
出版時(shí)間:2010-12  出版社:浙江大學(xué)  作者:李有泉  頁數(shù):229  


  This is based on the authorsfollowing two principles: (i) if a textbook were so perfectly arranged that leaves nothing to be desired, it would make the readers feel that the scientific discovery is so mystical that they lose passion of creativity.


I Basic Concepts and Main Applications1 The Discovery of Quantum Theory1.1 Blackbody Radiation and Planck's Hypothesis of Energy Quanta1.2 Photoelectric Effect and Einstein's Hypothesis of Light Quanta1.3 The Atomic Spectra and Bohr's Model of Atoms2 Wavefunction and Schr6dinger Equation2.1 The de Broglie Hypothesis and Davisson-Germer Experiment2.2 Schrodinger Equation2.3 Stationary Solutions2.4 General Properties of Motion in One Dimension2.5 Bound States in Potential Well2.5.1 Square Well of Infinite Depth2.5.2 Square Well of Finite Depth2.6 The Harmonic Oscillator2.7 Tunnelling Effect3 Operators and Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation3.1 Observables and Operators3.2 Hermitian Operators and Their Properties3.3 Some Example Operators3.3.1 Momentum Operators and Their Eigenfunctions3.3.2 Angular Momentum Operators and Their Eigenfunctions3.3.3 Coordinate Representation and Momentum Representation3.4 Evaluation of the Expectation Values3.5 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation3.5.1 Commutation Relations and Their Implications3.5.2 Uncertainty Relation and the Minimum Uncertainty State3.6 The Time Evolution of Expectation Values4 Motion in a Centrally Symmetric Field4.1 Three Dimensional Harmonic Oscillators4.2 The Feature of Motion in a Centrally Symmetric Field4.3 Spherical Waves and Plane Waves4.4 Motion in a Coulomb Field……5 States and Heisenberg EquationII Developing Skills6 Bound-State Perturbation and Corrections to Energy Levels7 Time-dependent Perturbation and Quantum Transitions8 Scattering Theory for Elastic Collisions9 Motion in a Magnetic Field10 Identical Particles and Pauli Exclusive PrincipleA Matrix and Vector SpaceB δ-functionC Confluent Hypergeometric FunctionD Orbitals for d-ElectronsE Lab Frame and Center-of-mass FrameF On an IntegralG Time Reversal and Kramers Degeneracy


版權(quán)頁:插圖:You have captured the basic concepts and solved, as main applications, several quantum mechanical problems exactly inprevious chapters. However, it happens often that an interesting and important physical problem is described by a Schrsdinger equation that can not be solved exactly. It is therefore inevitable to develop various skills (strategies or methods). An important and powerful method is called perturbation theory that refers to any situation in which a solution to an equation is analyzed by using an existing nearby solution as a reference, or even possibly by solving a nearby equation rather than the original equation. In order for perturbation theory to be applicable, one or more of the following items should be true: (i) The desired initial data should be close to the reference initial data.  (ii) The desired equation should be close to the reference equation. (iii) The time interval on which the analysis is performed should be small. In this chapter you are guided to learn a very useful method: time-independent perturbation theory for bound states.






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