出版時(shí)間:2009-9 出版社:浙江大學(xué)出版社 作者:李煒 頁數(shù):192
《英語實(shí)訓(xùn)教程——視聽說》(分基礎(chǔ)篇與進(jìn)階篇)以語言規(guī)范、內(nèi)容實(shí)用、操作性強(qiáng)為原則,圍繞求職面試、工作就業(yè)、公平競爭等英語常見話題,選取英美電影中的適當(dāng)片段,讓學(xué)生有針對性地進(jìn)行視聽說練習(xí),提高學(xué)生的英語應(yīng)用能力。材料剪輯情景完整,語言原汁原味,配有英文原稿并隨書提供視頻材料光盤;此外,材料剪輯語速適中,可理解性強(qiáng),便于課堂操作和學(xué)生接受。與同類教材相比,本《視聽說》教程特點(diǎn)如下: ●突出聽說技能的培養(yǎng),注意練習(xí)和模仿的并進(jìn); ●內(nèi)容選擇經(jīng)過實(shí)際教學(xué)環(huán)節(jié)的檢驗(yàn),符合學(xué)生需要; ●精心選取40部有代表性的英語電影剪輯,語言原汁原味,充分展現(xiàn)英語文化; ●影片剪輯完整,語言適合學(xué)生進(jìn)行視聽說練習(xí); ●主題式單元設(shè)計(jì)配合完整的視頻剪輯材料,課堂操作性強(qiáng); ●圖文并茂,材料生動(dòng)有趣,能激發(fā)學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)興趣?! 队⒄Z實(shí)訓(xùn)教程——視聽說(基礎(chǔ)篇)》共分10個(gè)單元,每個(gè)單元以兩部電影為素材,由導(dǎo)入(Warm-up)、基于兩部電影主題片段的語言活動(dòng)(MovieOne,MovieTwo)、與單元內(nèi)容相關(guān)的課外欣賞(After-classAppreciation)和語音練習(xí)(RhythmandIntonation)四大部分組成。具體如下: Warm-up為導(dǎo)入部分,包括圖片選擇題、與主題相關(guān)的簡單討論、內(nèi)容討論等,旨在通過開放式的相關(guān)話題的練習(xí),激發(fā)學(xué)生的興趣,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生積極思考。 MovieOne和MovieTwo包含電影簡介PlotSummary的聽力選擇填空,兩至四個(gè)電影片斷,每個(gè)片斷之后有豐富的聽說練習(xí)。
本教材內(nèi)容豐富,形式多樣。編寫了選擇、判斷、聽力填空、問答、模仿、角色扮演等多種形式;注重創(chuàng)造良好的語言環(huán)境,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的基本聽說能力。 本教材視聽內(nèi)容豐富,教師可以根據(jù)實(shí)際情況選擇全部內(nèi)容或挑選感興趣、易操作的內(nèi)容。教材可供一個(gè)學(xué)期使用,每個(gè)單元一般可以安排2~4個(gè)學(xué)時(shí)。通過使用本教材培養(yǎng)了學(xué)生基本的英語聽說技能后,可以選擇《英語實(shí)訓(xùn)教程——視聽說(進(jìn)階篇)》,進(jìn)一步提高學(xué)生的英語實(shí)用技能。 本教程既可供高職高專非英語專業(yè)學(xué)生選修課使用,也可供英語專業(yè)學(xué)生必修課使用。《基礎(chǔ)篇》要求學(xué)生掌握高中以上的詞匯量,初步具備一定的聽說能力。 《英語實(shí)訓(xùn)教程》總主編為盛湘君。本冊主編李煒,副主編孔明。劉青、朱靜嫻、錢麗莉、吳忠齊參與了本書的編寫,并由美籍教師Greg Halak校稿。本書的錄音由美國語言專家Dr.John Meny先生和Tara Vail女士朗讀。
UNIT1 卡通 Warm-up Movie One: The Muppets' Wizard of Oz Movie Two: Finding Nemo After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT2 超能力 Warm-up Movie One: Enchanted Movie Two: Next After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT3 女孩故事 Warm-up Movie One: Legally Blonde Movie Two: The Parent Trap After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT4 音樂情懷 Warm-up Movie One: August Rush Movie Two: High School Musical After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT5 愛 Warm-up Movie One: Sweet Nothing in My Ear Movie Two: 50 First Dates After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT6 住宿與用餐 Warm-up Movie One: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Movie Two: Pretty Woman After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT7 職業(yè) Warm-up Movie One: Good Will Hunting Movie Two: Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT8 保護(hù)地球 Warm-up Movie One: The Simpsons Movie Two: An Inconvenient Truth After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT9 節(jié)日 Warm-up Movie One: The Polar Express Movie Two: Friends--The One with the Halloween Party After-class Appreciation Rhythm and IntonationUNIT10 家庭與財(cái)富 Warm-up Movie One:The Family Man Movie Two:The Bucket List After-class Appreciation Rhythm and Intonation
1. Listen to this letter written by Sullivan Ballou, who was a soldier during the American Civil War, It was written to his wife just a week before he was killed. If l do not return, my dear Sarah, never forget how much 1 love you, nor that when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Forgive my many faults and the many pains I have caused you. How thoughtless, how foolish 1 have sometimes been. But, oh Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they love, l shall always be with you in the brightest days and in the darkest nights. Always. Always. And when the soft breeze fans your cheeks, it shall be my breath; and as the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by. Sarah, do not mourn me dead: think I am gone and wait for me, for we shall meet again. 5.2 Movie One: Sweet Nothing in My Ear 5.2.1 Plot Summary 1. Listen to the plot summary of Sweet Nothing in My Ear and fill in each of the following blanks to complete the passage. Dan and Laura Miller have been married happily for several years, but their relationship begins to change when their only son, Adam, loses his hearing at the age of four. At first his parents accept his change because Laura is also deaf. Dan begins to explore the idea that with surgery and special ear implants Adam may be able to hear once again. A disagreement between Dan and Laura starts when Dan wants the surgery, but Laura does not. They take their dispute to a child custody court. In the end they decide to work things out on their own and stay together as a family.