
出版時間:2010-1  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:薛樹仁 編  頁數(shù):322  




SECTION Ⅰ  Introduction to Molecular Medicine  1  Changes to Medica Practice in the Age of GenomicsSECTION Ⅱ  Decision,making in Clinical Medicine  2  Evidence-based MedicineSECTION Ⅲ  Cardiovascul ar Disease  3  Structure and Function df the Normal Heartand Blood Vessels   3.1  Heart   3.2  Circulation  4  Evaluation of the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease   4.1  Symotoms   4.2  Physicol examination   4.3  Examination of me neort  5  Diagnostic Tests and Procedures   5.1  Electrocordlogropnv   5.2  Echocord ograpnv  6  Coronary Heart Disease   6.1  Epidemiology of atnerosclerot c cordovoscu or disease   6.2  Coronor otneroscterosls   6.3  Stable angina pectorm(SAP)   6.4  Acute coronary synaromes(ACS)   6.5  Acute mvocardial inforction   6.6  Percutoneous coronory intervention  7  Heart Failure 8 Cardiac Arrhythmias   8.1  Definition   8.2  Svmotoms of cardiac arrnythmias   8.3  nvestigotion of arrhythmias   8.4  Brodycordias   8.5  Tachycordias   8.6  Extrastoles   8.7  Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter   8 8  Treatment of cordioc orrhythmias 9 Valvular Heart Disease   9.1  Mitra stenosis   9.2  Mitral regurg ration   9.3  Aortic stenosls   9.4  Aortic regurgitation   9.5  mricusola stenosls   9.6  Tricuspid regurcraion   9.7  Pulmonary valve disease  10  Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathy   10.1  MyocorditlS   10.2  Cardlomvopothy  11  Hypertension   11.1  Deflnitons ana clossificapon   11.2  Etiology   11.3  Pothopnyslology   11.4  Symotoms   11.5  Measuring blood Dressure   11.6  Subclin co organ domoge   11.7  dentifymg secondary causes of nypertension   11.8  Diagnosis   11.9  Treatment   11.10  Patients follow-up  12  Syncope SECTION Ⅳ  Pulmonary Disease  13  Acute Bronchitis  14  Pneumonia   14.1  Pneumococol pneumomo   14.2  Pneumomo, fungol   14.3  Pneumonio, virol  15  Bronchiectasis  16  Tuberculosis   16.1  Pnmory pulmonory tuberculosis   16.2  Postprimory pulmonory tuberculosm  17  Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease  18  Bronchial Asthma  19  Pulmonary Embolism  20  Pulmonary Hypertension   20.1  Secondory pulmonory ortery hypertension(SPAH)   20.2  Pulmory Pulmonory hypertension(PPH)  21  Interstitial Lung Disease  22  Disease of Pleura  23  Pneumothorax  24  Primary Bronchogenic Carcinoma  25  Respiratory FailureSECTION Ⅴ  Renal Disease  26  Structure and Function of the Kidney  27  Water and Electrolyte Metabolism  28  Approach to the Patient with Renal Disease  29  Acute Renal Failures  30  Chronic Kidney Disease  31  Glomerular Diseases  32  Major Nonglomerular Disorders  33  Vascular Disorders of KidneySECTION Ⅵ  Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease  34  Structure and Function of the Gut  35  Symptomatology of Gastrointestinal Disease  36  Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy  37  Peptic Ulcer Disease  38  Cirrhosis  39  Crohn's DiseaseSECTION Ⅶ  Endocrine and Metabolic Disorder  40  Diabetes Mellitus  41  ThyroiC Disease   41.1  Hypothyroldism   41.2  Thyrotoxicosis  42  DyslipidaemiaSECTION Ⅷ  Hematology    43  Anemias   43.1  Iron dehoency onemlo   43.2  Fouc ocid ond vitomiri B12 deficiency onemo   43.3  Aplostic onemio  44  Leukemias   44.1  The ocute leukemios   44.2  Chronic myelogenous leukemlo  45  Disorders of Hemostasis  46  Blood TransfusionsSECTION Ⅸ  Rheumatic Diseases  47  Rheumatic Disease  48  Rheumatoid Arthritis  49  Systemic Lupus Erythematosus


插圖:Given the great effort needed to define allelic variants contributing to complex disease, it isreasonable to ask whether such a large investment of resources is warranted. To be able to answer inthe affirmative, it is necessary to demonstrate that benefits will accrue to everyday medical practiceand patient health. Understanding genetic factors that contribute to disease could help establish amore rational basis for many aspects of patient care by providing deep insights into molecularpathogenesis and through improved molecular diagnostic tools that allow individually ,tailoredpreventive and/or therapeutic regimens.Better Understanding of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Despite the extraordinary advances in our understanding of the functions of cells and organsystems in states of health and disease, it is somewhat humbling that fewer than 5000 human geneshave been functionally characterized  many in only a cursory fashion. Clearly, it is difficult toprovide full descriptions of the ways in which disease processes perturb cellular function in the absenceof a comprehensive catalogue of genes that are either affected by these disease processes or.areinvolved in the response to disease. The Human Genome Project provide, such a catalogue, gi~,ing acomplete description of the DNA and protein sequences of all of these genes.





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