to Increase the Quality Indices of the
Humic Acid Extracted from Vermicompost
H A.Alikhani,A.Hemati
Quantitation of Interactions of Suwannee River Fulvic Acid with
Protons Based on Numerical Deconvolution of
Differential Absorbance and Fluorescence Spectra
Mingquan Yan,GregoryvKorshin
Characterization of Chinese Standard Fulvic Acid Fractions Obtained
by Sequential Extractions with
Pyrophosphate Buffer from Forest Soil
YingchenBai,Fengchang Wu,GuolanShi
Humification of Pig Slurry in Presence of Sawdust
DeborahP Dick,Marlon H.Arenhardt,CelsoAita
Computational Screening of Environmental Proxies in Spectrometric
Patterns from Humic Acids
Assessment of Agricultural Practices on Volcanic Ash Soils Assisted
by Automated Interpretation of Mid—infrared
Spectra and Partial Least Squares Multivariate Statistical
Humic Substances of Spodic Horizons in the Coastal Plain of Silo
Paulo State
JM.Lopes,P Fidal-Torrado,P Buurman,PB.Camargo
Distribution of Humus Substances between Clay Particles of
Different Peptization Level in the Meadow Soils of
the Middle Priamurje,Russia
L.A.Matiushkina r
Study of Humification of Soil Organic Matter in a Lowland
Study of Humification Dynamics of Organic Residues on
Vermicomposting process
L.B.E Pigatin,A.dos Santos,E BenettL R.S Ferrer,MD.Landgraf
Properties of Humic Acids as a Parameter Characteristics for Lake
Bottom Sediments
J.Cieslewicz,s.s.Gonet(1 56)
Molecular Composition Study of Mumijo from Different Geographic
Areas Using Size—Exclusion
Chromatography,NMR Spectroscopy,and High·-Resolution
A.I.Konstantinov,GN.Vladimirov,A.s.Grigoryev,A.V Kudryavtsev,Lv
Morphology and Hydrophobicity of Hnmic Coatings on Glass as Studied
by Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM)
and Contact Angle Measurements
Soil Oxidizable Organic Carbon Fractions under Organic Management
with Industrial Residue of Roasted Mate
EB.Pereira,R.C.Santos.K.C.Lombardi,A.N.Dias,c.M.B.E Maia
Application of Thermal Analysis and Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
to Determine the Stability and Function of
Soil Organic Matter in Forest Systems
Garrett C.Liles,William R.Horwath
Changes in Selected Hydrophobic Components during Composting of
Municipal Solid Waste
Jakub Belder,Jerzy Drozd,Jerzy Weber,Bogdan
The Release of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Paddy Soils under
Contrasting Redox Status
Jiajiang Lin,Yan He,Jiachun Shi,Xingmei Liu,Jianming Xu
Content of Organic Carbon and Nitrogen as Well as Root Mass in
Meadow Soils under a Combined Slope and
Flood I~igation System
A Novel Polymer Blend Based on Sodium Humate/PVP/PEG
Temperature Dependence of the Reaction Between the Hydroxyl Radical
and Organic Matter
G McKay,M.M.Dong,J.Kleinman.S.P Mezyk,EL.Rosario—Ortiz
Aggregation Kinetics of Humic Acid:Effects of
MS.Kloster,M.Brigante,G Zanini,M.J.Avena
Surface Activity of Humic Substances within Peat Profile
Session 2 HS/NoM and Carbon Sequestration
Sequestration and Loss of Organic Carbon in Inland Waters——from
Micro·-Scale to Global Scale
Lars J.Tranvik.Cristian Gudasz,Birgit Koehler,Dolly Kothawala
Carbon Sequestration in Subtropical Oxisol Profiles:Retention
Capacity and Effect of Soil Management
Deborah P.Dick,Cecilia S.Reis.Cim~lio Bayer,Jennifer S.Caldas
Electron Transfer Capacity as a Rapid Index for Soil Organic Carbon
RanBi,yua ,Yuan,LiZhuang,ShunguiZhou
Carbon Sequestration Rates in Organic Layers of Soils under the
Grey Poplar(Populus x canescens)Stands
Impacted by Heavy Metal Pollution
Agnieszka Medyhska-Jurasze~Leszek Kuchar
CO,Sequestration by Humic Substances and the Contribution of
Quinones and Quinone Imines:Consideration on
the Molecular Scale
E Liebner,M Wieland,T Hosoya,G Pour,A.Potthast,T Rosenau
Carbon Sequestration in Organic Farming
Field Temperature Dominantly Affected Soil Organic Carbon Stability
along an Altitudinal Gradient in Changbai
Mountain,Northeast China
Organic Carbon and Humic Substances Fractions in Soil
S.S.GoneL H Czachor,M.Markiewicz
Structural Features of Humic Substances as Biogeochemical Proxies
for Soil Carbon Stabilization and Ecosystem
A.Piedra-Buena,JM de 沈la Rosa
COntribution of High Accumulated Polyphenols to C Stabilization in
Soil of Tea Gardens
M Zhang,D.M Fan,Q.zhuyP.Luo,XC Wang
Influence of Soil Use on Organic Carbon and Humic Substances of an
Oxisol in Tropical Systems
N.V Llerme,E.C.Jose.S.GP Junior
Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration under Long—Term Manure and Straw
Fertilization in North and Northeast
China by Roth—C Model Simulation
MinggangXu,Jinzhou Wang Chang’ai Lu
The Carbon Sequestration in Moso Bamboo Plantation and Its Spatial
Variation in Anji County of Southeastem
Using ArcGIS and Geostatistics to Study Spatial Paaem of Forest
Litter Carbon Density in Zhejiang Province,
We~un Fu,Keli Zhao,Peikun Jiang,Guomo Zhou
Wild.Fire Induced Changes in the Quantity and Quality of Humic
Material Associated to the Mineral Phase
M.Lop~z Martin.M.Velasco—Molina,F.J.Gonzdlez—Hla,H.Knicker
The POtential of Humic Material in Sombric.Like Horizons of Two
Brazilian Soil Profiles as an Efficient Carbon
Sink within the Global C Cycle
M.Velasco—Molina,H Knicker,E Mac&s
Session 3 HS/NoM and Biogeochemical Cycling of Nutrients
Field Assessment of Humic Substance Effect on Phosphate Rock
o.O.Adesanwo.M.1 Adetunji,S.Diatta
Effect of Calcium Boro.Humate Application on the Yield Performance
of Cotton
Changes in the Composition of Soil Dissolved Organic Matter after
Application of Poultry Manure
D.Pezzolla.S.Gizzi,C.Zadra,A.Agnelli,L.Roscini,G Gigliotti
Long—Term Fertilization Effects on B—glucosaminidase Activity in a
Chinese Mollisol
Wei Zhang,Xudong Zhang,Hongbo He
Stoichiometric Effect of Labile C and N on the Transformation
Dynamics of Soil Amino Acids
Nitrogen Release from Natural and Aminoorganosilane—Modified Humic
Alkalinity Generation by Agricultural Residues under Field
Leaching of Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC)as Affected by Plant
Residue Composition and Soil pH
KongcaoXiao,Jian Zhou,XingmeiLiu,Jianjun Wu,JianmingXu
Abundant and Stable Char Residues in Soils:Implications for Soil
Fertility and Carbon Sequestration
J.D.Ma0.R.L.Johnson, Lehmann,D.C 0lk,E.G
Imporance of Harvesting Time of Winter Cover Crop Rye as Green
Manure on Controlling CH4 Production in
Paddy Soil Condition
Sang Yoon Kdm.Hyo Suk Gwon.Yong Gwon Pnrlc,I-Iyun YoungHwang,Pil
Joo lOm
Characterization of Humic Fractions in Leachates from Soil under
Organic and Conventional Management and
Their Interactions with the Root Zone
I Vujinovic.M.Contin,S.Cesco.R.Pinton.N.Tomasi,P.Ceccon.M.De
Session 4 HS/NoM and the Environmental Processes of Toxic Elements
Anthropogenic Organics
Effect of Carbonaceous Soil Amendments on Potential Mobility of
Weak Acid Herbicides in Soil
Role ofNatural Organic Matter as Sorption Suppressant in Soil
Comparison of Thermal and Chemical Stability of Cu—Humic
Correlation between Humic—Like Substances and Heavy Metals in
M.Elisabete E Silva,L.Teixeira de
Influence of Organic Matter from Urban Effluents on Trace Metal
Speciation and Bioavailability in River under
Strong Urban Pressure
Mechanisms of Detoxification by Humic Substances
《天然有機(jī)物質(zhì)在環(huán)境變化中的功能(英文版)》 will be an invaluable reference for chemists,biologists,environmental scientists ecologists,soil scientists,water scientists,agronomists,global change researchers and policy makers。
天然有機(jī)物質(zhì)在環(huán)境變化中的功能 PDF格式下載