出版時間:2009-9 出版社:浙江大學出版社 作者:余霞 頁數(shù):100
《新課標培優(yōu)專項通·英語隨身讀》系列叢書是面向中學生的一套閱讀輔助教材。初中每年級一冊,共三冊;高中每學期一冊,共六冊。入選的文章體裁多樣,有對話、記敘、論說、說明、書信、廣告等;題材廣泛,涵蓋文化、教育、歷史、地理、科技、經(jīng)濟、友情、親情、校園生活等。具有趣味性、時代性、可思性,與學生的學習、生活密切相關。每篇閱讀配有少量形式多樣的練習,以增進英語的習得。既可提高學生英語素養(yǎng),又能增強學生的應試能力?! ”緝允恰缎抡n標培優(yōu)專項通·英語隨身讀》系列叢書的第二冊,主要面向初中二年級的學生。全書包括十三個單元,共十三個主題,每個主題都和初中二年級的課本內(nèi)容相關。同時,每個單元由三到五篇材料組成,既有簡短的對話,也有令人捧腹大笑的幽默故事、膾炙人口的神話傳說,更有增進知識的說明性文章。每段材料后配備了是非題、填空題、連線題、選擇題等形式多樣的練習,幫助檢測學生的閱讀理解。所有材料短小精悍,又引人入勝,是初二學生提高詞匯量、擴展知識面、培養(yǎng)英語學習興趣的好幫手?! 】傮w而言,閱讀理解能力包含以下幾個方面:(1)理解文章的主旨和要義;(2)理解文章的具體信息;(3)根據(jù)上下文推斷生詞的詞義;(4)依據(jù)文章做出簡單的判斷和推理;(5)理解文章的基本結構;(6)理解作者的意圖、觀點和態(tài)度。在閱讀及做相應練習時,要注意以上能力的培養(yǎng)和運用。另外,必須注意的是:答題總是以文章為依據(jù),這就是說,答案要在文章中找到根據(jù)。
How to Read English Effectively英鉻閱讀技巧突破 UNIT 1 Animals動物 Text 1 Crooked Jackal無恥的豺狼 Text 2 Dolphins海豚 Text 3 A Lion and a Little Mouse一只獅子和一只小老鼠 Text 4 The Talking Mule會說話的騾子 Text 5 UNIT 2 Food食物 Text 1 Eat Healthy健康飲食 Text 2 Making Lemonade制檸檬水 Text 3 Jack and the Cake杰克和蛋糕 Text 4 The Lovely Banana可愛的香蕉 UNIT 3 Sports運動 Text 1 Being in Good Shape保持好的身體狀況 Text 2 Special Experience with Baseball非凡的棒球經(jīng)歷 Text 3 Friendship in Taekwondo跆拳道中的友誼 Text 4 UNIT 4 Famous People in the World名人 Text 1 A Great Runner一位長跑健將 Text 2 Voice from Heaven天籟之音 Text 3 Tom Cruise湯姆·克魯斯 UNIT 5 Shopping購物 Text 1 Black Friday黑色星期五 Text 2 Online Shopping Tips網(wǎng)購小提示 Text 3 Shopping for Bargains買便宜貨 Text 4 Supermarket Encounter超市奇遇 UNIT 6 Family家庭 Text 1 The Soup Family蘇普一家 Text 2 Home Alone:Are You Ready?獨自留守在家,你準備好了嗎? Text 3 The Five Brothers五兄弟 Text 4 Sibling Rivalry同胞競爭 UNIT 7 Festival節(jié)日 Text 1 April Fool's Day愚人節(jié) Text 2 World Children's Day&International Children's Day世界兒童日和國際兒童節(jié) Text 3 Molly's Easter Hen莫莉的復活節(jié)母雞 Text 4 Arbor Day植樹節(jié) UNIT 8 Health健康 Text 1 Hospitals Can Make You Sick醫(yī)院里的潛在致病因素 Text 2 Heart Disease心臟病 Text 3 Being a Fit Kid做一個健康的孩子 Text 4 Sara's Upset Stomach薩拉腸胃不適 UNIT 9 About School Life學校生活 Text 1 A School Girl Sues Her School女學生起訴學?! ext 2 Dance with Me和我一起跳舞 Text 3 Slower than a Snail比蝸牛還慢 UNIT 10 Career職業(yè) Text 1 What I Want to Be in the Future我的理想職業(yè) Text 2 Entrepreneur to Restaurant Waitress從企業(yè)家到餐廳服務員 Text 3 A Job Interview應聘面試 Text 4 UNIT 11 Vacation度假 Text 1 Planning for Trips計劃旅游 Text 2 Five Days’Travel in Tokyo東京五日游 Text 3 My Trip to Japan游在日本 Text 4 A Visit to Asia亞洲之旅 UNIT 12 Invitation邀請函 Text 1 Text 2 Come to My Birthday Party生日聚會邀請 Text 3 Planning Your Child's Birthday Party計劃孩子的生日聚會 Text 4 UNIT 13 The Universe宇宙 Text 1 What Do We Know about the Moon?你了解月亮嗎? Text 2 Water in Different Forms水的不同形態(tài) Text 3 Greenhouse Effect溫室效應KEY to Test Yourself自我測評答案
Celine Dion was born in the small town of Charlemagne, Quebec, with a singing voice that her mother At the age of five she was performing for anyone who would listen. In 1980 her mother took her to manager Rene Angelil, who believed in her voice at once. In 1981 they released her first record in French, La Voix du bon Dieu (The Voice of God in English). It made her the star in Quebec. The following year she won the gold medal at the Tokyo World Song Festival. In 1987 she produced the album Incognito, which became a huge success. By winning the contest in Dublin, Ireland on April 30th, 1988, she received a large boost to her career in Europe. Her first English-language album was Unison (1990). In late 1993, she told the world for the first timethat she was in love with her manager, Rene Angelil. Then they were engaged, and she married him in 1994. The wedding was broadcast on television across Canada. Dion has sold around 175,000,000 albums, making her the best-selling female artist of all time.