
出版時(shí)間:2010-8  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:潘競(jìng)賢,張興龍  頁(yè)數(shù):217  






Chapter One History of Great Britain  Unit 1 The Origin of the English Nation  Unit 2 Britain and Roman Empire  Unit 3 Anglo-Saxon Britain  Unit 4 Rise and Fall ofDanish Rule in Britain  Unit 5 Norman Conquest  Unit 6 The Crusades and Richard the Lionheart  Unit 7 Charter and Parliament(1215-1485)  Unit 8 The Hundred Years'War(1337-1453)  Unit 9 The Wars ofRoses and the Tudor Monarchy  Unit 10 The Stuarts r1603-1649)  Unit 11 English Civil War(1642-1660)  Unit 12 Trade with China  Unit 13 Exploration in Oceania(1642-1820)  Unit 14 The British Empire in India,Africa and Latin America  Unit 15 Australia Britain's Colony for Expelling Theft Criminals  Unit 16 Industrial Revolution and Chartist Movement in Britain  Unit 17 The British Empire(1815-1913)Reached Its Height  Unit 18 Britain Withdrew from Palestine(1948-1949)  Unit 19 British Commonwealth(1914-1949)  Unit 20 British Government and Politics  Examination on Chapter OneChapter Two History of America  Unit 1 Ancient Civilization of America  Unit 2 Colonial America (]600-]700)  Unit 3 The Founding of the USA (]763-1789)  Unit 4 The End of Slavery (1792-1888)  Unit 5 American Civil War (186]-1865)  Unit 6 USA: the Plains Wars (1849-1913)  Unit 7 Further Immigration to America  Unit 8 The Great Depression (1929-1939)  Unit 9 The United Nations (1945-1948)  Unit 10 The End of the Cold War (1945-1989)  Unit 11 Space Exploration 0957-2000)  Unit 12 America and Wars in the Middle East  Unit 13 American Government and Politics  Unit 14 National Economy of the United States  Examinati on Chapter TwoChapter Three A Brief Introduction to Intercultural Business Communication  Unit 1 The European Union (EU) and Its Emblem  Unit 2 Trade Relationship between China and Western Countries in 2010 Shanghai Exposition  Unit 3 Trade Relationship between China and the United States  Unit 4 Trade Relationship between China and Canada  Unit 5 Trade Relationship between China and Central-South America  Unit 6 Chilean President Cuts Ribbon for Chile's Pavilion in Shanghai  Unit 7 China, Britain Develop Stronger Relations  Unit 8 China Has Become the Main Export Market for French Wine  Unit 9 Friendship between China and Italy since Qing Dynasty  Unit 10 Siemens Confident of Maglev Train Deal with China  Unit 11 China, Austria Seek Stronger Ties with Five Deals  Unit 12 Trade Relationship between China and Holland  Unit 13 Luxemburg, Green Heart of Europe  Unit 14 China-Denmark Trade Grows Fast  Unit 15 Trade Relationship between China and Sweden since 1730s  Unit 16 Switzerland Pavilion  Unit 17 Spain Pavilion and Its Culture  Unit 18 Deepened Trade and Economic Cooperation between China and Arab States  Unit 19 Israel Will Highlight Innovation in Its Pavilion  Unit 20 China-Singapore Economic Cooperation Forum  Unit 21 China and Japan's Relationship  Examination on Chapter ThreeChapter Four Intercultural Business Communication and Commerical  Unit 1 America Is Seeing a Challenge from China  Unit 2 EU-Comprehensive Strategic Partner of Cooperation  Unit 3 Regional Economic Cooperation to Seek Mutually Beneficial Win-win Situation  Unit 4 Multilateral Cooperation in Disaster Relief to Express Humanitarian Care  Unit 5 Current Global Economy  Unit 6 Mandarin Is Bound to Increase Its Global Influence


插圖:Crowell died in 1658 and his son succeeded him as Lord Protector, but complicatedcontradictions and power struggle soon forced his son to abdicate. This led to the formation of anew parliament composed of both Houses. The new parliament soon started negotiations with theson of Charles I. Subsequently, the son of Charles I mounted the throne and became known asCharles II, putting an end to the Commonwealth. Though Charles II dug out Croweil's remains toavenge his father, he was on the whole a man of shrewdness. He was in favor of cooperation withParliament because he knew that he owed his crown to Parliament. He supported religioustolerance instead of persecution. His practical attitude enabled England to experience anotherperiod of peace and develop.Upon the death of Charles II, his youngerbrother James succeeded the throne andbecame known as James II. He was unpopular,the Parliament decided to dethrone the king.They negotiated with James II's daughter Maryand son-in-law William to be joint sovereigns,with William known as William III. This wasthe so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688. Itwas also known as the White Revolution because it caused no bloodshed.







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