
出版時間:2009-10  出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社  作者:盛湘君 主編,方瑞 分冊主編  頁數(shù):216  


人類生活,無論是物質(zhì)的還是精神的,始終是發(fā)生在特定的文化背景與氛圍之中,而文化反過來又影響和制約人們的所思所為。文化教給我們?nèi)绾慰创澜?,如何判斷美丑,如何區(qū)分正誤,如何待人接物,如何傳情達意。文化因素隱含在我們生活的各個方面,小到怎樣見面打招呼,大到如何處理國際事務(wù)。由于文化和語言上的差別,互相了解不是一件容易的事,不同文化問的交流常常會遇到困難,因此在進行語言學(xué)習(xí)的同時,更應(yīng)該注重對文化的學(xué)習(xí),只有這樣才能培養(yǎng)、提高跟不同文化背景的人進行交際的能力,也就是我們常說的跨文化交際能力??缥幕浑H是一個包括語言、文化、社會、心理等因素在內(nèi)的相互聯(lián)系、相互滲透的綜合系統(tǒng),交際雙方的語言行為和交流方式均受到雙方的文化背景的影響和制約。如果中國的英語學(xué)習(xí)者用英語跟以英語為母語的人交流,他需要盡可能多地了解以英語為母語的人們在交際中所遵循的規(guī)則和準(zhǔn)則,以及隱含在這些規(guī)則和準(zhǔn)則背后的社會文化,尤其是民族文化心理、價值觀等因素,才能確保交際的順利進行。    文化與交際不是孤立地研究某一民族、某一群體的文化,而是專門研究文化接觸、碰撞、摩擦、;中突、滲透及有效交際的策略。通過對不同文化特點的研究,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn)并解釋交際行為的多樣性和復(fù)雜性;另一方面,也可以通過對某個群體的交際方式或生活方式的具體描述,揭示該群體的文化特征。因此,文化與交際從本質(zhì)上講是探討文化與交際相輔相成的關(guān)系,是為了解決處于不同文化背景中的人們在交際中出現(xiàn)的矛盾與問題。


Unit 1 Introduction引言   1.1 Warm-up  1.2 Understanding Culture  1.3 Understanding Communication  1.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 2 Daily Life日常生活  2.1 Warm-up  2.2 Chinese in an American Eye  2.3 How to Tell If You're an American  2.4 Getting along with Middle Easterners  2.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 3 Transportations and Travel交通與旅游  3.1 Warm-up  3.2 Transportation in the US  3.3 Transportation in China  3.4 Travel Tips in the United States  3.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 4 Religions宗教  4.1 Warm-up  4.2 Religion: A Study of Society  4.3 Christianity: Creation of the World  4.4 Islam: Muslim Internet Matchmaking  4.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 5 Social Problem社會問題  5.1 Warm-up  5.2 Air Pollution Hurts India's Rice Crop  5.3 Family Violence and Abuse  5.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 6 School Education學(xué)校教育  6.1 Warm-up  6.2 British Public Schools  6.3 Higher Education in the US and Canada  6.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 7 Campus Life校園生活  7.1 Warm-up  7.2 Campus Accommodation  7.3 Taking Part-time Jobs  7.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 8 Familial Relationship家庭關(guān)系  8.1 Warm-up  8.2 Love and Marriage  8.3 Parents and Children  8.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 9 Social Relationship社會關(guān)系  9.1 Warm-up  9.2 Friendliness or Friendship  9.3 Neighborhood  9.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 10 Business Etiquette商務(wù)禮儀  10.1 Warm-up  10.2 Business Card Etiquette  10.3 Cell Phone Etiquette  10.4 Gift giving Etiquette  10.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 11 Body Language肢體語言  11.1 Warm-up  11.2 The Culture of Body Language  11.3 Silence  11.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 12 Food Culture飲食文化  12.1 Warm-up  12.2 Phoenix Feet, Drunken Shrimp, and Sparrow on a Stick  12.3 Indian Eating Habits  12.4 Supplementary Reading I  12.5 Supplementary Reading IIUnit 13 National Costumes民族服裝  13.1 Warm-up  13.2 Scottish National Dress  13.3 Appropriate Dress in the Middle East  13.4 Blue Jeans  13.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 14 Clothing and Appearance服裝和容貌  14.1 Warm-up  14.2 Clothing and Cultural Values  14.3 Appearance and Judgments of Beauty  14.4 Business Dress  14.5 Supplementary ReadingUnit 15 Countries國家  15.1 Warm-up  15.2 History and Pop Culture of the United States  15.3 Life of a Euro  15.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 16 Cities城市  16.1 Warm-up  16.2 New York City and the Statue of Liberty  16.3 Dubai  16.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 17 Western Festivals西方節(jié)日  17.1 Warm-up  17.2 Christmas: The Biggest Holiday for Christians  17.3 Easter: To Welcome Spring Together  17.4 Supplementary ReadingUnit 18 Eastern Festivals東方節(jié)日  18.1 Warm-up  18.2 Ramadan and Eid AI-Fitr  18.3 Sesi——Korean Seasonal Customs  18.4 Supplementary Reading參考文獻


  10) Do not wipe off your cup or silverware in a restaurant. They are clean. If you see that they are not clean, ask the waiter or waitress for a new one.  11) Never bring a friend with you to a party or dinner——unless you have asked the host / hostess if it is okay.  12) If you are a student, do not address your school teacher as "teacher". Call him by name.  For example, Professor Brown, Mr. Smith, Ms. Jones.  13) If you sneeze in public, cover your mouth and say "excuse me".  14) Always be on time——between 5 minutes early and 5 minutes late, no more.  15) If you say that you will attend something——attend! Dont say "yes" to be nice and then not show up.  16) If for some reason you cannot attend, call the host ahead of time to explain.  17) Before 8 a.m. and after 9 p.m., be quiet. No loud TV or radio.  18) When moving out of your dorm room or apartment, leave it clean. Always leave a place even cleaner than you found it——people will have fond memories of you.  19) Never throw trash on the ground or out of a window——it is illegal.  20) Buy trash bags for your trash and put it out only at the appointment time at the right place.



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