出版時間:2011-3 出版社:浙江大學 作者:全國大學英語四六級考試命題研究組 頁數(shù):89
第一部分 四級聽力高分策略
第一節(jié) 《大學英語教學大綱》對聽力的要求
第二節(jié) 短對話對策與技巧
第三節(jié) 長對話
第四節(jié) 短文理解
第五節(jié) 短文聽寫
第二部分 模擬試題與聽力原文
模擬試卷一(Model Test 1)
模擬試卷二(Model Test 2)
模擬試卷三(Model Test 3)
模擬試卷四(Model Test 4)
模擬試卷五(Model Test 5)
模擬試卷六(Model Test 6)
模擬試卷七(Model Test 7)
模擬試卷八(Model Test 8)
模擬試卷九(Model Test 9)
模擬試卷十(Model Test 10)
Students do not have to repay grants, unlike financial aid in the form of loans. About half ofAmerican college students receive grants. This means that education costs differ from student to student. The report is from the College Board. This is a non-profit membership group of schools and othereducational organizations. One of its best-known jobs is to administer college entrance tests. The College Board says tuition at two-year public colleges rose at the same rate as four-year schools.The College Board says the increases were mainly caused by cuts in state spending on education. But acongressman says colleges have increased their prices in both good and bad economic times. JohnBoehner of Ohio is chairman 'of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. He says collegesdo not want to talk about their decisions to spend money to build things like rock-climbing walls. The College Board collected information from four thousand colleges and universities. It says theaverage total charge for students who live at a public college in their state is ten-thousand-six-hundreddollars. While tuition rose fourteen percent this year, housing and other costs increased at a lower rate. At a private college, total charges are almost twenty-seven-thousand dollars. That is an increase ofabout six percent over last year. ……